in #food7 years ago

Deep down in South Texas, you may encounter a most peculiar food… the Pickadilly.

I am not sure if it exists elsewhere, since I have only found them in South Texas, but please let us know if you have found any of these anywhere else. These are some amazing, cold treats and if I am able to pick them up elsewhere I'd like to know where.

What in the World is a “Pickadilly?”

To start with, I will have to tell you what a raspa is, if you don’t already know, because you need a raspa to make a Pickadilly. Basically, a raspa is like a snow cone, slush puppy, or shaved ice. All of these are basically cold drinks made from tiny pieces of ice with a flavoring added to them.

Down in South Texas, the name on the street for this type of treat is raspa. Often, Kool-Aid is the flavoring used in many Raspa Stands. Basically, it is a quick and easy way to keep cool in a delicious manner, and many people take advantage of the convenience of the Raspa Stands frequently. We sure like to.


To make a Pickadilly, Dill Pickle is added to the Raspa. Yes, you heard me correctly, Dill Pickle!

I know that at this point I may have lost some of you, unless you are a pregnant woman, but hear me out. The pickle is chopped into little pieces and then added to the top of the raspa, with a little flavoring sprinkled on top. I know that this seems like a very weird food, and I’m not saying that it isn’t. I’m just saying that we have been enjoying them for years.

Perhaps because the school color for Weslaco, Texas is purple, I’ve only actually had Grape flavored Pickadillys. (At least I think that is the reason.) You can order them in other flavors, but we always have gone for the purple and green, with the purple being the grape Kool-Aid flavored raspa and the green being the chopped up Dill Pickle on top of it.


For @mama-peppper, she grew up enjoying these cool treats all summer long in South Texas. As I looked into the history of this food and tried to find the origin, I came up empty. I do not know where it came from, but I am thinking that perhaps a pregnant woman may have been involved. I can't be sure, but that is my hunch.

Since we do not have raspa stands in Northern Arkansas that sell Pickadilly's, I figured that we had better let the @little-pepper enjoy some while we were in Texas.

Although the treat was different and new to them, they enjoyed them quite a bit. Separately, they have enjoyed things like snow cones and pickles for years, so now they were able to enjoy the flavor combination as contained in the Pickadilly.


Have you ever heard of a Pickadilly before or gotten the chance to enjoy one? Would you ever try to make your own just to see what it tastes like?

We have enjoyed them for years and hopefully will get the chance again soon. They are very good with elotes too.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Hello @papa-pepper. I translated this post in Russian. Translation here: . Thank you! A very interesting recipe, such a contrast of taste is interesting not only to pregnant women ...

Oo! I'm going to read the Russian @papa-pepper ! :-)

ahahahahah "Unless you are a pregnant woman"
You know I'm from Texas and never even heard of a pickadilly! Though I haven't even bought anything form a store let alone a restaurant in 12 years.....

That seems absolutely disgusting! I hate sweet pickles so it seems like that but with koolaid flavoring. I'm all over the elotes though.

We have something similar here called "Raspados". The ice is flavored with various fruit syrups or condensed milk or sour spicy lemon/mango/watermelon salty syrups. I would actually try the pickle one haha Enjoy!

I have never heard of this before and honestly not sure if I'd try it if I ever seen a stand. I love dill pickles and I love slushee but not sure together 😕 I'm with you on the whole pregnant woman theory tho!

I love salted and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. In our country is one of the favorite dishes. And the brine too we all love=))

Divine taste=)))))))

If that is salt with no vinegar...left for 20 days or more? Then that is also very healthy!! Bio-active like yogurt...good stuff for your gut!

I agree. Have you tried, @em3? Salted cucumbers are prepared quickly. And strongly salted cucumbers and tomatoes can be stored for a year=))

We did a lot of salt brine cucumber and okra pickles last year and the year before. I love the taste, and my kids too!!

Woooww! Cool!!=)))

Looks yummy ! thank you for sharing !!👍👍👍👍
Upvoted !

You can get them here in the Kansas City Metro area. Pickles in kool-aid is actually really popular, though why I can't fathom. You can actually buy pickles in jars of kool-aid in grocery stores throughout much of Missouri.

Really, how have I never noticed that?

I have no idea. Even just the smell of pickles makes me sick. Has ever since I was a little kid. And the neighbor kids were obsessed with the pickles jarred in kool-aid and exploited their ability to make me ill. So maybe I'm just highly aware of pickles?

I can't remember what brands sell them. I just remember seeing them in stores when I was a kid. I make it a point to not frequent the aisles with pickles as an adult, as it seems someone always manages to break open at least a single pickle jar while I'm in the aisle.

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