Less than 3 days left for writing contest!

in #nth-society7 years ago


I'm running a little creative writing contest to generate some ideas for the Nth Society game. The full details are here (and the rules below) but the short version is that you should write a few hundred words imagining a day in the life of a character in the game.

There are less than 3 days left

The contest ends on March 9th at 00:00 hrs UTC, so that's in approximately 2.5 days.

Because it's an open world game it could be a bit daunting to come up with ideas since it could be anything. But consider that the goal of the game is to kind of find a new life, which is one of the oldest kinds of stories in the book. The general setting is about striving for free society. What that means to each person is going to be different, and that's a good thing.

It could be a kind of frontiering scenario, where a person or group of people are trying to forge their own way in new lands. Or within a city that is corrupt and on the brink of disaster. Or a wandering sage who is just looking to see what way people have arranged their lives and is looking for inspiration. The story could focus on a moment of calm, or of tension. It's really up to you.

Why you should enter (even if you're hesitant to)

Prizes! 💸 🤑

That's right! There are three prizes of 8 SBD for the best three stories, and 4 SBD to three other notable mentions. That's over $120 worth of SBD at the value right now. These prizes are judged by @tarazkp who is a great writer and thinker.

Contributing to an awesome game!

The Nth Society game is a project which is being developed by several people (including me) and so far the ideas are really cool and it is in active development. By entering the competition you are contributing to this great project and doing something really needed, trying to figure out the tone, style and potential narrative goals of the game.

In development it's easy to get narrow vision of what we can do instead of thinking about what we should do and what players actually want. Imagining the world feeds into game design, graphic design, etc. because although the game will be open world, you cannot promote everything. This will help us to find out what to focus on first.


I promise to get a discussion going on the various entries when the competition is over on our Discord. You can join too and discuss with us. I can't promise that everyone will agree on the story or what to do with it but that's all part of the process.

For yourself

We all know that's what it's really about right? Writing is great and little contests can be nice motivators to put digital pen to digital paper. If you are not a very confident writer don't let that stop you, you never know what people will think. And in any case it's great to practice and take the leap to show people your work publicly.

If you're a more serious writer, perhaps you only write for a proper fee or don't really like competitions. If that's the case please consider it anyway, I see a place in the Nth Society team for dedicated writers. We should never lose sight of the fact that by playing such a game it generates stories.

Important: the rules

You should read the initial contest statement but here are the rules again as it's important to make sure all entries go by them.

  1. Short stories must be in English.
  2. Your entry must be made in a post with first tag #nth-society and second tag #narrative.
  3. The closing date is March 9th at 00:00 hrs UTC
  4. Short stories must be between 400 and 600 words.
  5. Short stories must be original, and never published before.
  6. One entry per person.
  7. Let me repeat that rule 2: use these tags in this order or your entry will not be considered: #nth-society #narrative
  8. If it needs it, you should use the #nsfw tag. Failure to do so on a clearly NSFW story will disqualify you

Good luck!

I hope you enter! And if you do, good luck, I know the @tarazkp and I will have fun reading your entries, as will the rest of contributors to this great in-progress game.



This is a really cool idea. As a writer who is starting to dip my toe into fiction, this would be an interesting challenge, well see if i can cook something up :-)

Awesome, looking forward to your entry! Thanks 😊

I did my best with this entry, i hope its enough and you see it as a valid entry.

can the stories be over 600 words?

No sorry, as the rules state it must be between 400 and 600 words

ok. great!!

I wasn't sure whether I was up to this challenge but feel I have managed to write something of worth if not relevance!

Here is my entry ~ THE ROAD TO LOVE. I hope it is of value.

I also whipped up a wee illustration for the fun of it :)

Open Road Woman and Dog.jpg

Thanks for laying down the gauntlet!

And wishing all well.


Awesome, thank you!

fabulous one. love to read it

waow sounds interesting