I Was a Bad Kid: The Doorstops

in #life6 years ago

When I was a kid, I'd set up booby traps in the bush that could potentially take out my older brother.
I never got in trouble for that.  Most of them didn't even work.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Friday Cover.jpeg

I built my own little house in that bush.

That's where I'd go to hide.

I used to do a lot of things I had to hide from when I was a kid.

The bus ride home was a long one.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere.  First kid on the bus; last kid off.  If I got in trouble at school, that bus ride home felt like a journey to a distant star; I always felt like I'd die before I get there.  As soon as I stepped off, I knew I'd have to face the music.

I remember that day.  The day my parents found out about the doorstops.

I thought I'd get away with it.

Why did I have to show off?

For three weeks, every day, like clockwork, I'd ask the teacher if I would be allowed to leave so I could use the toilet.

I hated that part about school.  Why do I have to ask this guy if it's okay to take a piss?  Does everyone really need to know?  He's going to say yes anyway so why can't I just leave quietly, do my thing, come back, sit down like nothing happened.  And why am I the only kid who has to take a piss every single day?  Do these other kids wear diapers?  What's going on here?

Of course, once released from that prison cell, I'd dawdle in the hallways, after being told not to dawdle in the hallways.

I'd walk down to the gym to see what those kids are doing.  I'd sneak past other classrooms to see what some of my friends were up to.  I'd venture through the library and try to make a noise so everyone looks at me and goes shh!

Eventually I'd make my way to the washroom furthest away from the class I was supposed to be in.  I liked that one.  That's where all the big kids went.  The washroom for the little kids like me always had shit on the floor or worse; bare asses.  I hated walking in and seeing a bare ass.  You could try to tell these kids they don't need to pull their pants all the way down just to stand at the urinal, but they never listened.

Then I'd dawdle in the washroom.

Not that.  Get your mind out of the gutter.

I was a smart bad kid.  I knew if I did something stupid in the big kid washroom upstairs and on the other side of the school, nobody would suspect I did it.

So one day I decided to kick the doorstop out from under the door.  I wanted the door closed but the people who made the rules wanted these washroom doors to remain open because one kid kicked the door open one day, sending another unsuspecting kid flying across the washroom with a broken face.  The 'open cautiously' and 'stand clear' signs were not enough to prevent kids from destroying each other, apparently.

Once the doorstop was free, I picked it up, placed it inside of a toilet bowl, watched it float on the water, then flushed.  It was exciting watching the small wedge of wood go around and around then eventually get sucked into the void.

This became a daily routine.

I was now hooked on flushing doorstops down the drain.

I kept the janitor busy for three weeks.  Even the new 'please stop stealing the doorstops' sign was well written and deserving of a reward.  I'm sure he became a doorstop making expert as well.

So I was on week three of being anti-doorstop.  I did the usual look around, kicked the doorstop, then noticed my friend Chris standing there, of all people.  He was one of the good kids.  He asked me what I was doing.  I said, "Watch," then flushed the damn doorstop down the toilet, right in front of him.  I thought he'd laugh but instead he shook his head and quickly walked away.

I heard the rumors of a flood on the second floor.

Kids were saying the steps looked like a waterfall.

Word travels fast on the playground.  I was approached by one of the girls in my class.  She asked me if it was true.  Of course I didn't admit to causing the flood.  I didn't even know about the flood.  I flushed doorstops.  Creating floods wasn't my style.  I didn't tell her I flushed the doorstops though.

That was Friday.  The bus journey home was short and sweet.  I enjoyed my weekend, thoroughly.

Then Monday rolled around.

It was just before noon when I got called to the principal's office.

I was nervous, no doubt about that.  No dawdling in halls on this day.

The nice lady pointed at a chair inside the principal's office, told me to have a seat and wait for the big bossman to arrive.

I noticed a clear plastic bag on his desk.  Inside of the bag; about eight doorstops.

I admitted to it.

"Yes, sir.  I flushed those doorstops down the toilet."

