Do our Financial status determine our happiness?

in Incredible India2 years ago

Money is very important for our life, we give a lot of weightages to money in our life and keep struggling to earn more money for a comfortable life. From the time we finish our education this game of earning money starts and then our whole focus is around that. We feel that the more money we earn the more we can achieve in life what we desire and to an extent it is true. Without money we cannot get all that we desire. But at the same time, one must not forget that our finances do not determine our happiness. It is good to have financial freedom but it is not good to depend only on our financial freedom for our happiness.

No matter how much ever we will earn it will never be enough, because the more we earn our spending capacity also increases and then we desire for more and that's where all the problems of the world also lie. Today even the multimillionaires keep craving for more and more wealth and in turn creating chaos in the society. My dad used to give me this example, that today if we are earning 1k, we will live within it and our life will go on, and we will desire for 10k, but the day we will start earning 10k we will still not be satisfied because now our way of living will fit in 10k and we will start desiring for 100k. There will never be a point where we will be able to say that's it. I do not want to earn more; I will live in what I have.


There are many external factors also that get involved in this, like the steady increase in commodity prices and the increasing cost of day to day living, so it is equally true that our finances also need to keep increasing to meet these increasing costs. And at the same time, one must also live life to the fullest in the current means. We get so engaged in meeting tomorrow's demands that we forget the today. We want to build a home we save; we save for our children's hi-flying education, we save for their marriage and we keep saving and saving to meet expenses of the future, in the bargain we stop meeting our today's demand and then feel the lack of money in our life which makes us unhappy. Again, if there are heavy expenses lined up for future one cannot ignore that, because money is not going to come from air suddenly one fine day when the event occurs so we do need to save, but the only thing is that we need to balance out those savings and not only focus on them forgetting the current.

There are 2 couples in our group, 1 who earns decently well to live a good life and the other one whose earnings are just enough to meet their ends. The one who earns well is most of the time complaining about their finances and I barely see them happy and satisfied with what they have. On the other hand, the other couple who are not earning very good I always see them enjoying life and totally carefree living each day. This is the difference when we say do money determine our happiness. Both of them do savings in their own possible ways but the way of living life for both these couples are poles apart. One always happy and the other one always worried.

Some people give so much importance to money that they forget to live their life. Everyone will not be at same level in life financially so one has to learn to be happy in what they have and strive for more but not be taken down. As I mentioned earlier, it will never be enough how much ever we have.

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"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

 2 years ago 

I am happy whatever I achived in my life and I never joined the rat race to earn more because I love to spend my leisure time to explore several places

 2 years ago 

That's very good that you have been able to draw that line and put your focus on your passions rather then stressing out about earning more and more money.

Amiga de verdad una lección de vida me ha dado,yo disfruto lo poco que consigo,no quiero riquezas y vivir atormentada,pasando ronchas pero aquí voy buscando cada día vivir un poco mejor aunque me falten muchas cosas materiales,muy buen trabajo,saludos y bendiciones amiga.

 2 years ago 

There will be times in our lives when we may feel the lack, staying in high spirits in such times means a lot. A truly respect such people.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend, I hope you are well 🙏
You are right we give so much importance to money that we forget to enjoy life and that is not good.

Our happiness does not depend on money. We must be happy and enjoy what we have even if it is little. The truly important thing is to love life and our family.

 2 years ago 

Very rightly said. Sometimes I find rich people more unhappier then the poor and that's where I always wonder what is money doing to them.

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