Monogamy – A Failed Approach To A Happy Long-Term Relationship?

in #life7 years ago

Get your seat belts buckled, today we are getting controversial...

Before we dive into todays topic, I would like you to ask yourself the following question and I want you to be absolutely honest to yourself:

Does your life look different, if you’re in a relationship?

Hold on to this thought for a moment, we will get back to it later.

So where were we. Oh yes “Monogamy, A Failed Approach To A Happy Long-Term Relationship”. Alone by reading this headline people will most likely start judging me so I want to start this article by telling you a little bit about the person behind the question.

Growing up I had to witness my parent’s relationship and thus our family fall apart, leading to divorce and us growing up without a father. And all this even though both, my mother and father say that the other person was and still is the love of their life. This whole event was so drastic for me that it shaped many of my values I held for so long. I decided to become the perfect person, to play by the rules that society forces upon us so that something like this would never happen to me. And of course this included not getting too close to other women.

“I guess if you ask people close to me they would say I am the perfect person, friend, lover, father. But I am not sure if that’s something worth striving for, since society defines what’s good and bad and that’s not necessarily what’s best for you and those around you”

And I must say the plan worked pretty good. Nothing negative ever happened to me. Business wise I achieved a lot in a very short period and I found my soul mate that’s been by my side for almost 12 years now. Together we have the coolest son and live an amazing & free life in Bali. One could argue I had everything.

The Unexpected But Needed Awakening

Despite all the good I had for the last 9 years, I woke up one morning knowing that something wasn’t right. I was confused & lost because I suddenly felt desires that went against the values I carried, that protected and guided me for so long.

I wanted to be free, I wanted to be able to do what I want, when I want and with whom I want without having to feel bad about it. At the same time I wanted to be a good father, friend and lover. In my old picture these 2 things simply didn’t fit together and that was becoming a problem.

So as the days went by the desire to be free grew and with it the confusion, since what I was feeling or longing for didn’t fit the perfect picture society created any more. I started questioning everything, my relationship, my life, me, simply everything.

"The conflict got so big that it almost tore me apart and I saw no other way than to talk to my partner about it. It was hard since situations like this all too often end in partners breaking up, but for some reason I knew I had to do it."

So I told her everything. I told her about the sexual desires I had, the freedom I wanted, the experiences I wanted to make and even that I questioned our relationship. I told her all this without really knowing what was causing it or what I wanted to do, I simply had to let it out. The more we talked with each other and other people the clearer things became and I realized it wasn’t the relationship that needed to be questioned but the limitations I decided to live by. It where these that gave me the feeling not to be free.

This completely open conversation was in January 2013 and started a journey with lots of ups and downs, almost breaking up, tears, love, fear … these months were – emotionally – the most intense and hardest months of my life. But they also brought us to where we are today, in search of a new form of relationship, which leads us back to the question I asked initially: 

Does your life look different, if you’re in a relationship?

If you would have asked me that question a couple of years ago it would have been a YES. I would have probably answered that if I wasn’t in a relationship I would party again like back in the days, spend time by myself and explore what other women had to offer. And I know for a fact that I am not the only person in a relationship having these thoughts – it’s only that nobody talks about it.

Check out what my partner @adina.rivers has to say about this topic:

A Perfectly Flawed System

And this is where the whole problem starts. By entering a relationship you automatically agree to play by the rules of society even if it means sacrificing things you would like to do. But shouldn’t we instead do exactly that? Do the things we want to do? Shouldn’t a relationship support you in whatever it is you are longing for?

Think about this for a moment: If the rules of society where so “good” why is it that

  • a large number of married men/women cheat on their partners at some point? Some studies even speak of numbers as high as 70%.
  • if it happens, the other partner is often left in the dark. Is that the right thing to do?
  • a large number of marriages get divorced? Again numbers are somewhere between 40 to 50% in the US according to the Forest Institute.