Chris tattled on me.  They had to spend money on a plumber over the weekend.  He had to remove the toilet and snake the drain.  That's how they found the evidence.  That's what caused the flood.

My punishment was surprisingly light.  I was to sit on the bench in the busiest of hallways.  Kids were not allowed to sit on that bench unless they got in trouble.  Everyone walking by knew I did something bad, but they weren't allowed to speak to me.

I could hear my mom yelling over the phone as I sat there on this bench near the principal's office.

Longest bus ride home,


Mom's car wasn't in the driveway when I got home.  I quickly ran inside, changed my clothes, grabbed a snack, and headed for the bush.  I did not want to get yelled at.

It was about five o'clock when I heard the car coming down the road.  My heart started pounding.  Sure, I was hiding, but my parents knew exactly where I was.  Where I spent my time was no secret.

I heard the calls.  I refused to go to the house.  It got quiet.

Then I heard a scream and every curse word known to humanity.

Mom triggered one of my booby traps.

She took a tree branch to the face that was meant for my brother.

I was banned from renting Nintendo games for two months and they took the spark plug out of my dirt bike for setting traps.

I never flushed another doorstop again.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Me, at nine years old. True story."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Lol, I was glued to the story of the naughty boy , it is an interesting story and I can actually relate some of what he did to my childhood days but am not that naughty and I don't flush doorstops

For some strange reason, I think I'm the only one on this planet who has flushed doorstops. Oh well. I never said I was normal! LOL!

LOLOL, that was an excellent story. You could make a book of short stories like that one and call it This Boy's Life, bestseller in no time! Now I was one of the 'good' kids insofar as I didn't do shit to get in trouble, but tattling? Hell no! Actually I probably would have gotten in more trouble for tattling then doing something like that, one of the best parenting traits of my sire that I carried forth into motherhood. Absolutely no tattling unless what your sibling or friend is doing might actually kill them, lol.

I'll be publishing a book full of my shorts sooner or later. I want to have enough material to make it thick. It'll be a combination of my life and fiction, and of course jammed with humor. Looking forward to it, but right now, even with hundreds of posts published here, I don't think I have enough.

Chris learned his lesson. Keep in mind this was back when a school fight was just boys being boys. I asked him if he tattled, he admitted to it. I got off my swing, put my baseball glove on, then slapped him across the face. We were still friends after that and he never told on anyone ever again. For some kids, I think tattling was the only way they could get attention.

Your stories coupled with your artwork? Man, I would definitely by a Hard Cover Edition of that! You definitely have enough material here for a book, possibly two. Trust me, thicker is not always better- it just costs more to have it printed and doesn't put anything extra in your pocket. This I learned from my recent foray into the publishing world with a 550 page novel :)

Well, maybe I'll build up enough for three books, then take a nice holiday.

once released from that prison cell

That one cracked me up very good. Why yes you do have to ask the warden to be released lol.

I never flushed another doorstop again

I somehow have a feeling you been thinking about doing so again. Becoming the best doorstop flusher your side of Canada! You just got make sure you don’t do it around any friends named Chris! Now a days people seem to record themselves doing stupid stuff. Best avoid trying make a dtube video out of it either lol.

Have a great weekend. I hope it’s not getting to cold up there yet with snow, and all that nonsense.

I still look at doorstops and want to flush them. It takes discipline. Must fight the urge.

It snowed, that melted, it rained, that turned into snow, that melted. Right now there's a massive cloud coming in from the north, looks like snow. I was sick of winter two week ago and it's still fall.

Dam that sounds like hell already. The melting and refreezing that is. Yuk.

Snow or rain don't do both mother nature. She must be getting hi up there lol.

Actually when I always remembered my time as a kid. I always remembered it with joy. You are right. There are some things I always think when I was a little kid back then. Like going to piss and taking excuses. Why should I always take excuses that I want to go and piss when I am fully aware that teacher will ask me to go so why can't I just walk out quietly like you said without taking excuses. I also remembered whenever I get into trouble in Schools and a teacher told me that he is going to report me to my parents. O bloody hell, I will wish never to get home that day and I will also wish for the school not to close that day so that I wouldn't go home because I know that I am in deep trouble waiting for me at home. I will say been a kid has always been a fun and whenever I remembered that time. I will just laugh and look at myself that I have indeed grown up. Thank You.

