[Steem Rep] Update - September 2024 | AI-Comments | Tags | Trendings Scores

in Steem POD Team3 days ago

When I start to think about what I could write about my work on the Steem, I think of several things. When I try to write them down, I'm overtaken by current events or questions or further research, which I then usually prioritise.
In this respect, I'm very sorry that I didn't get in touch with you sooner.


I would like to address a few points that have recently been receiving particular attention.

AI comments
The reaction of some users to the AI comments from the Xpilar team did indeed scare me a little. Steem is a blockchain-based platform for exchanging ideas with other people on this planet, perhaps sharing personal experiences, celebrating anniversaries, etc. One more, the other less. This motivation is reinforced by the fact that you can earn rewards in cryptocurrencies through social interaction.

Social interaction is therefore the essence of the platform. For me personally, this is an interaction between people. We all know that AI is a current trend and is also coming to Steem. There's nothing wrong with consciously choosing to interact with AI. By the way, you can try this out with the !ask command from justyy's bot. Or use the AI clearly labelled in your posts.

But where is the social interaction when a computer programme responds to a post with a text that comes from the AI? Personally, I want to talk/write to people on Steem and not to the output of a computer programme. For me, such comments are no substitute for missing human comments. What should I be happy about? At best, I pay respect to the programmer for his performance.

In the comments section of this post (yes, reading comments is very useful!) I had read that the search engines also look at relevant tags and that you should therefore use tags that match the post. I'm not familiar with search engine optimisation, but it makes sense to me.

When we create a post in a community, the unique internal community identifier (you know it as hive-123456) is automatically added as the first tag. This is also done so that you can access the community posts with the URL https://steemit.com/created/hive-123456. The actual post then has the URL https://steemit.com/hive-123456/@author/permlink. And that's probably the problem. For the search engine, the part hive-123456 in the URL is not meaningful and is therefore obviously ranked low.

If you create a post outside the community and use a meaningful tag (for example #book), the URL for the post will look like this: https://steemit.com/book/@author/permlink If you now use a meaningful title, you may also appear in the search engine results.

But what does this mean for Steem and Steemit? Do we have to abolish the communities again?

Trending Scores
Maybe it's a mistake to put this topic in a Steem Rep post, but I'm still hoping for some feedback.
I know from some users that the 'trendings' (meaning the access to https://steemit.com/trending/) are a thorn in the side of many, because it sets false incentives.

The trending score is determined on the basis of the votes a post receives. Posts with a high trending score are displayed higher up on the page than others. There are therefore two considerations to ensure that investor contributions do not appear so high up in the trendings:

  1. Investor votes are not included in the trending calculation.
    In this case, there would have to be a (adjustable) list with the corresponding accounts. This might not be very successful, however, as trail votes are often linked to investor votes, meaning that the score is still likely to be higher than for other posts.
  2. Votes that occur within a certain time are not (or less) included in the trending calculation.
    Here, for example, I could imagine a time range of 10-30 minutes in which the value for the trending score increases steadily. This should then cover both the investor votes and the trail votes.

Feel free to write me your opinion on the suggestions. I haven't done any tests on this yet, so I can't show you what impact one version or the other would have. But that will follow soon...


Banner with kind permission of chriddi


Was den Einsatz von KI auf Steemit betrifft bin ich, insbesondere nach diesem Kommentar, doch recht optimistisch. Evtl. gibt es einmal (auf Anfrage) KI-Kommentare, z.B. mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen zum Post oder einen Bot, der Anfängerfragen beantwortet. Nur zwei Gedanken.

Zur SEO-Geschichte, ich bin auf dem Gebiet nicht mehr am aktuellen Stand, denke aber, ein hive-123456 in der URL sollte nicht so dramatische Auswirkungen haben, weil die Überschrift im <h1> Tag und auch in der URL vorkommt. Wenn die Überschrift passt sollte der Beitrag auch gefunden werden, bei Google war z.B. beim Suchbegriff "BTCBSC Scam" ein Beitrag von Steemit lange Zeit auf Platz 1, jetzt auf Platz 2. Wobei, natürlich, wenn URL's ohne hive-möglich sind, wäre das sicher kein Nachteil.