These points alone show me that something in our society is not right. Of course you can say: Oh he or she just wasn’t the right partner for me. Then why is it that the divorce rate keeps increasing the more marriages we have? Why is it that we always seem to want what we don’t have? There are cases where I would say a divorce is better but in many cases it could have been better to look for solutions outside of the boundaries society gives us.

All these things got me thinking and I was eager to find a different solution to our challenge. Because breaking up with my partner was not a solution but at the same time staying together with my partner guided by the rules of society wasn’t an option either. So what could this solution be?

"It’s part of human nature to explore new things. I can see it every day in its purest form with my son."

He is exploring the world everyday without the slightest thought about right or wrong, good or bad. It’s only due to society that this hunger to explore gets trimmed as we grow older. But still, we all love to travel, meet new people, eat different food, read new books, etc.

Wouldn’t life be boring if we had to do and eat the same thing for the rest of our life?

Most people would say yes, but still most relationships at some point tend to become sort of an ‘routine’. Is it maybe this routine (missing fire, missing new experiences, giving up on what one desires) that leads to so many couples breaking up? 

"Why is it that most people can’t experience the whole spectrum of what they truly want even if they are in a relationship?"

To be honest – I don’t have a perfect answer to this question. What I can say is that most of my reactions are taught by society, especially jealousy. Created in a materialistic and egoistic driven world. If I had grown up in a different society this could be the most normal thing in the world to say that life should be no different if your in or without a relationship. And from a purely logical standpoint (I am a very logical person) this absolutely makes sense.

These are just my first thoughts on where things might be going. Our journey has just started, we will see where it leads us and hopefully it will never end. What we can already say is that we will support each other in whatever way we can, no matter what it is the other person is longing for.

I would love to hear your thoughts on relationship how society defines it vs. how you live it vs. a more open approach.

If you like my content make sure to leave a Comment, Vote or follow me at @oliver.rivers, I appreciate you being here.


Strike! I've been having this issue (in my 3 year relationship) as well and thought a lot about it. Your approach to this matter seems to be liberating and I aswell approve of this! :)
Romantic relationships have only existed for such a short period in the history of mankind. The odds of having a monogamous relationship work out for all of your life are pretty low. Considering we're still humans driven by emotion. I'ts just our primal instincts messing it all up again and again...

Thanks for writing this piece of content!

Hey @balex, thank you for stopping bye. For some it might work out, but I think for far to many people it's just to big of a sacrifice they are making. We live the way we live due to conditioning... I am working hard on getting rid of all those conditionings.

Social conditioning is of all times. I find myself trying to fight it but see myself falling into the frame of it over and over again... Good luck on your journey to freedom because it's not an easy one!

@balex, thank you... of course it's not easy to rid your self of your conditioning. But now 5 years later I am slowly getting there :)

i've wonder about this topic and for now my reply would be...
if you seek happiness and love outside of you, you are condamned to seek forever. a monogamous realtionship can be like monkhood. and society likes it becouse of the rules. so we were raised this way. now the situation is very different from when this rules were practical. our monkey mind is not satisfied anymore with food, a roof, a partner and children = safe haven. our earthly experience is meant to be full. everchanging. and the society of today (capitalism) is bombarding us with options. you could say that new experiences make you wiser, but there is a distinction of chasing the new and creating/choosing the real you. are you chasing the thrill of another shot, ready to sacrifice the you of the past just becouse you can't feel life anymore, or are you getting wiser and are you ready to shed the old skin?
you live a different live if you have a car compared to when you don't. a relationship is a whole new dimension. you can't be the same when you are in. if that's the case you are not getting the new experience.
monk or wanderer. the path is different the end the same.
i hope to see the rise of a new culture in the near future. the world of unlimited choices is waiting for the brave wanderers to tell their stories.
thank you for your toughts

@borenwilde, totally agree with the things you are saying! I think we are on this planet to make experiences in whatever shape, color or form.

