Achievement 2 @ob-peter || Task : Basic Security on Steem.

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

What a fortunate thing to be informed, it was amazing when OB Peter a new babe in steemit who just got his first verification done a few days, read through the security nitty-gritty of Steemit and was preparing to get verified for the @Achievement 2, Basic Security on Steem, he started brain-storming with the question "how can I get my Second Achievement verified"?having understood how he can get his Account secured and reading through the posts "Achievement 2: Basic Security on Steem", He followed all the steps and ensure his keys are saved and secured.


A few days later he received an amazing call from a woman, who should be old enough to be her mother, from the way she sounds. the woman had such an amazing voice, telling him she is an Agent of Steemit and would love to mentor him if only he will be ready to listen and follow aptly her instructions. Oh! what a jackpot, this must be a breakthrough this was the thought in OB Peter's heart, but he calm himself down thinking it is wise not to be gueilible, then he answered the woman warmly "yes ma I am OB Peter with username @ob-peter, I just joined steemit recently and you being a mentor will be of great advantage ma."

"I am Joy Roy, I am a mother of 3, and I have been a steemit agent for more than 6 years, going through your post, and seeing you are indeed in need of supporters, I have seen your pain points and how tired it must have been and will be for you without an Agent, I believe if only you can cooperate with me by answering all my questions correctly I will help you out," the woman said, leaving ob-peter with Joy and The eagerness of being helped, with excitement he answered the woman, ok ma you can go ahead with your Questions.

Have you retrieved all your keys on steemit?

the woman asked subtly, "Yes, I have retrieved all my keys"OB Peter answered with great joy, "my posting key, my activate key, my memo key, my owner key, and my master key are all retrieved and I have copied them to my Notepad and save them to my google cloud."

what are the functions of each of the Keys?

the woman inquired, "The Posting key according to my understanding and belief is useful for everyday logins, to make comments, post messages, edit, vote, esteem, follow or mute other accounts, the Active key is meant for more sensitive tasks such as transferring funds, power up/down transactions, converting Steem Dollars, voting for witnesses, updating profile details and avatar, and placing a market order, the owner key is only meant for use when necessary. It is the most powerful key because it can change any key of an account, including the owner key. Ideally, it is meant to be stored offline and only used to recover a compromised account, the Memo key This key is used for encrypting and decrypting memos when transferring funds. To encrypt a memo, use the pound/# sign before it. and the master of all by name the Master Key is used to generate all the other keys, including the Owner Key".OB Peter explained expressly.

"Do you know There is more to the usefulness of your master Key beyond all you know? anyway, I will enlighten you but

How and where do you keep your master password?

" the woman asked cleverly..

having perceived the subtility of the woman and remembering the instruction in Achievement 2: Basic Security on Steem OB Peter answered the woman saying "My Master key is the master of all, I must be selfish with it, sharing it might cost my account, oh! I won't be foolish to tell any, it is saved in the cloud where none but I can find, it is hidden in the secret place of the earth where only I know, ".

The woman became amazed by the unexpected answer he got from OB Peter and decided to press further.
"Do you know that with your master key link I can help you with steem token to boost your user account"? then OB Peter answered the woman with audacity "you don't need my master key for that, all I need to do for making

Transactions on STEM

stem transact red.JPG
such as Transfer,Transfer to savings,Power Up,Trade and Market
is to use my Active key,with my active key login can transfer my steam token to any steem user, including myself".


Having tried all to get the information of OB Peter's master key the woman decided to persist."Do you know I can Power up your Steem by you giving me access to your master key or owner key"?then OB Peter answered the woman "Respectfully speaking ma you sound so much like a fraudster, wanting to steal my account, you don't need my master Key for anything!, Taking about

Powering up Steem

as seen below,He checked his phone to confirmed,saying
all I need to select Power Up instead, enter the quantity of Steem and click Power Up as shown below


After hearing the intelligent answer of OB Peter the Woman shouted "FOOL just Thank God you are INformed I just collected 9 master keys of some wise Guy hoping yours will be numbered 10, hold on to your master Key!" she exclaimed and ended the call. Then OB Peter realized how Powerful information and keeping instruction is.
After hearing the story of OB peter I decided that at all costs I won't be foolish to tell any, I will keep my Keys safe and use them only based on Demand, Moreover, The name JOY ROY, Phone Calls, and the story are just Creative Frictions, and I believe it should answer post on Security on steem.
Thanks. much love From
 2 years ago 

Nice to have come across your content again, but I will implore you to stop tagging the steemcurators and as well the moderators, it looks bad on your account.

Stick to the community guidelines and your post shall be reviewed properly, Good luck!!

 2 years ago 

Ok thanks boss,for the information,I will adhere to That sir.

Hello @ob-peter it is a pleasure to greet you on behalf of the entire newcorners team, this time unfortunately I must inform you that this post does not meet the necessary requirements to be verified as achievement 2 en la comunidad Newcomers' Community, remember that you must place the link of your first achievement 1 of the Newcomers' Community which must be previously verified, i advise you to review the achievement 2 of the Newcomers' Community.

You must place the link of your previously verified achievement 1, you must also show with images the step by step that explains how to make the transfer and also the power up process

You must explain the function of each Steemit key with your own words

Make the corrections and I will come back to verify your achievement

Greetings 👍

 2 years ago 

Ok sir,thank you for the information I will do that sir.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the information sir, I have edited the post, I am looking forward to the verification.

Hi @ob-peter, congratulations on your successful completion of your Achievement 2.

It is my pleasure to announce to you that you can proceed with Achievement 3 which is content etiquette

I also want to encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts in the newcomers community by @cyptokannon. Check here. This will place you in a position to take advantage of the helps rendered to all newcommers.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

Read this post to see how to join the clubs step by step using your first rewards

Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thank you for completing this Achievement!

Rate- 2

 2 years ago 

Thank you ma,I am excited to here this.

 2 years ago 

Hi, @ob-peter,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

You have been very creative, congratulations! There's no doubt you'll keep your keys safe.

 2 years ago 

Thank to you ma,the advice you gave was of great help.

 2 years ago 

I feel very happy for being helpful 😃

 2 years ago 

Ok ma,I still have some questions like that I will like to ask?what the impact of esteeming some ones vote?

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