Steemit Engagement Contest4️⃣; Describe what you do for personal development“ 🧘📚👩👨 #swcengagement4 by @monjuapllonia

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

Greetings to steemwomensclub!


Edited via Pixellab


I'm so happy participating in this week's contest week four. I must say this week's topic is very important because our personal development are different and we shouldn't relent ourselves from making this self development positive.

Personal development

It's the ongoing act of an individual asssertion towards his or her goals and values and building those skills for an optimal potential.
These potentials can be strengthen through out their lives.

The best way of keeping track of my self development is by keeping a plan. No matter how old or young you're, it's always important to start a personal development plan.
A personal development plan helps to;
✳️ provide clear goal
✳️It helps me to identify my strengths and weaknesses
✳️It helps track your progress
✳️It improves your sense of purpose
✳️It enhances your mental well-being and reduces stress

For the sake our this contest;
My personal development are;

           1️⃣ Find a mentor

A mentor to me is someone who has been there, done the things I imagine doing, learned from his or her experiences and is willing to share that knowledge with me.

   **Qualities of a good mentor**

🔹 Availability
🔹 Patience
🔹 Knowledgeable
🔹 Inspiration
🔹 Confident

In steemit, I have admired and made two beautiful mentors in this community and I must say they're all the above qualities. The likes of @ngoenyi and @patjewell to mention but few.

Their blogging styles and their dedication is what attracts me to them and also their willingness to share their experiences with others. They've helped me alot and I know I'm picking and following their steps in my own way though I try and fall but I wouldn't give up.


           2️⃣ Reading

This can increases my knowledge and vocabulary and keeps me informed.
Unlike in the past where I hadn't joined steemit I usually download books from Amazon and for a month or so I get to read for improved vocabulary. I learned alot in this practice but not as I have gained in steemit.

In steemit, I can attest to beauty of the quality Posts I read on a daily basis and also how it has helped me in time management. I allocate a portion of my time in reading and learning new articles on steemit and also as a teacher, reading is of utmost importance because keeping myself abraised with knowledge keeps me updated in teaching my students.

Daily motivational post keeps my positive self together so I don't relent myself too.

        3️⃣ Learning a skill

As of my personal development, I love learning new skills and during my free time I like drawing and recently I learned a new skill. I chosed beading because I needed a skill that has full brain and fingers coordination.

I learned this craft during my birth maternity leave which happened that I wasn't used to sitting at home idle. This resorted me into picking a craft that I love so much.



** beading a handbag**

            4️⃣ Network 

I interact with many people with positive impacts that I learn new ideas from. I try to keep only friends who can impact my life In a way or two. I also do try my utmost best to create positive Impacts in my own way I interact with different networks of people.

We meet in unexpected places and build relationships that create positive impact in our lives and future.

My network of friends in and out of Steemit is quite recommendable and you know what! I love making older persons as my friends since it's a give and take in the aspects of good values and impactful knowledge.


My friends and I

      5️⃣ Journal keeping

My way of writing a journey is by blogging in steemit. The diary game is the best place of my Journal writing and I'm a photogenic and I love keeping those pictures and events there. This helps me gain self-awareness and reflection on past events. I do assess my goals and progress through the different posts I made.


I meditate to gain clarity and awareness and this reduces stress and too much anxiety. This gives me room for positive thoughts to help boost my self development and in a healthy way too.

Most importantly is the mediation of my ever living father, God ( Bible study) I'm grateful to him for everything I've got and all I will still have.


Self development is an important part of individual growth. By allowing one's self to fully explore vital areas of personal improvement, one is more likely to get fulfilled in ones life.

I therefore invite @wirngo, @beautybb, @ hannybanny, @monjuagnes, to come and participate in this self development contest.

10% post payouts to steemwomensclub

Thank y'all for reading my post 🌹🌹🌹

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Let's move to the top

 2 years ago 

You have put out good points that will help ones development. Having a mentor is very important that is some you can model after.

I like the colour of your beaded bag, hope tou will produce one for me. Your friends are so beautiful.

Thank you for sharing

 2 years ago 

Offcourse I will my dear
Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago 

You young lady have developed in a beautiful women with wonderful features. You remind me of that caterpillar who evolves in to this beautiful butterfly 🦋
It is wonderful to read that you allow yourself time for yourself by planning, a section in my life where I fail miserably.
Thank you, it warms my heart that you see myself and my great friend as your mentors. Your words was what I needed this morning to start my day.
Don’t ever change and… don’t reach for the stars but the moon!

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your attributes and I'm glad my words meant and tickle a thing in you this morning
Definitely for the moon mommy 🌹

It is really great to see that you are able to learn a new skill just by sitting home. It shows that you are really a hardworking lady and don't like to idle around, it is a great characteristics to have you know.

And interacting with older persons. That is really great you know. I enjoyed reading from you. You can also engage with me through My link

 2 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by and for your wonderful comment


I can see you have a lot of skill to share as far personal development is concerned and which that I wish I could have enough time to share this memorable moments with you.thank for the information cause we really appreciate you for that

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading my post and I must say I'm very grateful

You are welcome and am so glad you are impressed

 2 years ago 

Things you do everyday are really good for personal development, I personally used to do some of them, for example I'm good at beading too, I learnt the skill while in college. Truly the Power of meditation and good friends can't be overemphasize. Thanks for sharing your tips with us, I wish you success!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading 🌹

 2 years ago 

Nice write up my friend .making friends with elderly people is the best .You learn alots from them .They are always amazing .I most testify learning .increasing your personal skills with handwork is very good .Your beads hand burse looks good . I hate being idle I do alots of things to occupy myself.I most say this you will never regrets learning beading it will help you to developed personal skills to produce unique and beautiful designs of things .Goodluck

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your time, you read so well

It's the ongoing act of an individual asssertion towards his or her goals and values and building those skills for an optimal potential.

This is well elaborated and explain and I love the things you listed as your personal development plan. I think if we follow all that, we will always have a successful career

I love all your personal development plans most especially the one of learning skills. That one has attracted me a lot because learning skills is something very good which will in turn even render us income. I see you have already learn one skills which is beading and you have already started making income out of it which is very good

In general, I love the way you have taken to handle this topic because I have a lot after going through it

 2 years ago 

Thanks for learning from my post and reading every detailed line
I'm grateful

Ohhh my dear friend i see you have a beautiful routine and a talent for handwork ..That is very beautiful and you also create time to hangout with friends for fun .. That is awesome.

I like one of your friends 🤣🤣
So you just need to give me her number but it seem they are married from the look on their faces ...

Good luck with the contest dear

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading my post 🌹

You did so well in your contest regarding how you made your point clear about the the personal development but I must say that you did a wonderful job thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading my dear

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