in #purpose6 years ago (edited)

Are you intelligent enough to realise everything you think you know is a lie? how we are manipulated and programmed, how language, phonetics and frequency are used to keep you dumbed down, preventing you from questioning and breaking out of this matrix.

Like me, you were born knowing, knowing everything you need to navigate this human experience. But because we are so full of shit, sadness and programming, its hard to remember who we are and what we know to be true, our potential has been reduced.

Is it time for you to remember? do you want to remember? what's your purpose? your purpose must come before everything. If you have no purpose there is no peace or prosperity. You are given a purpose to share. Are you contributing? living your purpose? Your purpose could simply be sharing smiles to brighten a day to changing the world and anything in between, we all have something magical to share, your impact on one person can go on to change the lives of many. In the grand scheme of things everything is equally valid.

A persons a person, no matter how small, Dr Seuss

Do you know how amazing you are? Are you living an amazing life? if not, why not?

We are all here right now to raise awareness, to raise the consciousness, to get out of this big pile of shit we are in, the illusion, the matrix control system.

Quite frankly, if we don’t get our arses into gear, we are fucked, plain and simple.

AI, artificial intelligence is a scary reality and we are being prepped for it now.

AI is the intelligence displayed by machines and is now the greatest threat to civilisation. AI has been outperforming humans in every cognitive task for a long time already. How much intelligence do these machines have now? SUPER fucking intelligence, becoming self aware. Sophia the first AI robot to be given citizenship, she has her own bank account, can make money, quite frankly that is fucked up. Remember the film Short Circuit? Johnny 5 was given citizenship, its all in the movies folks. Watch Singularity and Westworld for the next scary reality.

What we know is controlled and or outdated, everything is so much more advanced than we are privy too.

AI is ready to take over the world and still no cure for cancer? its genetic. How the fuck can it be genetic, it did not exist 100 years ago. You created it with your shitty diets and the programming. Not only have you been lied too about that, they lie about everything, everything is a lie, an illusion.

Man went to the moon? IF THIS WERE TRUE I'M SURE WE WOULD HAVE BEEN BACK! Why have'nt we been back? cause every fucker has a camera good enough now to look at the moon. Now we are off to Mars cause you cant look at Mars with your camera.

Take sustainable energy, free energy, why would they suppress technology that is non polluting? this technology has been available for at least 60 years.

Innovations and better solutions for common unity are quashed. Your information is filtered, diluted and controlled.

Why are they only rolling out the harmful shit? you are a commodity, stock, goverment owned, your being harvested. Look up your birth certificate number on the stock market.

Chemtrails, smart dust, 5G technology, Agenda 21, do your homework folks, we ain't got time to fuck around.

Its a conspiracy! They created the word, weaponized the word.

Taught to look this way while the truth is the other, deliberate diversions created, false flag events to keep us all in fear mode, occupied whilst they get on with their grand plan.

Practically all of humanity has been herded into a pen, manipulated and controlled, fed lie after lie, with technology now making it easier to control us by disturbing brain function. And the latest big brain fuck to mess with you is being rolled out now, 5G technology. 5G is not an upgrade from 4G, that’s the guise, 5G allows anything to connect to everything, its basically a biological weapon to incapacaitate humans, controlling everything, your thoughts, your mind, crowd control, pacify a crowd, turn a crowd aggressive, as electrical beings, frequency is used to alter our behaviour.

A blanket control of everything. Every device rolled out now is a smart, your becoming connected to everything. The internet of things.

Smart devises are Spacil Monitoring And Reporting Tools, gathering information, tracking your every move, your emotional state, affecting your state, your being, your being formed.

Every aspect of your life is scrutinized and evaluated.


Constantly being watched, big brother is watching everyone, screening you with smart devices, listening to every word, monitoring behaviour.

Nature resonates at 7.2 hertz, and we are now surrounded with billions of hertz, this is affecting cell structure, genetically altering your being, biologically modifying you. Your being radiated daily with microwave frequencies from cell phones and their towers, and the towers today are much more powerful, emitting stronger waves, these silent weapons systems are reducing your life force, mental capacity and immunity, dumbing you down.

Wifi is 8 GHZ, this is the frequency that affects water, we are water beings on a water planet. They are fucking with the water folks, we are water.

