The little things that mean the most!

in #needlework6 years ago

The little things that matter

Yesterday was one of those days that reminded me, it really is those little simple moments shared with the people who matter, that can have such a huge impact and place in a persons' heart forever.

After being in awe of the crafts I had seen shared with the creator of the #needleworkmonday competition and posts by the creator @crosheille, I found the urge to pick up the knitting needles after many, many years...(well, chopsticks in my case as I couldn't find any knitting needles in Siem Reap, Cambodia) It was just like riding a bike, I hadn't forgotten anything. My grandmother had taught me well.
My grandmother with 5 of her 7 children. (Image Source My grandfather)

I remember as a young girl sitting in awe as she whipped us up clothing and our most treasured handknitted dolls. As soon as she deemed me "big enough" and "patient enough" to master knitting, she patiently sat with me perched in between her legs, watching my every stitch for hours until I was pleased enough with my progress. I can still remember the smell of her perfume and gentle words of encouragement when I lost all my stitches that fell off the needle. All the hours spent wrapped in wool and love. I wish I could go back.

My grandmother taught me so much. Not just how to knit. I miss her deeply every day since her passing a year ago. We never got to see each other for the last 6 years after my family moved to Cambodia and a huge part of my heart is saddened that we never got to say goodbye properly. Although when it comes to the death of a loved one do you ever really have the chance to say goodbye properly? For a moment, I miss our old life back in Australia. Our family and our friends.

I returned home from work and was finally ready for some self-care time. My daughters 8 and 9 eagerly looked on as I began to place the stitches on my needles. They began to ask questions that reminded me of a little girl I know very well. I was reminded they were "big girls" and not my little babies anymore. I undid my stitches and sat them one by one, alternating between both girls guiding them their stitches. They picked it up so quickly and are doing a wonderful job for their first time knitting.


Layla has BIG PLANS! She is going to create "the worlds longest scarf ever!" That was after she declared she was making dolls clothes, underwear (strange, I know), and a gift for each one of her 6 family members. Who knows what it will become tomorrow.

As I reflected on my evening with the girls I realised, I was ever so grateful. I was thankful for that little moment with my daughters that I was I was lucky enough to share with them. It took me back to special moments of my own childhood and hopefully, one- day will also be a special memory for my daughters too.

This summer break from work after what has been a crazy, busy last few months full of family stress and chaos. I don't want to go away on holidays. (Nor can we even afford them this time because of the chaos lol). But, I want to enjoy the simplicity of life and our home and do all those things we supposedly, "never have time" for and hopefully create some magical moments in the process.

I have begun creating a Summer Bucket List in my bullet journal of simple things I want to do.Some by myself (finding time to read a good book with 5 kids and a full-time job is difficult), and others with family. I also bullet journal for productivity and not daily journal writing. Having a proper journal is something I have wanted to do for ages.
So far my favourite on the list so far is making a billy cart with the whole family. Even if it turns out horrible and doesn't even drive as we envision, we will forever hold the memories of that day the 7 of us tried to make a billy cart and no doubt in true Kiene family style, have some funny stories from the efforts. I'm sure there will be an upcoming post so stay tuned.

So, help me out? What were some of your most favourite memories of your childhood? What are some more things I can add to my simple summer bucket list to do with my family? The simple things that memories are made of?

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It is so wonderful that you take the time to spend with your children. These are memories that will last a lifetime for them and even the littlest things can be so big in their world.

hey @broncofan! Thanks for your kind words. I am very blessed with pretty awesome kids. that makes my job a little easier. I really do hope I was/am able to create special moments that last a lifetime for them. Being a kid in this day and age is tough enough. hopefully being surrounded by love, support and attention to their worlds will make their journey through life a little easier.

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What a lovely post. My grandmother taught me to crochet just to get me out of her hair. I can still make the chain stitches 60 years later.

Camping. As many as 6 of us meeting with more family for camping reunions. The food was magnificent and the fun was over the moon for a 10 year old. I still love to camp.

Thanks for a marvelous post and look at your family. I really appreciate it.

Hahahaha, to get out of her hair! ! Sounds like you were taught well also @bigtom13.

We love camping. We have looked into finding spots in Siem Reap but sadly due to war Cambodia still has live landmines and you need to be extremely careful heading off the beaten track. Although having you mention this to me again makes me think I should ask a local if we could camp on their land (payment of course). I guess where there is a will, there is a way.

Thanks for you kind words. I hope your back is back to being tip top and you haven't added any scratches to that beautiful bike of yours xo

What a wonderful story @mumma-monza!

I too have similar memories, but with my mom. She used to sew all of our clothes! She also tought me to knit and embroidery.

She has been teaching my "big" girls needlepoint as well.

I'm so jealous your "big" girls get to learn from their grandma. Sometimes living abroad breaks my heart and I wonder if we have made the best decision. Enjoy the magicxoxox

@mumma-monza im sorry :/ i know such decisions are tough to make!

My parents lived in Colorado (we are in Kentucky) for 10 years. They loved back here about 3 years ago, amd it sure has been a blessing!

That is a fun list! I'm sure the kids will really enjoy it! I hope that you guys are able to get a go cart up and running!! So cool that you got the needles out and taught the girls. I love that your daughter wants to make some underwear!! Ha!! If they are like my kids, the fad will be over in a few days and they'll move on to something else. Man, that's so annoying when they do that. I am hoping to teach mine to crochet before we have an 8 hour drive next month to Panama City. That or cross stitch. Something other than playing video games the whole way. :)

I'm hoping the fad sticks. Can't imagine wool underwear being comfortable in 40C temps but each to their own lol. I would love to show them how to crochet. But we had to use chopsticks instead of knitting needles because I couldn't find them anywhere. So now I am left wondering. What Cambodians use wool for. My co-workeers have said nobody they know knows how to knit or crochet and couldn't identify what knitting needles were to point me in the right direction where to buy them.
Cross stitch would be awesome to teach them. So totally stealing this!

@mumma-monza dashes to the market!!

I absolutely love this post!! I am so sorry about your grandmother passing last year and you not having seen her for some years. I know that is so tough.

I am so glad to hear that #NeedleWorkMonday has inspired you to pick those knitting needles back up again!! I love that you are teaching your daughters and they picked up on it right away. Now you’ll have to join us on Monday’s to share what you girls are making!! 😃😘

Thank you so much for sharing this and also for the shout-out~

Great post i am not a mum but this post it's lovely, it important sharing time with our loved ones, and you and your family seems so cute <3 Thank you for sharing this love with us!

Thanks for your kind words @noemilunastorta. I'm a pretty lucky lady <3

Underwear? Not weird at all. But maybe sewn not knit? Lol.

My favorite summer memories? I liked waking up super early and being st the beach by sunrise. We’d stay there for 3-4
hours then go home and hang out.

I’m sure it was like that because my parents worked and they were probably gone most of the day - but I loved the beach mornings and lazy days of summer.

And chopsticks... 🥢 sounds like a @crowbarmama moment ❤️

Really when we talk about family and about too many children the small details are what make the event, beautiful your daughter bless and I love your post! Regards!

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