Blockchain Voting System: Enhancing Transparency In Elections

in Steem Alliance3 days ago



Good day friends I welcome you all to another wonderful content on my blog
As I would be talking on an interesting topic, Blockchain voting system and ways we can enhance transparency in elections

As we all know that in recent years the electoral practice around the world have faced a lot of challenges and lacks the integrity it deserves or we deserve as the voter, with the increasing cases of malpractices, tampering of ballot papers or boxes as the case may be allegations of fraud, have reduced the public trust when it comes to electoral process or democratic system.

The blockchain technology being decentralized in nature has become a major response to these challenges by providing the most suitable solution in improving electoral accountability and trust of the public in the system ensuring that every vote is accounted for and securely recorded.

This blog will delve into prospect of blockchain voting system in revolving the old electoral practice and restoring public trust and confidence in electoral practice

How The Blockchain System Of Voting Works

If I can add we all know that blockchain is a decentralized immutable digital ledger that record transaction across network of computer in a more secured manner, where each transaction carried out are grouped together into a block which is then added to a chain of previous block, forming a blockchain.

In voting or electoral process, blockchain technology act on the laid down principle that creates a more secured, transparent and tamper free voting process.

Firstly the voters embark on what we call Voters registration, here the voters are registered on the blockchain using their government issued unique identifiers such as biometric data , identified numbers digital signature etc, this is to ensure eligibility of voters for the election

After the voters registration, what we call BALLOT CREATIONis carried out swiftly, here ballot are represented as a token on the blockchain to signify a single vote.

Which is then encoded into the blockchain to ensure uniformity and also rule out the possibility of modifications

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Then the voter can cast their ballot during the VOTING PROCESS by selecting the candidate of their choice or preference, then submit their votes to the blockchain.

Each vote is uniquely recorded then added to a new block on the blockchain, ensuring the security of vote and preventing tampering during transmission

As the votes are recorded on the blockchain it is immediately tallied in what we call VOTE COUNTING, and the blockchain being decentralized make sure that vote counts are systematic and stable across all nodes reducing the risk of errors.

Ways Blockchain Voting System Enhances Trust And Transparency

When we talk about electoral practice the also think about how transparent is the system or if it has the public trust.
Blockchain voting system runs on series of feature that can enhance transparency and trust in voting system through it mode of operation..Here I would like to show to us how this is actually achieved

  • Immutable Public Ledger

Blockchain has evolved electoral processes by introducing immutable public ledgers
Which ensures that once a vote is recorded,it can't be tampered modified or altered.Here each vote recorded on the ledger is linked and hashed to the next block cryptographically, forming a chain of secured transaction.this immutable feature removes completely the risk of fraudulent activity as any act to change the data would cause all the previous blocks to be altered instilling confidence amongst voters

The public ledger also allows auditable transaction to be carried out where every record of vote is visible to all participants and independent observer who can also inturn verify the authenticity of the vote.ensurimg transparency of the electoral process and reducing suspicion of manipulation or malpractices

  • Decentralization

The fundamental feature of a blockchain is it ability to be decentralized which makes the blockchain voting more tenacious to different types of attack unlike other centralized voting system that are vulnerable to attacks both electronic hacks and targeted attack that affect ballot paper based. The resilience nature of the decentralization ensures that the whole system remains operational even if a node or two is compromised.

The decentralized feature also eliminate the need for third party in the electoral process because it foster a direct peer to peer interaction between voters . eliminating the potential of the voting being baised,which could arise from intermediaries handling the electoral practice.voters can interact and verify if their vote are securely recorded without depending on third party

  • Smart Contract

Blockchain voting system enhances transparency through through the use of smart contract by executing contract with condition such as verification eligibility ballot counting and tabulation of results this process ensure that voting rules applied reducing the risk of errors done by human imputation.


Once a smart contract is launched on the blockchain it becomes unchangeable.This provide assurance amongst voters that their votes can't be altered by the rules governing the electoral process, because all participants can review the smart contracts to understand how votes are processed and counted thereby Enhancing transparency

Also smart contract makes use of cryptographic methods to ensure privacy of each voters data. Ensuring that votes of individual are anonymously done enabling decentralized consensus collectively enhancing trust in electoral process by providing a verifiable voting environment


Adoption of blockchain voting system has the potential to evolve the ways election are conducted offering a wider level of transparency security and trust although while the challenges remain, the benefits of blockchain voting system surpass the issues plagued with traditional voting technology evolves everyday.i know we would get to the period when blockchain become a stepping stone for modern electoral practice


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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