Day 843: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: itchy neck

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt itchy neck hosted by @mariannewest.

I have heard of the saying that if your hand itches you are going to come into some money. If your foot itches, you are either going to take a trip or walk on foreign ground. I wonder what an itchy neck means, it could mean to much starch in your shirt or maybe you will eat something that you are allergic to.

An itchy neck could also mean you have been running all over the river with your head in one position, oh that is a sore neck which I had today. I went to the flat, black point, the sleuth, Melva's island, asshole dock, the leases and saw nothing. My husband texted me and said he had been to the inlet, coconut, west shore, the flat, pelican island, Paul's island and now he was at Hobarts which is 15 miles south of where I was. I did not want to run my motor that far but if I was going to have a chance of catching anything I was going to need to go south.

My husband texted and said he had 5, so south I went. By the time I got down there my back was killing me. I ran all over the place and never saw anything so I just anchored. I stayed there for 30 minutes and hadn't had a bite. I reeled 5 of my 6 rods in and picked up the last pole and it had a pompano on it, I got it right to the side of the boat and lost it. I fished till 4:30 and caught 2. My husband had 28 pounds.

He left at 3:30 and made it a mile from the ramp and his tiller handle broke. A tiller is what you hold onto to steer the boat, and give it gas. He put two U-bolts on it so he can fish tomorrow. He will need to order a new tiller. We get my motor working, now his is broken.....



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How about allergies... They make itchy too but I go for the money (indeed itchy hands).

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@wakeupkitty I have had my hand itch and have never gotten money for it. lol

Oh you cannot mean that! I jave itchy hamds since days. My granny said girls who whistle get men with money... I cannot whistle amd I do not want a man either...I once read a certain spot underneath your foot or toe stands for money too...we need a footmassage,many this year. The year of the rat it is and that stands for wealth/good business too. 💕

@wakeupkitty I never heard the one about girls whistling, I can not whistle and I married a poor man. How does a rat stand for wealth/good business, I think it should be something like the year of the unicorn or anything but a rat. lol

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I suppose replacing parts is to be expected, but does it all need to happen at once? I hope your husband gets his new tiller soon! And I wish you better luck fishing tomorrow!

@scribblingramma I know it seems as if everything wants to break, I am like WHATS NEXT. I have to laugh or I will cry.

What a bummer!! That his motor is broken now!!

Some day, you have to write the story behind this name: asshole dock

@mariannewest I will try to work it in my freewrite.

You had quite a day Cissy. It’s good Hubby is able to fix things, that break on the boat, enough to use it.

I saw an exercise where you lean forward In a chair enough to hang onto the back legs and stay in that position for awhile. It is suppose to help relieve back pain.

@redheadpei I can see why this works. Mine hurts a lot when I stand driving the boat for long periods. Sometimes I stop and bend my knees to my chest like in the fetal position and that helps.

If it's not one thing, it's another!
You gave me a chuckle with it could mean too much starch in your shirt. Does anyone even use starch any more? Neither of my daughters knew what it was when I showed them how to iron recently.

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@owasco You made me laugh, does anyone iron anymore? My daughter have this steam thing they run over their clothes. lol I think it is great you are teaching your daughters about the lost skill of ironing.

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