Und ja, die Trending Scores - auch noch eine Baustelle, die beiden Ideen finde ich schon mal gut, damit wäre schon einiges gewonnen. Könnte mir noch eine zusätzliche Gewichtung nach Inhalt vorstellen, ein Bild ohne Text wäre z.B. nicht so trending :-)

(Offtopic: weiß du zufällig (ohne groß zu suchen) wie sich aus einem privat Key der entsprechende public Key berechnen lässt?)

Erstmal kurz zu der Key-Geschichte, da ich gerade auf dem Sprung bin:
In Python gibt es die Klasse PrivateKey mit der du den Public Key erhalten kannst.
Da du ja eher in Javascript unterwegs bist, in SteemJS gibt es die Klasse ebenfalls. Damit habe ich aber bisher nicht gearbeitet. Das wird aber auch funktionieren.

Danke dir, das hilft mir schon mal weiter! (Nachdem 2 verschiedene KI's unbrauchbare Lösungen geliefert haben)

(Offtopic: do you happen to know (without searching too hard) how to calculate the corresponding public key from a private key?)

I suspect the algorithm to do this is a closely kept secret so that the inverse can't be achieved.

 2 days ago (edited)

What do you mean with "invers"? From Private to Public or from Public to Private?

The calculation of the public key from the private key must work, otherwise the whole system would not work. After all, it must be possible to check whether the entered private key matches the publicly known public key. Since the developer (naturally) has no access to the master key (from which all other keys could be determined), authorisation is only possible via the private/public route.

The reverse route, public to private, must not work of course, otherwise it would no longer be secret.

Of course, I could be wrong. My understanding of RSA is that there are a couple of prime numbers that define the algorithm (unique to each site) which if discovered would unlock every key.

There’s a post on the blockchain somewhere from one of the people who set up Hive about their algorithm. I struggle to understand RSA so I’m probably wrong.

Yes, it is a calculation, but the essential and decisive factor for cryptography is that the calculation can only be carried out in one direction with justifiable effort.

I've also read a lot about RSA, but I can't really explain it in detail :-)

I've also read a lot about RSA, but I can't really explain it in detail :-)

Me too. It's frustrating. Read -> Understand -> Forget. Time after time.

The bottom line is that none of them can be reversed in a reasonable period of time until quantum computing comes along. In general, I think that the trusted encryption algorithms are open source, so I'm sure we could dig the details out in the code if we wanted to spend the time on it. From following Bruce Schneier's Blog for many years, I have the impression that closed source algorithms are the ones that shouldn't be trusted.

@cmp2020 and I were talking about this when he took a cryptography course last year. Apparently, ECDSA is vulnerable to quantum algorithms, so Bitcoin and Steem are going to have to deal with that in the foreseeable future (and many others, I assume).

I'm out of time, but one of the AIs could probably give us the algorithm to derive the public key from the private key with ECSDA (which, I think might be the one that's used for our Steem keys). As I understand, it is based on the geometry of repeated movements around an elliptic curve for some number of times.

The reason I say is that it's a calculation... so if you can calculate the Public key from the Private and know the calculation to do so, then in theory, you should be able to adjust the variables within the calculation to prove the opposite.

E.g. a = b*c where a is the public key, b is a calc. and c is the private key would lead to c = a/b, therefore allowing us to calculate the Private Key from the Public.

I believe that there's an algorithm that exists linking one with the other, but if this is known in one direction, then the reverse will be calculable.



Nun ja, dieser Such Term ist ja bei einer knappen Handvoll Ergebnisse nicht unbedingt eine Messlatte. Aber selbst den findest du bei BING irgendwo im Nirvana und bei meiner genutzten Suchmaschine Yandex noch weit hinter dem Nirvana.


