see you again my friend (khalil kifran)

in #story7 years ago

see you again my friend .. My prayer is in heaven. Khalil kifran .. friend is a person who always there when we are hard and happy. Remembered in childhood you always been with me to play together, bathe together, cry together and always be together at every moment.




Sampai ketemu lagi kawanku.. Doaku menyertaimu di surga. Khalil kifran..sahabat adalah orang yang selalu ada disaat kita susah maupun senang. Teringat disaat masa kecil dulu engkau selalu bersamaku bermain bersama, mandi bersama, menangis bersama dan selalu bersama disetiap saat.


You are my best friend, no man as well as you. Even when I'm angry you always let me down. Many of the memories we have been through together, wherever we are there there is a joke of laughter between us. remember a memory when we are still in one unity Scout, you always support all my decision even though it heavy [of] your heart.

Engkau merupakan sahabat terbaikku,tidak ada manusia sebaik engkau. Bahkan disaat aku marah kamu selalu menyabarkanku. Banyak kenangan yang telah kita lalui bersama, dimana saja kita berada pasti disitu ada canda tawa antara kita. teringat suatu kenangan ketika kita masih dalam satu kesatuan pramuka,engkau selalu mendukung segala keputusanku walaupun itu berat dihatimu.



2 january 2017 at 02.00am you go for good. You go so fast my friend, many things I want to do with you, enjoy old time together, but now only memories, you leave me alone. See you again my friend, calm you there, god is with you.


2 januari 2017 jam 02.00am engkau pergi untuk selamanya. Engkau pergi begitu cepat kawanku, banyak hal yang ingin aku lakukan bersamamu,menikmati waktu tua bersama, tapi kini hanya tinggal kenangan, engkau tinggalkan aku sendiri. Sampai jumpa lagi kawanku,tenanglah engkau disana,tuhan menyertaimu.


God bless you my friend..


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