Contest // Topic of the week №2 // What would you do if you suddenly found out that this hour in your life is the last one?/@lupega

in SLON21VEKA2 years ago

The only condition we have to die is to be alive because even some lives are truncated before birth, human beings who die in the womb of the mother

Being aware that we are going to die makes us sensible people, that is why I have on my computer everything related to my work, passwords and others in an extra file which I have shown to 2 family members I trust, everything I leave there is for them and other people in my family, that is, I am already shielded on that part.

If this is the last hour of my life what I would do: I would ask GOD for mercy when I arrive to fulfill my destiny in the afterlife, if possible I would go to a restaurant and order the dish I like the most, then I would sit and look for the last time the world in which I live, how beautiful nature and the sky, I would remember the sea and the calm waters that often made me reflect, and finally I would wait in peace my time while enjoying a hot coffee with milk.

Conclusion if I am going to die which is the most logical thing to do I am already aware of this , I have no fear , I believe in KARMA , life gives us back in the same proportion what we do this allows me to live calm , so I will die in peace in the same that I live , calm .

The image is from @slon21veka

I invite : @robytrix ,@tangmo ,@mikitaly


Thank you so much .
I wish you a happy weekend

Grazie per l'invito. Tema molto interessante.

Complimenti per il tuo post, soprattutto il finale, anche io credo molto nel karma, sapendo come mi sono comportata fino ad adesso mi sento e mi sentirei abbastanza tranquilla. ;D

È una regola invitare tre amici, scusa, è una tua decisione postare o meno, beh, lo sai e mi capisci, lo so.
In relazione all'argomento, se credo fermamente nel KARMA, alcune persone dicono perché succede a me? Hanno fatto qualcosa di brutto, non so come lo dimentichino, non dimentico il bene o il male che le persone mi fanno, e prima di fare del male a una persona, è meglio che me ne vada. ignora la persona, è meglio così, vivo in pace, muoio in pace

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