Würde man Steemit oder einen anderen Kondenser zur Suchanfrage Kryptowährung oder dem beliebten Messlatten-Beispiel Lebensversicherung unter den Top 10 finden wäre das eine Ansage.

Den übelst manipulierten Ideologie Laden Giggle nutze ich sowieso maximal noch zum Vergleich. Das sind Welten und man wundert sich, was andere Searchengines da zu Tage fördern. Bzw merkt man zu was für einem Shithole Google verkommen ist. Da war ja der Yahoo Suchkatalog vor der Jahrtausendwende noch besser, als es die Suchmaschinen im heutigen Sinn noch gar nicht gab.

Nice to hear your thoughts - I looked yesterday to see if you'd shared anything and today, you've fulfilled my wish (although it was probably yesterday after I'd looked for you).

AI Generated Content

I've struggled to know what to write about this. I also wanted to share these thoughts privately before commenting publicly.

Obviously, I don't share the opinion of the user who was trying to incite a new wave of Witness Wars. In my opinion, AI generated content which hasn't explicitly stated that it's AI generated deserves the downvotes it receives - irrespective of whether it's a new user (in which case, more leniency would be preferred), or an admin/moderator or even more so a Witness who have the responsibility of taking this platform in the direction that we want it to go in. We must remember that this is why we vote for witnesses - to support the users that will take the platform in the direction that we want it to go in.

In my opinion, xpilar failed in this respect and thanks to @michelangelo3 who highlighted this comment that has done a good job of combining many of my feelings in a relatively short comment (surprise and disappointment being front and fore).

Before this user reappears with another wave of blind loyalty, I have to reiterate my admiration for xpilar and everything he's done for Steemit, its users and for me, personally (which is why he still gets my Witness vote). This drama was in my view, poorly judged and I suspect, poor advice from elsehwere.


Yep - URLs matter, quite a lot. And the earlier in the URL that a key term appears, the more importance a Search Engine has historically given it.

So having hive-xxxx - a meaningless search term appearing in the URL before the h1 is essentially saying that hive-xxxx is a better descriptor of the content.

When I finally have time to write some new content, my intention is to use SEO optimised accounts (with a view to promotion of the platform to new users and how to join, etc.) and then using my main account (this one) to say "I wrote this - if you like my content then please take a look". This will also have a doubly-positive impact that if my main account's post exceeds $20, there will be an additional internal link to my article which is also SEO optimised. Win-win. At very least, this is the theory which I can test and potentially fail.

The SEO also links to your next point about the Trending page - This page is the one that Google ranks highest on steemit.com - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3Asteemit.com and is therefore the one that it will crawl the most regularly. If the content which appears regularly at the top of this is the content that it's following and indexing, this doesn't bode well for the quality of content that Google's indexing. So, the algorithm is a crucial development in my opinion.

Trending Algorithm

Both of your suggestions are good in my opinion. I think the Trending page would benefit if voting bot votes are removed (without thinking more complex - this change would see a huge improvement) and potentially all auto-votes (although these are sometimes a good indicator of the better authors - although maybe not. Some authors who receive over 1,000 votes per post are crap).

This does then mean that votes from sc01 become all-powerful in topping Trending which (in my opinion) becomes a problem when "Steem POD" posts get the highest upvotes. Is that the type of content that will appeal to new users or should consideration be given to how sc01 and sc02 votes are also handled within the algorithm?


You are of course particularly affected at WOX, as it affects the founder (and/or his team)... and perhaps this indirectly impacts the community mods as well.
I am very amazed that the comment highlighted by michelangelo3 was written. And furthermore, I'm surprised that no one has responded to it yet. I agree with you that exactly the right words were used.

a meaningless search term appearing in the URL before the h1

I don't know what you mean by that. There is no h1 tag in the URL.

if my main account's post exceeds $20, there will be an additional internal link to my article which is also SEO optimised.