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When I look back, I laugh as well. And I think, no matter where we're from, we can all relate to a story like this. Thanks for stopping in today.

I can imagine you sitting in a nice hollowed out sandy spot beneath the bush, dirt on your cheeks, just waiting. Your poor mom - it must be hard raising boys with that devilish streak. :)

This brought back memories of the elementary hallways. The bad stuff sticks out, like the blood after a fight, and hair weave blowing away like tumble weed. I was one of those kids that never had to use the bathroom. I'm not sure if I genuinely didn't need to, or I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. Maybe girls have bigger bladders than boys. Who knows.

The bush was actually a small forest of maples, ash, poplar, willow and dogwood trees about the size of a football field. I had raked trails and a fort I built out of scraps. That was my house. Dad gave me my own tools and told me to do whatever I wanted. I'd steal nails. He didn't like that part. Some of those walls outlasted the trees. I'd spend days sawing branches away so I could ride my bike down these trails without getting a stick to the face. I even had my own garden. My parents didn't even know I planted it.
I'd light small fires and cook hotdogs. They didn't like the fire part either but I never burned the place down. I'd spend the whole day there. My brother had his own little space as well but I always sabotage it so he was kind of like Eeyore, constantly rebuilding. As soon as he turned his back, I'd do something to mess with him. I was a bad neighbor.

I can see why you'd want to live there, with all those pretty sounding northern trees. I suppose an isolated bush would be the home of a five-year-old, rather than a nine-year-old. There is a huge leap in development in those four years. It sounds like a boy's paradise. Your description reminds me a bit of the neighbor boy I had a crush on when I was in elementary school, only he was outright reckless. I guess reckless is attractive to nine-year-old girls.

The my parents didn't even know parts of childhood were fun at the time because of the risk, and now still are because of the humor. With your personality there must be a lot of humor in reminiscing. My reminiscing isn't funny, it's just remembering what an angel I was. My parents had it so easy :)

There must have been a lot of wars and treaties between the two patches of trees. I hope your Eeyore didn't have his birthday forgotten or lose his tail, or anything of that sort - that would really paint a sad picture.

All I can do now is laugh. I'm sure I'll laugh at today's regrets in the decades to come as well.

Was this a true story of your past? That'a hilarious!

Only 8 though?! lol Ya just kept doing it... even after the sign. They prolly sent chris to watch the bathroom..

True story. Something I did in the elementary grades. And yeah, they didn't find all of them. I'm sure if that school was still standing, there would still be doorstops stuck in the plumbing.

"I built my own little house in that bush.
That's where I'd go to hide."

I hide things in a different sort of bush.

"The washroom for the little kids like me always had shit on the floor"

I once knew a guy who got off on leaving shit on bathroom floors like some kind of turd wielding Easter bunny. He would then proudly recount his exploits over cigarettes at lunch as though he had made some great accomplishment by dropping a deuce on the floor of the English building.

You have had a very hard childhood, hehehehe, having to deal with your brother and not getting used to school is difficult for a child who just wants to have fun, and why not? with a little explosives! heheh
It must be very difficult, right? When you see the door stops do not you want to remove them?
They would not have discovered you if it were not for Chris, I think if you had not told him it would not have ended that way, but maybe that guy is chicken and chismozo at the same time.
it's good that the flood did not get serious.
Good thoughts, for an excellent book! 😊😊😊😊

I would have flushed another doorstop in the teachers bathroom on the last day of school to spite them but I was a pretty vengeful kid. It's probably for the best you stopped.

Ah, youth and school. Modified power plugs to blow out all the fuses, modified pens that could shoot burning matches, loud electronic crickets that would go silent when light fell on them, and all that. Those were the days.

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