An Important Message From The Messenger About How Sometimes Shutting Up Is A Good Thing

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Good evening, or morning, or whatever; hello.

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

I Need to Tell You Something

I feel it's important.

On this platform, we have a lot of content police. People who judge content, often disrespectfully. We see it everywhere. Whiners, for the most part. Their personal expectations of what a blogger should be doing here are often not being met.

Their opinions don't fucking matter, at all. Those people are high maintenance and cannot be pleased, ever. Screw them.

I'm not of that crowd. I feel as if people can be as creative as they want to be with how they represent themselves and their offerings. If I don't like something, I don't like it. Simple as that. That doesn't automatically make their offering worthless or even bad. It's just something I don't like and guess what! My opinion doesn't matter, and I know this. So, when it comes to judging content, for the most part, I keep it to myself.

I Need to Show You Something

I feel this is important, too.

Eleven Images

All produced by me, within the past fifteen days.

If you see one of my posts and think something like, "That didn't take long to write, there's no effort here, this is a shit post," but at the same time see one of those images at the top; please realize those images do not produce themselves. I'm not simply downloading an image from the internet and placing it above a few words.

All of those images were produced from scratch. That means a blank digital canvas, over the span of a few hours, turns into those images, because I'm moving my hand around and making it look that way.

Some People Like It, Some Don't

I'm fine with that.

Artists don't expect everyone to like their work. If they do expect everyone to like their work, they have brain issues. Something is wrong with them.

Three times in the past week and enough times since I've been here, I've been accused of being lazy because some of my posts are short and sweet. I'm not asking anyone to enjoy my work, but please don't call me lazy or think I'm slacking it. I'm not shit posting and raping the benefits of a few auto votes. I have to work for everything I earn here, and it's always been like that. Scroll down through my blog. See all those colors? I made all of those images. You're looking at thousands of hours of work, that's not even counting the writing inside those blog posts, and some of those posts have more images inside!

I See It Everywhere!

And so have you.

All that blogger did was share an image and a few words. Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

If that artist or photographer published a post that includes their work and only a few words, so what!

They know how much work went into producing that image. Once they're done and press the post button, just know, they most likely spent a few hours working on that post. The words are only a small part of it. Please try to remember to look beyond the surface before you judge.

Thank you for your time.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Good rant!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


Art always speaks a lot to me . I’ve always been a fan of starring into a painting and seeing this feelings or the artists feelings

Mind your own content... Let's make it a catch phrase!

I like it!

Well said. Any writing at all takes an immense amount of time, if you don't want to just toss something out. And adding images, WITHOUT self created works, such as yours, adds a whole lot more time. Paticularly if you actually care what the end result is. I've been known to spend a whole day or two on a post. Particularly if there is a lot of writing//editing. Not all the time, but it happens. Which means not putting out as MANY posts. And other times, a short write just comes out to the page rather quickly. But it's all SOME sort of art, in my world of thought.

Always have enjoyed your works, and the added writing and sharp wit really adds a whole dimension to it all. I guess artists just have to develop a thick skin about it all. Though it's hard, when you put a lot of yourself into something. But I suppose, as you say, the bottom it or don't. Not much the artist can do, but keep putting it out. Keep on keepin' on.

Just imagine though, for a second, someone walking into an art gallery and calling the owner lazy for putting art in the window. That's crazy! Nobody does that! ...and that's all this really boils down to.

Never thought about it that way, but so true. And as you say, wouldn't even think about doing that. Express you don't like it maybe, if that's the case, but calling someone who put it all out there, and a lot of their soul into their art, lazy? Downright dumb.

To me, laziness is one of the worst features a human being is made of, and sir, you are definitely not lazy... Even if you didn't do those artworks (which are amazing btw, and I didn't had a clue you actually made them) your posts are one of my favorite ones on this platform... Those sweet, short posts actually make me laugh and I'm intrigued by it. That shows that that's quality content. That isn't called laziness, it's called efficiency. You publish a better post with fewer words. Quality over quantity any day.

I think one of the most overlooked lines I include in every post is the part where I says, "All images seen here were produced digitally, by me."

