Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 | Laughter is The Best MedicinesteemCreated with Sketch.




My best regards to all members of the steem for betterlife community team that I am proud of, my permission today to participate in this interesting contest with the theme Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 || Laughter is The Best Medicine which is one of the themes initiated by the steemit team and organized by the steem for betterlife community.

Sport is one of the activities carried out by every human being to maintain our body and physical health by always maintaining our stamina every day and making our bodies always fresh and enthusiastic in carrying out all day-to-day activities, that's why many people do sports as part of their daily activities. their favorite to maintain stamina.

In addition to maintaining body stamina so that it is always healthy, it turns out that with us always laughing with joy in everyday life can make it the best medicine in maintaining our body health, because laughing can increase endurance and relieve stress because of the burden of the mind that we carry, because with the mind we are always calm and tell stories that all diseases will not come because laughing can restore the balance of mind and body in a stable manner, that's why laughing is the most powerful medicine in maintaining body immunization.




What makes you laugh so much that you have to hold your stomach or wipe your tears?

Laughter has its own style and characteristics in every human soul, whether it's laughing out loud with a tone big enough to release emotions because of certain things and also with a character with a big smile because you see funny things in front of you. It's funny that not everyone makes people laugh because this human character is different and depends on the character that that person has.

As for in my life, what makes me always smile and feel happy and happy is when I am with a little girl who is 6 months old, I am very happy and happy when I play with my daughter and even laugh because of the behavior shown by her. His innocent behavior has started to make sense and I feel very happy that my daughter is always like that and occasionally I also laugh at her behavior.





a joke I did to someone that makes you laugh even now when you think back on it

As for the accidental moment I've ever done, that was at a time when there was a party at home, namely at the time of my sister's wedding party, at that time in the morning before noon I was busy with various kinds of shopping activities for the purposes of the menu for the meal. feast dish.

After taking a shopping list written on a piece of paper, then I invited my friend to go to the grocery store, because it was full of busyness and in a hurry when shopping, a very funny incident occurred at a grocery store.

When I finished shopping for one need, I was in a hurry to go to another shopping place, at that time I went too fast and was in a hurry so that my place didn't have time to get to my train even though I had lifted one leg and didn't have time to get on because the train was already walk then he is left in that place.

When I was driving the train, I kept asking behind, no answer, I asked again, no answer, then I looked back and there was no friend of mine and after that I went back to the shop before shopping, it turned out that he was left behind because I was in too much of a hurry at that time and picked him up again by holding my body tightly so that there would be no awkwardness like before .

While on the way, we also recounted the incident by laughing out loud in memory of the ridiculous story, because I was tired of asking questions but they were not answered and it turned out that I was left behind.

That's the joke that I always remember and laugh when I meet him and talk about the incident and in this contest I also invite my friends to participate in this contest, namely @elrazi , @afril and @akmal1 to enliven it.






Greetings from @mahyulmaulana

About me

 2 years ago 

Tertawa memang membuat manusia gembira dan awet muda, dan karna tertawa menjadikan sebagai olahraga dibagian mulut atau rahang mulut sesorang.
Namun kita ketahui, tertawa yang terlalu berbahak-bahak dilarang dalam agama Islam, mengapa? Karna tertawa yang terlalu berbahak-bahak itu akan mengakibatkan seseorang over-dosis dan hal tersebut hingga menjadikan seseorang menjadi stres atau gila.
Saya percaya bahwa tertawa yang dimaksudkan dalam kontes menarik ini adalah senyuman atau tebaran senyuman didalam kehidupan sehar-har. Hal tersebut bahkan dianjurkan dalam agama. Mengapa? Karna menerbarkan senyuman kepada seseorang yang lain adalah kebaikan, dan inilah simbolnya keramahan umat manusia. Itu semua adalah kebaikan yang menarik.
Salam sukses teman @mahyulmaulana, terus sebut nama saya disetiap kontes yang anda ikuti - karna saya akan mengikuti jika itu saya memiliki kesanggupan.
Dan disini saya akan menyusul dengan entry saya dibelakang anda.
Selamat berjuang,,

 2 years ago 

Benar apa yang anda katakan @elrazi,, tertawa yang menjadi obat terbaik dan menjadikan kita awet muda itu ada batas tingkatnya tertawa dan jangan berlebihan

 2 years ago 

Tepat sekali maksud yang anda pahami, karna dalam ketentuan agama sangat dilarang untuk sesuatu apapun jika berlebihan.
Mempadai sesuatu yang ada adalah yang terbaik dalam kehidupan manusia.

 2 years ago 

Iya pak @elrazi,, terimakasih atas penjelasan tentang bagaimana hukumnya dalam islam

Your post has been successfully curated by our Team 5 via @malikusman1 at 40%. Continue making quality content for more support.

 2 years ago 

Melihat keluguan dan kelucuan tingkah anak balita memang selalu membuat kuta terhibur, tingkah polosnya mampu menghadirkan tawa dan membuat kita kembali rileks.. beruntung nya mempunyai anak balita yang bisa jadi penyejuk hati.

Semiga berhasil di kontes ini ya.. saya harap anda juga bisa mampir di ppstingan milik saya..
Happy weekend

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih ibu @sailawans telah hadir di postingan saya ini,,, saya mengikuti kontes ini sebagai bentuk partisipasi dalam dalam mendukung Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 yang di adakan oleh tim komunitas steem for betterlife


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