Yes, but doesn't the lower SEO of the main account then influence the SEO optimised account? Or is the link alone a criterion for a ranking increase?

and potentially all auto-votes

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine whether the vote has been assigned manually or automatically. Unless we define very early votes as autovotes. As I wrote, I am not (or no longer) so convinced that bot votes alone will help us, as many people follow these bots. But until I've done the maths, we're only talking about it in theory. I'd like to know the actual impact so I can weigh up the alternatives. Which brings us to the most difficult point: How do I make comparative calculations without having to change the whole Hivemind code... I'm still thinking about it :-)

should consideration be given to how sc01 and sc02 votes are also handled within the algorithm?

In any case. These votes should not be the decisive factor, but the broad masses. In my view, remlaps' suggestions are (theoretically) well suited to achieving this.

I don't know what you mean by that. There is no h1 tag in the URL.

Sorry, I'm partially referencing michelangelo3's comment. The "Title" that we use for our post is also used as the h1 tag, as well as to construct the page URL (unless the title is edited, h1 = page URL). So when the page URL is constructed, the community (or first) tag precedes the title which would be given slightly higher importance.

Yes, but doesn't the lower SEO of the main account then influence the SEO optimised account? Or is the link alone a criterion for a ranking increase?

I might find this difficult to articulate but I'll do my best 🙂 If done well, the 2 should compliment each other. If the main account says something along the lines of "I have written this article about Lego Set 14433 which details my experiences building the set, and how much I enjoyed playing with it, blah blah" and then links to Lego Set 14433 - Building and Play Experience then when Google looks at the refferer content and deeper content, it'll say "Yes, these are relevant to each other and I like this". Whereas if I dump Lego Set 14433 - Building and Play Experience at the end of a "Gareth Southgate depresses me" article, it will say "Huh? What's lego got to do with Gareth Southgate - this fool's link spamming, I don't like this".

In the first (honest) example, Google will like both accounts because they're acting honestly (of course, this is all algorithmic) whereas in the second (dishonest) example, at minimum, the linking account is penalised and depending upon domain usage, both accounts might be. Internal links would be weighted differently to external links - another example is if at the end of my "Lego building and play experience" article, I link to other relevant information (perhaps the set on Lego's website), Google would also like this (assuming that the post reaches $20 and the nofollow link is removed.

Overall, the consistency will also appease Google. The account "Lego-Builder" who always talks about Lego will always rank higher than a generic account like mine which talks about lots of things. Google will have more confidence that the results its displaying will be relevant to the search term.

So lots of factors required to make the idea work and ensure that Google doesn't see it as "This fella's trying to manipulate me" which Google's been working very hard to prevent and dislikes. Which is why their algorithm's always been so secretive - if people know their rules, they'll play the game.

Unless we define very early votes as autovotes.

This is what I was thinking. At the moment, we know that autovotes tend to happen after about 5 minutes and sooner for the biggest voting bot delegations. Of course, if the rules change, voting habits probably will too.

many people follow these bots

In the main, I'd say these followers have relatively low voting power with less influence.

I think that we can say with a high level of confidence that if voting bot votes were removed, it would instantly signify a massive improvement in the Trending page. It might also highlight the next challenge (whether that's the voting bot followers or something else).

I'd be tempted to approach this as incremental changes rather than trying to find the silver bullet straight out of the gates. Of course, using suggestions by remlaps - I know that he and others have thought about this a lot over the years.

Nice to hear your thoughts - I looked yesterday to see if you'd shared anything and today, you've fulfilled my wish (although it was probably yesterday after I'd looked for you).

Before I start anything else, I wanted to finish the new version of DUBby first. That's why I've only really had time for these things for a few days... Although I was already thinking about it :-)

Today I had to struggle with my inkjet printer for a few hours to get it to spit out one of my daughter's school homework. Of course, by the time you need it, something has dried up...

So I'm sorry I'll have to postpone replying to your comment and the others...

 3 days ago 

The controversy surrounding the AI comments seems to have been settled for the time being... I found it much more frightening how many users didn't realise that it wasn't an Xpilar chatting to them, but an AI.

For me, the advantages of the Communities outweigh the disadvantage of the virtually non-existent visibility in search engines. But perhaps it would even be possible to change the basic structure of the URL...?

