THE SHOPPING GAME : 19/07/2020 - Steem Better For Shopping For Goods & Worth More Than Paying Bills

in #theshoppinggame4 years ago


At first I thought that I was doing Steem for fun, paying Bills ( Light bills & Water bills) and that ends it. I was playing lackadaisical attitudes of inconsistency. Lately when I saw that my SP is building up, I could influence some Steemians work and get curation rewards, my posts reaching higher recognition and all that, I began to realise that mentality is neither here nor there . It's rather high time investment than what I thought initially. It's not just for pay bills and making fun. If I strive hard I could even use to build and furnish my dream house. Today, the dream of "Steem tokens" not just for paying bills is just coming true. This happened when today I converted my little Steem tokens worth 162Steem to Bitcoin of $0.003 plus which gave me Ghc 168.00. Every month my bills are not up to Ghc 70.00 . This tokens is even my weekly payout. Most of my earnings are used to power up. So, if I have some difficult that needs some small tokens of Steem to solve, what prevents me to do so. The Steem I'm getting weekly is more than my bill cost monthly, and that is what I'm talking about. If I subtract my bills cost, the surplus can be used to cater for other things.

Today is Saturday weekend, and most Banks aren't working on weekends, especially my Banks - Standard Chartered Bank Limited. Life becomes boring on weekends when you don't have any cash with you. But, having Steem, I had no problem. After I had swapped my Steem for Btc to my Btc wallet using the, I quickly exchanged for my Ghana Cedis using This is one of our local app I normally rely on for my exchanges. Now, I had my Ghc 168.00 in my Mobile money wallet to cash out. I needed few items to be bought, but didn't have any cash with me. I just smile any thought when in mind when one is having the second option like Steem. I quickly rushed to a nearby MTN Vendor called "King Jesus Ventures," and cashed out my Ghana Cedis.



I needed not to come to the house for my wife to come and buy these items. I knew what we need to use during this weekends: "full chicken, tomatoes paste, groundnut paste, ginger, fresh tomatoes, rice, cassava, cocoyam, palm nuts and hair food."

The first item for me to buy was the frozen chicken. I have my special place of buying this item, that's Bro. Atta Cold Store. His meats and fishes are affordable compared to other cold store.



I requested for 3.5 pounds of broiler Chicken. This cost Gh c 20.00 which in Dollar gives you $3.4. Covert that to Steem gives you $23.6 Steem. I told Brother Atta to chop the chicken into pieces for me, since I was going to use for soup. He began to cut it into pieces in the display here:


He package the chopped chicken nicely into a container for me.


I settled him and collected my change. I was lucky that there were few people here.



At the opposite of the cold store, when you cross the road, there was a woman selling some ingredients. I just wanted groundnut paste, ginger, fresh tomatoes and tomatoes paste. When I come here and want to buy ingredients I use to come here. She sells them on a table. I came here and bought all the items I have mentioned. All these ingredients cost Ghc 10.00, which is equivalent to $1.7 Dollars, convert that to Steem gives you $11.8



Then I came to "Nyame Na Ay3" Enterprise. I often but from this woman since she is very friendly. Mostly her items are costly, but she sells quality items here. She sells a lot of things here; rice, tin tomatoes, oil , drinks, diapers, soaps, tin fishes and many other things. I came here for one purpose, to buy 5kg "CIC" rice. Last time when I bought "Royal Aroma" from one store, the taste wasn't good for me that is why have decided to change the brand and see the difference. The Royal aroma rice cost Ghc 35.00, but the "CIC" rice is Ghc 40.00, that is $6.8 Dollars, convert that to Steem is $47.2 Steem.




Here, I was a little confused, since the woman was having two types of "CIC" rice, the same quantity of 5kg, but one is Ghc 60.00 and what I bought was Ghc 40.00. So, I was interrogating the woman why all that happenings. But she explained that it was because of different companies producing it and the package too.


I finally gave her Ghc 50.00 where she exchanged for me with Ghc 10. By then, her daughter had already packaged the "CIC" rice for me.


My hair food too had gotten finished. I needed to buy hair food. I came to the shop I last bought my body pomade. I requested for precious hair food. The price Ghc 5/ $ 0.85 Dollar/ $5.9 Steem



On my way to the house, I met a girls who was selling our local kenkey made with sugar. She has added roasted groundnut. One is for Ghc 1 so I bought 2 and two packaged roasted groundnut cost Ghc 1. In all, they cost Ghc 3.00, that's 0.51 Dollars, convert it to Steem is 3.54 Steem.


I came to the house when my young boy was waiting for me at the entrance of the gate. He insisted to go with me, but I was in hurry. I wanted to go with them for the second time when I take them to shave their hair.