5G is 60 GHZ, this is the frequency that the oxygen molecule reacts too. When hit by 60 GHZ this affects the orbital properties of the electron of the oxygen molecule, affecting hemoglobin. When 5G is rolled out, this is going to cause huge health problems and they will tell us some bullshit like its a new fandangle super strain of polio, and guess what they will just happen to have a vaccine! Basically fuck ya good and proper and profit from it..

5G will be like living inside an airport scanner, microwaving you. Scientists in the field of radiation reported that these scanners were unsafe but they were still rolled out after the 9/11.

Studies have shown that airport scanners alter DNA, breaking the DNA chain, breaking down your DNA, you being altered for the convergence of 3 strand DNA with the 3 strand DNA computer. Quantum super computers, based on quantum computing.

Your DNA is being broken to create points for a third strand GNA to bond to? GNA is a man made synthetic version of DNA, synthetic biology. Double strand DNA is what makes us human, the addition off another strand is ungodly and quite frightening.

Why do they want to alter our DNA? Altering our DNA to modify us, we are becoming transhuman, humankind is being transformed, “singularity” between man and machine. With the aid of nano technology, smart dust that is found in chemtrails and food. Slowly we are becoming human transmittors, everything you think, see, hear and feel is being recorded. The nano technology you have ingested comes together in the body, nano assembly, where components assemble themselves to form a larger unit.


Dr Ross Adey a towering figure in the EMF community who also worked with the department of defense on Project Pandora, a secret programme that sought ways to use electromagnetic radiation for mind control.

Adey made waves for himself by recommending that the public curb their exposure to EMF,s after his studies of long term exposure pointed to be harmful. Needless to say after he spoke out his funding stopped and his lab closed down and his findings were never made public or common knowledge.

Adey had previously discovered and scientificly proven 40 years ago how ionising radiation and frequencies from microwaves and other signals altered human behaviour, hacking your nervous system, hijacking your personality, your normal behaviour. Way back then they were able to delete memories, put you to sleep, turn on desire or repulsion, alter your sexual preference, make you aggressive, submissive, unresistiting, compliant and malleable. 40 years on they are so much more advanced, they can now read your bloody mind, controlling it with ease.

The population is being screened to identify the presence of disease, the disease in this case is you, awakening and awakened individuals, people who no longer conform, who no longer fit the mould, the minimilists, are you one of these people? You may be a targeted individual, this is reality folks, what you know gets you in to trouble. and what you dont't know will kill you quicker,

It’s a scary future if we do not act now.

The good citizens of earth, the spiritually asleep, the zombies doing what the corporate machine prescribes, consumed by consumerism, caught up in instant gratification, needy, addicted to the latest new thing on the market, watching TV, getting vaccinated, eating processed foods, obeying without question, individuals slowing becoming more and more incoherent, unaware of the corporate machine running their lives.

You came to experience through physical form, to experience love and joy in physical body, to be love, to share love and truth. You did not come here to be a machine, or to be run by a machine, well maybe you did but if your reading this then I think not, you’re here to help wake the sheeple up and to help eradicate the world of the narrsassist elitists and the corporate machine.

You are a creator and its time to wake up and to create harmony for yourself and the world collectively. Ironically this is maybe what needs to happen to wake us up from our slumber.

It’s a time of awakening, awakening to the darker forces that have been controlling you for too long. Time to shine light on the manipulation, the manipulation that started a long time ago, keeping you in a lower vibatory state, disconnected from higher states of consciousness.

Nothing is hidden, you just don’t bother to investigate, you believe the bullshit, I believed the bullshit. The average human is indoctorinated into a world of fear and that is where you stay until you start hearing, listening and feeling into your heart.

From birth you have been shaped and conditioned by the matrix, a framework of control, culture, money, politics, religion, media, schooling and ecomonic circumstances.

The gover-ment, to govern is to control, mental, the mind, mind control, they don’t even hide the fact.

School held you back, fed you controlled information and gave you perimiters on what to think and how to behave. This covert oppression that kept you spiritually asleep, imprisioned by your fearful thoughts, emotions and unfulfilled dreams.

Your being and reality has been formed to fit an agenda.

Misleading information, confusing information, controlled information, you have been mis-informed your whole life.

How can you protect yourself? talk about this shit, educate yourself, educate others, detox the heavy metals out of your body, they serve as an antenna magnifying the effect EMF;S within your body. Sweat shit out of your body, learn how to be self sustainable, learn how to grow your own food.




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