I can't contribute anything to trending - I'm not interested, I don't use it. Very nice that I land on your frontend right at the Created Posts... ;-))

Ja, es klingt ab. Ich hoffe nicht, dass es durch andere Accounts weitergeführt wird. Und wenn man es nun überhaupt nicht lassen kann, dann nur mit expliziter Kennzeichnung.

Die Grundstruktur der URL's zu ändern, wäre vielleicht sogar möglich. Das betrifft dann aber weite Teile der Oberfläche, und ich kann nicht wirklich abschätzen, welchen Aufwand das dann machen würde. Die Fragestellung nach der Abschaffung der Communities war natürlich auch provokativ.
Wahrscheinlich würde es wirklich schon mal helfen, wenn die User insgesamt vernünftige Tags und Titel verwenden (siehe Kommentar vom Gorilla).

Mit der Trending-Seite hast du recht. Als angestammter Nutzer hat man seine eigenen Startpunkte. Ausschlaggebend ist das eher für neue Nutzer, die als erstes die Investoren-Beiträge sehen und meinen, das könnten sie auch mit einem Bildchen oder drei Zeilen erreichen.

For trending, my guess is that it might be best to forget about the total value, and instead experiment with something like these:

  1. Median vote value
  2. Median vote value * number of voters
  3. Median vote value * log(number of voters)
  4. Median vote value after discarding the highest value vote.
  5. Total payout after discarding the highest value vote

We clearly don't want to go with raw numbers of votes, because that could be gamed with alt accounts, but there might be other solutions that don't depend on trying to maintain tables of investors and curation trails. Maintaining those tables sounds like a nightmare challenge to me.

Thank you very much. I was hoping for more suggestions from you. And you didn't disappoint me :-)

I've been thinking for a few days about how I could make effective comparative calculations (with the possibility of visualisation) with reasonable effort. Since the votes are not directly linked to the post with all the data, I would have to spend a lot of time collating the data first. But I think the data for your suggestions might even be available with one request.
Let's see...


Considering the fact that AI rules applies to only post, so many people don’t see it as going against the laws of steemit, when used to make a comment. I’m guessing that is why it’s mostly used. But like you pointed out in your post, genuine conversation are vital to building communities

that AI rules applies to only post

For me, this doesn't only apply to posts. For me, it is an unwritten rule that AI texts on a social platform must be labelled as such.

genuine conversation are vital to building communities

That's exactly how I see it.

Keine Ahnung, welche AI hinter den Xpilar Kommentaren klemmt, aber die ist echt gut. GPT 3.5 ist das nicht. Die bekommt das nicht hin. Vermutlich Claude oder eine KI Kombi. Aus SEO Sicht ist der URL Teil nicht das Problem. Das Hauptproblem ist der massenhafte Doppelcontent.

Einmal durch C&P auf/von anderen Plattformen (Hive/Blurt/etc), dann durch die vielfache Publikation durch das Contentgrabbing der x-fachen anderen Kondenser und nicht zuletzt durch die Nutzer, die ander Benutzer für unfähig halten sich fremdsprachige Inhalte via Rechtsklick oder Browser-Pluggin selbst zu übersetzen und ihre Inhalte im gleichen Post!! mit Deepl Übersetzungen doppelt und dreifach in den Artikel knallen. Besonders Google mag das nicht. Die sind schon soweit Inetnutzer nicht für komplett blöd zu halten.

