SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - WEEK 36 - Thema announement : SEA and COLORS !


WEEK #36


This Week the of the #seaphotography contest theme is:

"SEA and COLORS !!!"



This post is the post of submission of your photographs. This week is the 36th of the photography contest. Red, purple, green, blue, orange, the sea offers us continuously color panels all more vivid than each other depending on how we look at it. It's your turn to show us how you catch the colors of the sea. We look forward to your photos!

Ce post est le post de soumission de vos photographies. Cette semaine est la 36e du #seaphotography contest. Du rouge, du violet, du vert, du bleu, de l'orange, la mer nous offre sans arrêt des panel de couleurs toutes plus vives les unes que les autres selon la façon dont on la regarde. A vous de nous montrer sous angle vous admirez les couleurs de la mer. On attend vos photos avec impatience !



The winner will be announced this weekend and will earn

*** 1 Steem + your %upvote * 1 Steem***

Honorable mentions will be also announced this weekend and will earn

*** 0,5 Steem + your %upvote * 0,5 Steem***




1- Post your photography on the monday submission post announcing the contest of the week (Below this post!)

2- Upvote this post announcing the contest (% of upvote will be noted to calculate prize).

3- The photographer must be the author of the photography presented to the contest. Any attempt at plagiarism will be denounced and its author blacklisted of the contest. NO PLAGIARISM!

4- Write a few words about your photography indicating the place, the exif, or any others informations that the photographer will judge useful. English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Marsian, all languages ​​are accepted. However, an English translation in a parallel column could be usefull for everyone ...

5- The photography can be submitted from Monday to Friday midnight. Only one photography per contest and per author.

***THAT'S ALL !!!***



On the other hand, if you publish on your blog photography highlighting the sea whatever the theme choiced, and using the tag #seaphotography as first tag, you can have a chance to see your work upvoted and presented on my blog.


Please, see the full guide lines here

I will annonce the winner of WEEK30, and will present my favorite #seaphotography, this week end...! I can not wait to enjoy your photographs. Thank you for participating and resteem this post !


@axeman, @afroray, @fotostef, @moniroy, @itchyfeetdonica, @photoquest, @emotionalsea, @lightcaptured, @scottdphoto, @norwegiansteem, @intrepidphotos, @bluebottlefilms, @richee, @guchtere, @cave-man, @harveyword, @harkar, @davedavis91, @johannpiber, @barbarabezina, @bluemoon, @pradeepdee6, @bigsambucca, @fotogruppemunich, @chrisaiki, @artofwisdom, @boddhisattva, @himalayanwomb, @davewuk, @fivealive55, @bear8photo, @melinda010100, @hangin, @keithboone, @sawyn, @bdmillergallery, @redheadpei, @mikitaly, @cetb2008, @ajanphoto, @gabeboy, @vcclothing, @muffoni, @grizzabella, @pardinus, @chiminguito, @vcclothing, @slowwalker, @ackhoo, @oldmans, @cinderz, @barbarabezina, @yujomar, @bigsambucca, @steemlandia, @phortun, @jayclar, @sawyn


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Full of colors, yes ! Thank you for participating.

What a great shot! Love it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, @maquemali, I'm really glad you like it! 💐📸🌞

Posted using Partiko Android

Really nice shot. Thank you for participating.

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

that sounds like a good one

Welcome ! Post your photo !

Samudra Indonesia, Sawang Beach in South Aceh

Thank you for participating.

Hi ! Nice to participate, but you have to post your photo under this post and upvote this post. See the guidelines here : Tks

I did uploaded the image too.. I am sorry for that, must have been posted wrong. I made another comment though as I cannot seem to edit it here..

Posted using Partiko Android

It's ok, all is fine.


Warm summer sunset at the coast of Baltic Sea, Lithuania. Some stunning contrast of colder clouds colors and hitting warm sun rays. I was almost sure that would be nothing spectacular due to the heavy clouds, but reality brought a surprise just before sunset

Enjoy it!


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

It looks like a good place for sunset. Thank you for participating.

It looks like a good
Place for sunset. Thank you for

                 - marc-allaria

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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