The Weekend Mood

in #lifelast year

Last night I and hubby went for a dinner exploring some Kerala cuisine. I must confess that I over ate. The food was so delicious that I could not resist. By the time I reached home I was in food coma and wanted to crash and since it was an early to bed scene, waking up also was early. Weekends when I want to wake up late, I always end up waking early and weekdays it becomes reverse....haha. I am feeling so happy today. Day before yesterday a very good friend of mine delivered a baby boy. Last evening, I went to see her, the baby is so adorable. I spent the whole evening with her before going for dinner, playing with the baby. The little one is super active. In the last 5 months, 3 of my friends delivered. From all of them this little one is the most active. The other two whenever I went to visit them would only be sleeping, but this one was in a playful mood just on the 2nd day itself. Being with little babies is the happiest experience of life.

Morning when I woke up, I was feeling very good, probably it was the last evening mood that got carried forward. Finished my home chores as always. Friday, I have no helper coming over, so cooking, cleaning and all the work I need to do it myself. Anyways it's not much, since it's only 2 of us, but ya still there is some, because I like my space to be very neat and clean and well-arranged at all times. On a Friday, hubby takes over the cooking part and I do the cleaning. After all of that was finished, I decided to spend some time with my plants grooming them. Again, the good things of life and the joy is found in all of these very simple things. Some of my indoor plants have grown out too much and I had not had time to place them properly. Finally, today I could set them well so that they do not hang loosely and touch the ground.

You can see how I have used the thread support to set them straight. Now they look better

With the summer setting in they need extra care. Trimmed up this one

This one is growing out very tall, after a certain height I will need to change the pot as well as the place to keep it

Always in love with my little babies

After tending to them, here I sit down to write my blog and then afternoon is going to be a movie time. Let's see if I can get some good watch on Netflix.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ❤️🎉

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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