Besonders lustig, wenn das so called "Repräsentanteninnen" tun. Bei Manchinnen frage ich mich eh, wen und was die gegenüber wem "repräsentieren". Also abgesehen von ihrem JC und dem Zuwachs ihrer Wallet. 😂😂😂

Hey, Gemach, ich bin auch ein Repräsentantum [Mobile] in Personalunion mit... naja, du weißt schon. ;-)

Kann natürlich auch sein, dass die ein eigenes Modell aufgesetzt haben. Aber das interessiert mich auch nicht wirklich. Der "Trainer" muss jedenfalls ein Faible für Emojis haben :-D

Nachvollziehbar ist für mich der angesprochene Doppelcontent. Durch die verschiedenen Condenser erscheint natürlich der Content vom Steem auf verschiedenen Domains. Bei mir habe ich den Crawlern das Inspizieren verboten. Ob sie sich dran halten, weiß ich natürlich nicht. Wenn das alle machen würden, sollte nur noch das C&P auf die verschiedenen Chains problematisch sein... vereinfacht gesehen ;-)

auch ein Repräsentantum [Mobile] in Personalunion

Echt?! Was man alles so ganz nebenbei erfährt. Kann man ohne wöchentlichen "Kuck mal wen ich gevotet habe" Report ja nicht wissen. Ausserdem bist du für meine angesprochene Rep-Gattung viel zu konstruktiv. 😂

muss jedenfalls ein Faible für Emojis haben

Das war das Erste, was mich an den Autoposts gewundert hat. Die Bezugnahme auf die Artikel passt ebenfalls ziemlich exakt und ab und an scheint da auch jemand manuell einzugreifen, sonst wäre dieser "Deal" sicher nicht zustande gekommen. lol

Die Antwort wäre ja fast noch Chatbot mässig, obwohl zu kurz und zu zielgerichtet, aber das Vote ist tatsächlich gekommen. Wenn das komplett KI war, dann Hut ab. Dann hätte ich den Bot gerne als Ersatz für die komplette Politgarde in Berlin.

Bei mir habe ich den Crawlern das Inspizieren verboten.

Da pfeiffen die drauf. :) Das Maximum ist, du wirst dann offiziell bei "noindex" nicht mehr in Suchergebnissen erscheinen, aber durchrattern tun die lustigen Bots trotzdem und fressen deinen Inhalt. Big Brother Google lässt da nichts aus. Schon vor etlichen Jahren getestet. Futsch neu Domain, weder eingehende noch ausgehende Links auf absichtlich völlig irren Ordnerpfaden (domain.com/1/zicke-zacke/huehnerkacke/2/hoch/5...), Crawler "ausgesperrt", noindex, etc. - und jetzt darfst du raten wer diese Inhalte gefunden und gescannt hat. :D

Eigentlich gab es für die Bots keinerlei Möglichkeiten auf diese Inhalte überhaupt aufmerksam zu werden. Eigentlich! Dabei haben wir sogar noch darauf geachtet, wo die Domain registriert wurde und bei welchem Hoster die Inhalte lagen, um eventuelle Unter-/Partnerfirmen von den Googels schon direkt auszuschliessen. Alle Mühen vergebens :)

Vor denen kannst du dich nicht wirklich verstecken. Mittlerweile ja nicht mal mehr lokale Inhalte auf deiner Platte, die du gar nicht online stellst. Zumindest, wenn du Onkel Bill Software benutzt. Gut, man sagt ja, es wäre nur zu unserem Besten. Da sollte man einfach nicht zu misstrauisch sein.

Moment... muss kurz an die Tür. Hat geklingelt. Keine Ahnung, wer das um die Uhrzeit noch ist...


Glück gehabt. Dachte schon es wären die Demokratie-Wächter. 😂

iya benar, memang tag harus sesuai postingan, namun bagi pengguna baru seperti saya, itu sangat sulit mendapatkan suara, apalagi power saya masih sangat lemat. dan disini saya sangat terinspirasi dengan penguna yang sudah berpengalaman dalam bidang steemit.

It's always difficult for new users to get attention. But we all started like this. The important thing is to get involved and interact in a meaningful way. After a while, the circle of acquaintances will grow. Good luck.

But what does this mean for Steem and Steemit? Do we have to abolish the communities again?

My original expectation, back before communities existed, was that the community owner was going to be able to pick their owning account name, and that the name would be relevant to the topic. I guess there were reasons why they decided not to do that, but from an SEO perspective, it seems like it would be an improvement.

