Thursday's With Uncle Boom #9

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I met a good friend Dobson Dobberson today at the gentlemans club for a snifter or two of brandy. A fine chap despite having a face like a bat eating sherbet. We shared a pipe of some new imported Scandinavian baccy. It was good, although I did pause at the idea of touching anything Scandinavian after the Two Bum Percy debacle last year.

Over the sweet vanilla scented smoke he filled me in on his plans.

You know this electricity nonsense?


I looked around at the lights in the club and concurred that I was indeed familiar with electricity.

He continued.

I have created an apparatus. An electrical contrivance if you will. By my reckoning it should, by attachment to the happy sacks and the introduction of sufficient electrical current allow a fellow to reverse the years somewhat.

Reverse the years? You mean, rejuvenation? By jove, seriously?

I was excited, who wouldn't be? Being a perfect example of manliness and iron physique myself even I was not immune to the capricious touch of Father Time himself.

In fact, only the other day when I was thrashing the maid for an incorrectly poached egg I felt a bit of a twinge in the shoulder after four strokes. I had a question though.


How do you know it works?

Well, I need to test the final version. I just need a willing subject...

At that point the waiter came over, an older chap with a sad worn face. I looked at Dobson. We both grinned.

I watched disapprovingly as the leather and metal clamps were fastened to the bollocks of the now naked waiter chained to the wall of Dobson's laboratory. Dobson himself had removed his clothes and changed into a black leather apron. I frowned slightly. The waiter mewled something about his mother.


Dobson stepped back beside me and handed me a black box with a shiny lever on it. it was attached via some wires to a large humming transformer from which snaked some thick cables to the lucky waiters jubblies.

Would you do the honours dear chap?

Of course!

I flipped the switch.

There was a collosal bang and a flash followed by a burning bacon smell. The old waiter jerked around in his chains, blue flames leaping from his Shimla Pinks.


Dobson reached over and switched the contrivance off. The waiter slumped forward, his silk purse now a charred mess. One of his eyeballs burst open with a splatter.

Back to the drawing board I guess.

I dwelt upon this later as I sipped on some mulled wine. Dobson had sent the waiters children a fine ham hock to tide them over the worst of their grief.

He had a big heart did Dobson.

I opened the pooter and read my weekly missives from my fellow steemians. Hopefully there were none seeking the secrets of eternal life.


SpamFarmer1: Hey! Would you like to use this chat to trade upvotes and support each other?

Uncle Boom: This chat dear fellow?

SpamFarmer1: Sure! :o)

Uncle Boom: Lets do it! First though, let's seal the deal with a round of Licky Willy!

SpamFarmer1: Um. What that?

Uncle Boom: I send you a picture of my marsh growler. You then lick it.

SpamFarmer1: What?

Uncle Boom: Lick it.

SpamFarmer1: You voting me or not?

Uncle Boom: Lick it.

SpamFarmer1: Asshole


And there was me thinking for a moment that we were building something beautiful in that one.


SpamFarmer2: Here is my post sir - shitpostlink - Tell me my weaknesses so I can improve.

Uncle Boom: You have a very small chin judging by your profile and wait. Are those ladies hands?

SpamFarmer2: Sir I am not a lady. I want to buy a camera to follow my passion for photography but cant afford it right now

Uncle Boom: Your writing has a womanly touch.

SpamFarmer2: Sir, did you look at my post.

Uncle Boom: Have you kissed a boy my dear lady?

Uncle Boom: Hello?

Uncle Boom: Hello? have you gone?

Uncle Boom: Is it that time of the month?


My my, I am somewhat spent after such vigorous advisements and this week I didn't even get an opportunity to get the cane out for a damn good thrashing. Most disappointing!

If you would like some splendid advisement or just want to show off your lady hands. Please, do so via the steemit chats. Anonymity is assured, after all...



I have come to a conclusion you are mad and need serious help hahah loved your story though funny funny man who needs a padded cell :)

I need that cell. Its gonna be cold in the winter and that sounds nice and warm all that padding! tip!

You can't you have a little one that will need daddy to be sick on :)

Oh I cannae wait!! Bring on the baby!!!!

The little one will soon be here, save your energy for then as you are going to need it :)

I have boundless energy!! Boundless!! O also don't need sleep. Like some kind of metal man!

Your not human your a superman...SuperBoom lol

A superboom!! Oh yes, I like that!

I had to take to Googling to try to ascertain what this sherbet-bat-faced fellow Dobson may look like, in case any strangers approach me blathering about an electrical contrivance. I'm unsure if even the mighty Google has the linguistic chops to match Uncle Boom's descriptive abilities, but this fellow does look like he's up to no good:


That's him!!! That's Dobson!

How on earth did you get a snap of him in bed!?! Tip! 0.5

i don't know, I was having this horrible dream last night - or what I thought was a dream - but when I awoke, I found this snapshot sitting on the nightstand next to my bed. And this pounding headache....but then I looked in the mirror, and I swear I look at least 3 years younger today than I did yesterday. Could it be?!?

I think it very well could! You have cracked it. Now get celebrating that extra three years!!! :0D

I no longer want that to be my nickname....LOL

Those were your best advisements yet, how could they have taken them otherwise? tsk.

I was so glad the other day when my autocorrect failed worked so well!!

Isn't Dobson a splendid fellow!

Licky Willy?...

advisements and youth potion?
where's Boom jr? still refusing to come out ?

don't let the chat change you :P
at least they're in your chat - that's still discrete -
you should take a look at my comments
they're shoving it up my face - like saying upvote me slave !
lol.. where have the good old days of them etiquettes gone? - daz wrongly spelled huh hahaha
where's baby Boom?

No, they ain't chasing you up in the comments! Shall I flag them and attack about like a big meanie? ;0)

He is still in the womb, he is taking the Mick!!

I see a clear connection between the maid and Dobson.
But the devil is in the tale , isn't it ? Lady hands , hehehehe. :-)))

Haha! There are always links everywhere!!!

OMG, hahahaha! Steemit needs a LMAO button! :D

Hahahaha, you are right. It does!! tip!

Wow, that's so cool, thank you! I've never even heard of that!

Uncle Boom was great today, he came with the batteries loaded. it is notorious as the SpamFarmer quiren achieves a bond of mutual benefits but are not willing to sacrifice.
Great answers from Uncle Boom, congratulations dear friend @meesterboom for the creation of the character
I wish you a great day.

Hello @jlufer! He is a great character. It is hard to break out of being him after I have written my post lol. Thank you for visiting Uncle Boom! Tip! 0.5

Oh those spamfarmers. When will they learn not to mess with the great @meesterboom?

That waiter gave up his clothes fairly rapidly. You didn't even buy him a drink first!

He did, the very idea of a dalliance with two upstanding gentleman obviously turned his head!! Poor chap! :0D tip!

Dobson simply had the polarity reversed. He was pushing when he should have been pulling... catching when he should have been pitching.

Goodness me dear chap. I think you might be onto something there! Quick, head over and we can hook you up!!

I'm way ahead of you.

The Big Reveal

Try to stir mayo with that one !

... that was the last coherent sentence that the waiter said. ;-)

Hehe, I thoroughly agree with you!!

nice "server-down" chat, UncleBoom! ;)

It was mate!! I don't normally go on the chats but it was fun!

I want to know what happened to the old waiter then.
Humm... Wait, maybe I don't want to.

Arm, I think the electrical fire in his testicles might have killed him. ;0) probably better off dead!

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