First of all i want to say that your work is really unique and that's why it's appealing and inspiring people to give their own feedback and to deep dive into your unique art, people who think this art work is easy then i want to say that they will not come close to it because i know it's an raw art which literally reflecting as mistakenly wonderful art this means, at first glance it can confuse but if we closely watched then it will throw an message so your hands are spending hours to give messages. And i really agree with you, an artist producing an art for their own happiness and it's their passion and people who expect appreciation in return then they are pushing their art into question, so some people like it some people don't like it, it's not about art, it's about how they look towards life, because we are element of life so we see life's essence in every art.

And today's art giving an message to me as, facial expressions and body language can lie but every person have the emotional phase and sometimes they try to hide their tears but when they try to hide it's more painful and literally it will feel as blood is flowing.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and continue this unique art work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Done people have no idea the time and effort that goes into some of these pieces. People are so overly critical here. At the end of the day you like stuff and you don’t. If you like it then you vote and follow. If you don’t, move along. Why people think they need to climb up on a pulpit and preach about something hey know nothing of to a crowd that is not listening is beyond me. Keep doing what you do and ignore the ignorance of those who should have just moved on.

All that blogger did was share an image and a few words. Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

You're right, some people forget how much work goes into making an image. For you it's your artwork, for me it's photography. My blogs with pictures accompanying my tale usually does mean I snapped some images and share them as-is. They are accompanying my words. However, whenever I share a picture with only a few words, it's the other way around. I took hundreds of pictures and picked out two or three I deemed worthy enough to continue with. After that comes editing and only then do I share the picture.

It's usually not as simple as people tend to think.

Most of the steps that lead to the published post are left out of the post when it comes to things like this. For me, I see no reason to write a paragraph or two about the behind the scenes steps. If it's a post about the behind the scenes process, then yeah, I'd talk about it. If it's another one of my here's the art and now I'm going to joke about something posts, then getting serious kills the mood, there's no place for it. We don't hear them talking about how a two hour movie took eight months to produce at any point during the show.

Exactly! It would kill the entire mood of the post. I love your posts the way you make them. The joking around is the best part for me. I'd probably skip serious paragraphs about how you created the image.

Just a photo. I wish people would say that to my face, so I can let them meet my dark side.

Three times in the past week and enough times since I've been here, I've been accused of being lazy because some of my posts are short and sweet.

Are you fucking kidding me?! Who does this?!

You've had some short posts recently. Who cares??

I'm not sure how anyone can have the nerve to bitch about your content when it is clearly some of the highest-effort writing on the art side of this platform. Personally, I'm perfectly content to accept a completely empty post with a few artworks in it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But you make an effort to share the words as well as the pictures, and that is one of the reasons I so thoroughly enjoy your blog.

As you said, if they don't like your variety of art, that's their prerogative. That's fine. I suppose that technically it's also their right to flag, criticise, and even send you personal messages accusing you of laziness.

I wouldn't pay any heed though. Can't please all the people all of the time. Some people have a perpetual stick up their arse.

Looking forward to your next post, be it short or long.

Maybe not so much being directly told I'm being lazy, but that's what I'm hearing when someone gripes about the short posts and fails to recognize the work that went into the art. I did get a direct message asking me if I was okay, "Your posts have been quite short lately. Not as much effort. Is everything okay?" My left eyelid starts twitching.

It's not a big deal but I feel it's worth reminding people. And yeah, people can say whatever they want but it would help to at least know what you're talking about before you say it.

Some people think theirs is The Only True Way of Bloggingtm, so yours is just some images and words, and they feel this needs to be said because they are important.

I must say, though, that most of your photos are way out of focus.

You're supposed to look at them cross-eyed, then put on 3D glasses.

Now you tell me.

I'm not simply downloading an image from the internet and placing it above a few words.

And to the extent I might be "content police," what I care about is whether or not any given publisher's work is THEIR work, or just some meme that has already been seen by 3 million people around the web. One image with just words "I made this!" One image copied from someone else's web site and presented with no explanation? You're a dick for stealing other people's work AND I'm going to call you on it.

Cool art, as always. I know... YOU made that.

Yes, I agree. Original content requires no policing whatsoever. If they are ripping people off, technically, that's not content policing; that's just addressing a thief accordingly.

Many of popular meme production sites pay royalties and make money utilizing ads to pay for it. The content is then shared freely, and the producers of those images are okay with that. Some of the folks attempting to monetize those images will eventually be getting a nasty wake up call by a different type of content police. Oh well. That's their problem!

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