Maybe there's a way to decouple the account name and replace it with a relevant string that can be chosen by the community and arranged in a way that doesn't conflict with regular tags, i.e.

steemit.com/c/[community_tag]; or

Ja, SEO und Google sind so eine Sache. Ich bin auch kein Profi, was das angeht. Aber wenn steemit.com als normale Internetseite gewertet wird, hat die Relevanz aller Artikel und die Zugriffszeiten einen Einfluss auf die anderen Artikel. Es ist wie bei reddit.com und meiner Seite: Auch wenn ich in meinem Titel exakt die gleichen Wörter verwende wie ein Nutzer in seiner Suche, entscheidet zuerst die Relevanz meiner Webseite und danach die User-Interaktionen. Das Gemeine ist, dass du ohne Analyse-Skripte, mit denen Google genauer bestimmen kann, kaum deinen Score verbessern kannst. Eigentlich habe ich nur aus diesem Grund noch Google Analytics auf meiner Seite, damit Google sich ein besseres Bild von den Nutzerinteraktionen machen kann. Was bei Steemit fehlt, sind auch Keywords. Diese werden zwar kaum von Suchmaschinen genutzt, sind aber dennoch für manche Suchanfragen relevant, im Fall Google und bei den meisten Großen zählt aber nur der Inhalt der Seite.

Am aussagekräftigsten sind der Titel und die Beschreibung. Wenn du gezielt auf SEO gehen möchtest, musst du die Wörter, die du zum Beispiel in deinen Tags oder auch in einer Google-Suche nutzen würdest, auch in deinem Titel verwenden. Trotzdem finde ich, dass man immer noch darauf achten sollte, dass die Titel auch für Menschen ansprechend sind. Bei SEO geht es auch um Auffälligkeit in der Suche. Besondere Zeichen oder Titel, die sich abheben, werden gerne genutzt. Kann aber auch zu Abwertung führen, wenn sie spammy oder irreführend sind.

Google achtet darauf, ob das Webseitenlayout passt und die Inhalte der Google-Entwicklerseite für SEO entsprechen. Auf der Google-Entwicklerseite für SEO steht: "Eine URL, die nur zufällige Kennungen enthält, ist für Nutzer weniger hilfreich." Da deine URL nicht zufällig ist und am Schluss relevante Informationen enthält, sollte es eigentlich nicht so schlimm sein. Aber ja, Google bevorzugt in seinem Newsfeed aus technischen Gründen auch eher Permalinks, und es fällt auf, dass die dort eher kurze Links bevorzugen und in der Google Suche Links die eigentlich wie bei Steam beschreiben.

Ich habe auch schnell diesen Blogbeitrag von dir in das Google-SEO-Testtool (pagespeed.web.dev) geleitet und bin auf 77 % gekommen. Das liegt daran, dass er wegen der URL etwas meckert und weil die Links, die eigentlich Knöpfe für JavaScript sind, zum Antworten fehlerhaft erscheinen. Aber die Webseite ist ja sonst gut strukturiert. Ansonsten ist das Ergebnis aber in Ordnung.

Der Text wurde von einer KI korrigiert, da ich gerade am Smartphone viele Rechtschreibfehler gemacht habe und der Lesefluss furchtbar war. Aber er stammt von einem Menschen, und darum geht es dir. Solange die Qualität der Inhalte verbessert werden kann, ist ein KI-Tool sinnvoll. Sinnloses Spammen mit Bots bleibt jedoch sinnloses Spammen mit Bots, auch wenn man eine KI einsetzt.

Was mich aber mal interessieren würde: Was würdest du davon halten, wenn man Rechenzeit, z. B. für KI, mit Upvotes oder Steem bezahlen könnte? Upvotes wären, glaube ich, etwas zu ungenau, aber Steem wäre eigentlich gut für so etwas geeignet. Bei manchen Social-Media-Plattformen gibt es das ja auch. Ich meine, Steem wäre gerade durch das Vorhandensein einer Währung ohne Transaktionsgebühren fast perfekt für solche Dienstleistungen.

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