And of course you can't directly compare the two... but the way I see it, I want to become more by being with a person, not less. Why can't the individual and the relationship coexist?

It's a very philosophical question that I am raising here. And it probably starts with the question what is a relationship in the first place, what's its purpose.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'll let them sink in a bit.

what is a relationship?
in my mind it's everything. the whole world. you are in relationship with everything becouse if not, there would be no you and the other (person or object). you would be not born, dead or enlightened (this i presume).
i think you can become more with a person, but not in a way the you of now predicts it should be, the unexpected things shape you. those are the gifts to be enjoyed. these shake you from your current state to another level.
the individual is in a relationship and this changes the individual. the individual per se does not exist. you choose the relationships (experiences) you want and those make you more. and more of you is a different you, maybe less of you like you were before. it gets really complicated.
you are thirsty and you need water to grow and when the well outside the castle is dry you go in search for another well. this will keep you alive, your mind won't wither. but no well outside the castle will quench your thirst. they will only help you grow.
i'm really enjoing thinking about these things man. thanks for the opportunity

Perhaps this is a personality thing, like choice of food or recreation. I for one want 1 woman for the rest of my life. I'm happy and content with that.

@timothydaniel of course it's choice as with everything in life. I just raised the question if there might be a better way of living a relationship than we are currently doing. Cause basically we are all just doing the same thing. Thanks for stopping bye.

I don't believe in Love. But I understood it all. And everyone is different. Love is Love and it is the same but different to everyone. And the Video... WOW

Hey @sergiomendes, I very much believe in love, but it's not a constant, it fluctuates like everything in life. So a bit more flexibility in all regards would come in handy.

Great post! Let me think about it longer... Guess I won't post my experiences and thoughts on this issue but this was a good inspiration for more thinking and a interesting conversation with my partner.

Hey @pusteblume, that was the purpose of the post... share some thoughts and get poeple thinking.

Yes! Thank you again!

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What really struck me about this article is that you asked yourself, "Am I forcing myself to change who I fundamentally am because of this social arrangement?" And for you, the answer was obviously "yes." However, I love this question because for some people, the answer would be "no"! So many times sexual monogamy is made to be a boogey-man for relationship woes, when in reality the problem is a particular person's incompatibility with monogamy as a relationship-style.

Sexual monogamy is great for some, and not for others. I'm interested in hearing more about whether you both plan to be socially monogamous as well (i.e. only have a serious emotional relationship with each other).

Very interesting topic, manogamy. I find myself in the same position, after almost 19 years of marriage, and I too wonder if divorce isn't feasible...then what? While societal acceptance of different solutions (i.e. "lifestyles") may be increasing, the rule of law limits our options pretty heavily. As married couples, our choice is divorce or...???? what?! Open relationship? Polygamy? Polyamory? Bigamy? I'm interested in debating and considering all these options..but how many don't end in criminal court? It's all very fascinating a subject for me, and I'm glad to have stumbled upon your post. Hope we can have a sharing of ideas on these topics here in this community.

@disarrangedjane happy to share more of my insights here or you can hit me up via steemit chat.

It's been a crazy, challenging and exciting journey since we embarked on this journey. We chosen to call it free relationship, it's so much more than just about sex but rather giving the individual the freedom to express one self.

Usually being confronted with too many limitations for too long usually doesn't go to well, yet in many of our relationships we do exactly that.

All the best to you and your partner, looking forward hearing from you.

Ps: how did you find this post?

How did I find this post... I posted a story of my own yesterday, with a "relationship" tag. From there, I started reading some stories that were in the new category.. another user had a couple of stories that interested me, so, checked their blog, and this story was reSteemed on their blog. I clicked on your post, which led me to your blog...and here we are. Kinda' down the rabbit hole. And I use the search feature for tags that interest me. I'm not sure how to navigate this site very well. I'm new. I'm looking forward to reading some more of your stories.

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