People who love sports are not lazy / 爱运动的人都不是懒人

in #sports8 years ago (edited)

I want to introduce I do not love sports, always have many reasons,Love movement must be morning? No, exercise can also be at night, everyone has their own hobbies,Man,y of my friends love mountain bike, mountain climbing, running, cycling, I spent a lot of time in Steemit for the last two months,Writing programs is one of my fun.
首先我要介绍下,我不爱运动,我总有许多理由给自己早晨晚起, 爱运动一定要早上吗? 不是,运动也可以晚上,每个人有自己的兴趣爱好,在我身边许多朋友热爱山地车运动,爬山,跑步,自行车,最近两个月我花了许多时间在Steemit,一直在改写程序,写程序就是我的乐趣之一.



Many people a whim, doing a day of exercise, no further insistence the next day, there are always be many reasons, this is the lazy way of doing things,This is the lazy way of doing things,I know a lot of my friend who participate in the national marathon race, cycling race, whether it is day or night, rainy days, are training, they are become a life, do the work is very capable .
许多人一时兴至来潮,起很早去跑步,或者做运动,第二天又没有再坚持,总会有很多理由,借口给自己, 这就是懒人的做事方式, 在我认识的一群朋友当中,他们许多人参加全国的马拉松比赛,自行车赛,不管是白天或者黑夜,下雨天,都在训练,这已经成为了一种生活. 对于工作的执行力是很有能力.

The whole marathon is 42 km, the bike is generally 90-200 km, how many kilometers you can run, how many kilometers to ride, I have insisted that the few days will be foot pain

Now if the morning, used to take a road, enjoy the park, the lake scenery and flowers,very comfortable and spiritual.

This is the government for people to set the bike, free riding for 1 hour, brush micro letter, lazy people usually drive to the lake, and then change the bike, love sport people are from home to the lake Side, about 5 km running to go.


This is a member of the sports team, representing our city to participate in the national marathon .If in the local game, the winner must be their, but to participate in national events, and occasionally get a ranking, such as last month in Beijing marathon, run Finished the whole is the best results
这是跑步团的成员,代表我们市参加全国马拉松比赛. 如果在本地比赛,冠军一定是他们的,但参加全国的赛事,偶尔也能拿个名次,比如上个月在北京的马拉松比赛,跑完了全程就是最好的成绩了





This is the annual round of the Poyang Lake race, players from around the world have come to the competition, have the opportunity to play with them before they know how much the gap, found the Chinese team and men's soccer the same, too amateur



Love sports people are not lazy, do not love sports people really more problems,If you ask me lazy? Finally, I still want to say, I have some lazy:)
总之爱运动的人都不是懒人, 不爱运动的人毛病还真多 :)

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    @myfirst, it's a great article. I saw a long time ago that some parts of China have gray clouds due to fog, biking more than driving would help turn that around. As for doing sports, running and biking - I think everybody gets lazy sometimes - too but it really helps staying fit.

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