Do you want to know how completely CPS controls the narrative...?

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

...It's not quite yet at the current level of mandatory vaccination propaganda and censorship of anti-vaxxer info, but it's close.

All you need to do see how totally buried in the Orwellian rabbit hole we all are is read this:

THAT, my friends is the very definition of obvious and blatant propaganda. My friend (now deceased) John DeCamp was a very good lawyer, state senator, researcher, and the author of the book "The Franklin Coverup." Publishing that book made his life a living hell, with constant harassment, threats, media smearing of his character, etc. John died a year-and-a-half ago at the age of 76, and I believe he was harried to his grave over his reporting of THE TRUTH about high-level pedophile rings INSIDE the U.S. government.

(Alisha Owen, courtesy of

Here is how "witchapedia" describes it:

"The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska and attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a 'carefully crafted hoax.'

In 1988, authorities looked into allegations that prominent citizens of Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians, were involved in a child prostitution ring. Alleged abuse victims were interviewed, who claimed that children in foster care were flown to the East Coast of the United States to be sexually abused at 'bad parties.' The claims primarily centered on Lawrence E. King Jr., who ran the now defunct Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and alleged that the ring was 'a cult of devil worshipers involved in the mutilation, sacrifice and cannibalism of numerous children.' Numerous conspiracy theories evolved, claiming that the alleged abuse was part of a widespread series of crimes including devil worship, cannibalism, drug trafficking, and CIA arms dealing."

That's right, John made the whole thing up so that his life could be ruined. Alisha Owen spent 4.7 years of a 9-15-year sentence in prison as part of "an elaborate hoax" when all she had to do was back down, claim she had made up the allegations of extreme abuse that she (and many others in the Nebraska CPS system) reported on, and she could have remained free.

(John Decamp, courtesy of

Here is her court record:

Maybe she did pass a bad check, I don't know...but the rest of that is all HARD TIME for telling the truth in court and bucking the CPS coverup.

Here is fellow abuse survivor Troy Boner's affidavit:

You need to read just the first page. Troy claims, to this day, that his testimony WHICH WAS THE WHOLE BASIS FOR THE CURRENT witchapedia/MSM/CPS lie was done because he feared for his life and THAT THE FBI (which we all know now is desperately corrupt and the main cover for the billionaire pedo club running the Westerner world) forced him to lie when he "recanted" the same story Alisha Owen went to prison for REFUSING TO RECANT about.

Folks, people do NOT go to prison and fear for their lives because they want to maintain A HOAX that does NOTHING to enrich them. Alisha Owen suffered horribly in CPS custody, and then she spent almost five years in prison because she would not do what Troy Boner did and recant her story... PERIOD. If you can find one example of ANYTHING about coming forward AS A HOAXER that made any of their lives better, I might revisit the "elaborate hoax" idiocy.

Going back in time, people like Alisha would have been burned at the stake so that there could NEVER be any question of people hearing her story again (and/or) believing it.

To my dear Trump-as-savior friends.... DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT THE SWAMP. I am so sick and tired of hearing about how the swamp is going to be taken out any day now by Jeffrey Epstein's good billionaire buddy. Either Trump goes on national T.V. and tells everyone what he knows about the BOGUS Obama birth certificate, 911, Sandy Hoax, and the billionaire pedo club, or he REMAINS, IMHO, a role-playing servant of the NWO, chosen to complete "the collapse of the system" with his enormous budget deficits and faux patriotism, in order to usher in the end of America..."at the last Trump."

If interested, and at a distance now of two decades, here is how people at another website are discussing the case:

Paul Bonacci is another abuse victim who came forward with corroborating details as part of this "elaborate hoax" that benefited no one. Here is an excerpt from the link above that should pique the interest in/for people who want to know the truth about high-level pedophilia rings:

(Bonacci, courtesy of

"Paul Bonacci is controversial, because Owen, Boner, and King did not initially bring him up. However, nobody has adequately explained how Bonacci would have known their names to give to the Omaha police in March 1990 (as an officer admitted before the grand jury), when none of those names were public yet. He also later corroborated Owen on two more obscure people she mentioned: Jeff Hubbell and Rusty Nelson. Also, the judgement in Bonacci's lawsuit against the OPSD demonstrates that he reported abuse to his school counselors years earlier, as he has consistently maintained. The OPSD, in defending itself, said that his counselors fulfilled their legal obligations by reporting his claims to police: 'Affidavits supporting OPSD's summary judgment motion showed that Bonacci's high school counselors fulfilled their statutory duty to report suspected child abuse to law enforcement officers.'

It is unknown whether Bonacci's earlier child abuse claims mentioned Washington DC or were solely focused on his abusers in Omaha. But even in his statement to Caradori (which was after the 1988 article on King), he did supply a specific detail about Larry King's townhouse that was ultimately corroborated: that it had a basement room which only locked from the outside. And I should note, because many people just assume that Bonacci gathered all his details from news accounts, the fact that he could have gotten some (but not all, as I explain) of his story that way does not prove that he did. No one from the Lincoln Correctional Center has come forward to say that Bonacci studied up on Franklin, the DC call boy scandal, Johnny Gosch, etc."

...and this comment on one of the others connected to the Franklin Coverup deserves mention:

"Such a tragedy what happened to Caradori and his son. When I first read what happened to him years ago I was so emotionally distraught for days how that could have happened to him. Not to mention the timing, the idea that his plane just crashed/blew up just like that, raises serious questions of outside sinister actors at play. I won't speculate beyond that. I just wish whatever higher power you believe in did a better job of protecting him from harm."

Yep...they even staged a plane crash that killed key witnesses.

(Gary Caradori, and the plane "that killed him," courtesy of

Quite the hoax.

IMHO, CPS is THE NEXUS to the international pedo club. Most of the "product" comes from them, and ALL of the coverup apparatus is connected to them.

But I'm just some "conspiracy nut," on the internet, huh?

Keep an eye on billionaires, Epstein, Dershowitz and Trump. IF the Satanic pedophile club running America is ever to be brought to justice, and the CPS morass brought to heal, it will all be connected to what these three say and do in the coming months. Here is an article touching on where the Epstein trafficking links may yet lead us...(oh, but Presidents could never be involved, huh? George H.W. Bush female ass-grabbing photos that came out at 94, and that actually made national news briefly?...COMPARE THAT TO THE MYTH of his "goodness"):

At some point, this is going to blow. Let's just hope it doesn't take the whole world down in flames with it.

But...if it does take out CPS WITH IT....


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