(VIDEO). DOW 22,000 May Be Short Lived, Here's Why. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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In the video below I cover how the irrational exuberance over DOW 22,000, to me, seems way overblown.
Moreover, this market needs a pullback to make the next leg higher.

Several dynamics are in play right now pointing to a move lower with regard to the stock market, and this my friends means opportunity!

Do not miss this one.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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great video greg. The dow is an illusion

the big boys are getting short.

Definitely not sustainable--there will be a serious pullback at some point in the next few years if not sooner. I'm looking at way out of the money puts on the S&P.

I agree we definitely need a pullback but I don't know if TPTB will let it. The market is the number 1 political tool to keep the sheeple thinking all is fine and nothing to see here. Dow 22,000 gets the coverage precisely for this reason.

The dropping dollar is very, very concerning and yet it doesn't get a sniff on the MSM. Great video as always brother!

yes @marketreport u r right really market need to pull back to make the next higher...and i note the poit many time when market some down it sign of some other

yes sir u are absolutly right this this video of market games are learen me some new things for my more work in this

This market has to pull back at some point! Keep it up Greg!

I can see how shorting the FANGS would be profitable in the short term, but I don't think I have the stones to lay that wager lol

I can agree with that. I don't want to fight the FANG stocks due to the upward movement that has been almost non-stop.

AAPL is the only one really pushing us higher! Well, that sucks for sure cause AAPL will fall apart when people stop buying their phones that are just a small upgrade from the preveious version. That is ridiculous!!!

AAPL going to be a buy on this selloff, but it'll see sub $150 first. I'll shoot for $147.00. Tattoo that number somewhere on your body so that you don't forget it. Then yes...of course you can come back and ask me how I "knew" :-) Nooow, let's see if I generatd my second consecutive 100% gain in 24 hours shorting the Q's. Nope, not yet, only need 7 more centavos on teh QQQ 143 puts that expire tomorrow though. Somebody STOP me! :-) I luv this trading crap, so eeeasy and so much fun! I wish everything in life was so easy. Don't you? :O

Everyone will want the next iphone. This one more than any other model. 10th anniversary of iphone.

Are you posting this from the line forming in front of your nearest AAPL store? If not you had better get over there and claim your spot in line. HURRY! :O

I only use Samsung, I wouldn't have an iphone in the house

Thanks Greg...your analysis is very helpful!

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