Achievement 3 by @nayqii Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)
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I am happy to indulge in my Achievement 3 task because it is something I take a good interest in and I feel the need for people to know what plagiarism is and what consequences they can face going further into the future.

What is plagiarism?

Nowadays people seem to often turn to google for answers they seek, like for instance a school project. Students often do research on school projects and think that if they copy and paste the information it is the easy way out of doing loads of work:

  • First of all they rush through the work so that they can carry on with what they were doing beforehand which is not the correct way to think.
  • Secondly, they think that taking this way out will give them a good mark and a good reputation from the teacher whom will think they have a lot of knowledge.

However, it is wrong what they are doing, they are plagiarising their work.

Let me explain what plagiarism is.

Plagiarism is when one takes the work someone else did, copying it, using it as their own and taking all the credit even though they are not the ones who sat down for hours putting an outstanding amount of effort in.

"In colleges and universities, it violates honor codes and can cause irreparable damage to a person's reputation. It also comes with serious consequences; a plagiarized assignment may lead to a failing grade, a suspension, or an expulsion."Source

Copying others research is plagiarism, but it is not the only form of plagiarism.

Let me get into that:
Different types of plagiarism.

"Direct plagiarism is the act of copying another person's work word for word. Inserting a paragraph from a book or article into your essay without including attribution or quotation marks, for example, is direct plagiarism. Paying someone to write an essay for you and submitting it as your own work is also direct plagiarism. If you commit direct plagiarism, you're likely to be caught thanks to software and tools such as Turnitin.
Paraphrased plagiarism involves making a few (often cosmetic) changes to someone else’s work, then passing it off as your own. Unless a specific idea is common knowledge, you cannot include it in your paper without providing a citation—even if you do not include any direct quotes.
"Mosaic" plagiarism is a combination of direct and paraphrased plagiarism. This type involves tossing various words, phrases, and sentences (some word for word, some paraphrased) into your essay without providing quotation marks or attributions.
Accidental plagiarism occurs when citations are missing, sources are cited incorrectly, or an author shares an idea without a citation that isn't as common of knowledge as they thought. Accidental plagiarism is often the result of a disorganized research process and a last-minute time crunch. Ultimately, if you fail to cite your sources appropriately, you've committed plagiarism—even if you had every intention of giving credit. "Source

Although this is a huge problem nowadays one can still prevent it. Stop trying to impress people with the idea that you know so much even though you don't have much knowledge about the topic at all and start giving the people some credit from whom you got the information/idea.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them

@patjewell @ngoenyi

 2 years ago 

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