I took the kids took barbering shop. This is close to Bro Atta Cold Store. It's just opposite. My daughter, my son and I were here to share our hair. There were few people here waiting to shave their hair. Here is just interesting, since there is nice flat screen TV, they were watching some horror film. That is what my kids like.



The Barber is just good, when I was in my formal house, I used to shave my hair here. Instead of the Barber collecting Ghc 14.00 for the 3 of us, he collected Gh c 10.00, that's $1.7 Dollars, convert to Steem gives 11.8 Steem.

Food has now become very scarce so with little money that I have I always want to use to buy food stuff. Nearly to my house, I came and met some nice food items here: cassava, cocoyam and palm but. I had to buy them to add to the ones in the house. I told my kids to wait while I purchase those items. The cassava cost Ghc 5/ $0.85 Dollars/ $5.9 Steem. The cocoyam cost Ghc 10.00 /$1.7 Dollars / $11.8 Steem. The palm but cost Ghc 1/ $017 Dollars / $1.18 Steem





Summary of items purchased & their total cost


  1. The Frozen chicken =Ghc 20.00/$3.4 Dollar/ $23.6 Steem

  2. Ground nut paste, tomatoes paste, ginger, fresh tomatoes = Ghc 10.00/ $1.7 Dollars/$11.8 Steem

  3. CIC rice = Ghc 40.00/$6.8 Dollars/ $47.2 Steem

  4. Precious hair food= Ghc 5/ $ 0.85 Dollar/ $5.9 Steem

  5. Kenkey & groundnut= Ghc 3.00/ 0.51 Dollars/ 3.54 Steem.

  6. Cassava, cocoyam & palm nut= Ghc 16/ $2.72 Dollars / $18.88 Steem.

Grand total= "Ghc 94.00/ $15.98 Dollars /$110.92 Steem"

That was how my shopping game went. And I think looking at this calculations of items bought Steem tokens is worth more than paying your Bills. I actually don't know how much each Country is levied on their Bills. But we should clear off that mentality and rate Steem high. Steem is landing well. I assured you I have tested to see. Thanks for joining me in my shopping game, it's cheerio for now!



How nice to be able to accompany you on your shopping day.

Happy that you were able to buy these foods, what a big package of rice with 5 kilos you have rice for several days.

What I liked most about your publication is knowing that steemit generates so much well-being in your life, I see that compared to salary steemit is worth spending time on, I want to see everything you buy to furnish and decorate your house.


Thanks very much for your comment. Actually Steemit is one of the best investment package.

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The Steemit Team

This is yet another great shopping day in Ghana by our very own Steemian. I also agree with your beliefs and thoughts about steem. It is indeed still under-valued. I am also glad to be accumulating some steem out of quality content creation through participating in the various Contests and challenges run by the steem team.

Woow...Chicken on the shopping list. In Africa, most families buy chicken occasionally for special days like Sunday. Was that to be taken on Sunday?

Food prices are generally unstable during this lock-down, therefore its not a surprise to find prices of some food items in the market way higher than the normal ones.

Thanks so much for consistently taking part in #theshoppinggame.

I wish you all the best.

You are right, I remember in my young age, we used to eat chicken soup in Christmas time, when the live fowl would be slaughtered for meal like Fufu or rice. Now, it's common to get chicken in cold stores for meals. Thanks for everything you said here and your daily support for my posts.

Thank you for commenting on this post.

You have won a Lucky 10 upvote.

The Steemit Team

Congratulations, you are a winner in The Shopping Game.

Here is an extra upvote to cover the cost of your shopping.

The Steemit Team

Thanks very much for your great support.

It seems like a busy shopping day for you. What I can see is that CIC is good in quality as per your experience, but the cost is a little more. Here the cost is relatively cheaper as that is locally produced.

What you said about the Steem ecosystem is totally true. Most of the people join here either for fun, or for money, but at some point, they go inconsistent. My argument is that "if you make your engagement consistent here, the outcomes will come easy and full of fun and entertaining". Not to mention Steem Blockchain always promised a paycheck weekly instead of monthly.

I also joined here 2 years back, but for the first time in the last two years, I find something as easy as writing a diary or posting your shopping day..aka..lowering the barrier to entry. I personally believe this to be the game-changer as the common average internet user can find it easy to engage, which was completing missing earlier or no one has ever initiated such things in the past.

Happy to see your journey to be fulfilling in Steem Blockchain.

Happy shopping day.

Steem on.

Thank you very much!, Indeed to reality is what you have said. If you play it consistently, you will see the quick result, but if you relax you wouldn't see the impact. Thanks once for your support and good comment.

My pleasure.

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