How To Easily Get Over 1000 Followers On Steemit Within One Month - You Will Be Surprised :-P (Humour)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

[Sycophant. Picture Source]

How To Easily Get Over 1000 Followers On Steemit Within One Month (You Will Be Surprised)

There is a surprise for you. You won't get it lol

Unless you introduce yourself to Steemit as a young, attractive female. Just add relevant profile photo or post attached to prove your look. Don't forget to tart yourself up with a lot of make up, photoshop it, pucker up and off you go. Considering the amount of sexually desperate males saturating the social sites, it will be an easy job.
Of course, having a whale friend helps too. In that one you will get 2000 followers within a month. No need to even curate anyone or have any engagement in Steemit community, especially with "pleb" Steemit users (those who have less than 5k SP).

So that's how you get the followers. Does not matter that 99% of them being either sycophants or sexually desperate males ;-)

Otherwise, you will have to rely on hard work of continuous posting for many months to gain the following.
But there is good thing about it. Your followers will be a true and honest following not a bunch of male cheerleaders and sycophants :D

To summarize. I think that it is important what kind of following we built. We may have 2000 followers but most of them being 20 SP bots and dishonest sycophants who do not even upvote our posts, just fish for votes back with sycophantic lick spittle comments.
Or we may have 500 followers but truly engaging and genuinely reciprocating our Steemit relationship. Having more of the second type can give more of valuable upvotes.

What builds a community and gives its strength are honest followers with altruistic personality.

It is that simple.

[Honest, altrusitic followers. Picture Source]


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Having so many followers isn't really important. I got over 1200 and I'm lucky if my post gets even 50 votes. lol

It is nice that I can post pretty much about anything and attract few bucks since I have reached out to so many different types of people.

I need find a way to better utilize the following I have, most of them are still active here.

To summarize. I think that it is important what kind of following we built. We may have 2000 followers but most of them being 20 SP bots and dishonest sycophants who do not even upvote our posts, just fish for votes back with sycophantic lick spittle comments.
Or we may have 500 followers but truly engaging and genuinely reciprocating our Steemit relationship. Having more of the second type can give more of valuable upvotes.

very true. I miss my old following back before the hardfork. My incoming votes are mostly coming from different people than before the hf19, which sucks, I'm mean i love my supporters and return as much as I can to them, but many of my friends here since the start or even a few months ago have changed habits.

I do get annoyed when a new user spams my post and doesn't even vote for it. If they had just given me a little vote all would be well. Steemit is a new world since hardfork. It's going to get wilder.

Yeah it frustrates me too :-)
Sometimes I am just straight forward and say:
"Thanks for the comment. Did you know that, besides commenting, Steemit also allows its users to vote on the posts too?"

cheeky. ^^ I often give a similar remark and then flag the comment. lol

Lol that's rough response :-)
I like it :-)
Maybe I should do too

Actually I will add part of my comment to this post. I think it is thought woth adding.

I don't think you need a month if all the criteria are met. i think there are more dead followers than we think. that's why we are continuously hoping for new ones.

Easy to check. Here :-)

I have got 195 atm :-)

I know this. Have not check for a while. Let's see. You're are at 25%. I'm at 15%. :-)

Yeah, bro. Let's the truly engaging option. I'm not a young and attractive lady, you know...

Tough job for us here :-)
I did some drag makeup few times. Maybe I should drag myself up to some big tit blonde bimbo and and change my profile photo and pretend to be a playmate model lol

I completely agree, 1,000 followers...and still making one penny on a post is useless! I enjoy a majority of the people I follow and really appreciate there post! Being personal and trying to build a community of steemit friends has helped me alot so far:)

Keep it up. Your vlog is good :-)


You said it in one!!!! Without constant engaging or nudity my blog dies a death LOL


I completely agree, but I don't think those girls are losing any sleep about the quality of their readers when they cash out.

Certainly they don't :-)

This makes me feel better, being a common pleb, that is ;) As least I can marry my way out:) download.png
shhh..don't tell my pleb girlfriend!

Nice pyramid. I'm probably somewhere lower than plebian then :-)

So hard work it is. Thanks for your advice

I feel like such a pleb now. :(

Where is my attractive ass, expensive make-up and big boobies to attract all these other plebs???

Oh well, I guess that I have to keep doing quality posts to get those honest followers with altruistic personalities which will make me feel a lot better about myself when I conquer them all.

Also, nice source. I do tend to use it myself very often. And it seems that the more I use it, the more it increases, instead of exhausting it, which in turn motivates me to use it even more.

Nice, amazing, gourmet, shiny, golden, boobs-like attractive, ass-like seductive post @logic.
Followed, reestemed, appreciated, shared, enjoyed, Loved, adored and praised.
May the plebness depart from me soon! Thanks @logic. You're a Life saver!

Doing quality posts is a way to go, although you may still get peanuts for a long time if you do not know any powerful users.

Glad you enjoyed the post ;-)

This is so true. I have seen so many attractive ladies with like tons of up votes and comments in the introduce your self. No other posts or info. Sometimes not even a bio pic. Just a pic in the Often it will trend for hours and get like $100 bucks or more. It cracks me up. If you see an average normal lady talking about her life with no pictures she get 50 cents and they are right next to each other for a while. Too funny .

Yes, you are right. This behaviour is just direct projection of collective state of mind of this site. Sadly, it is dominated by male sycophants.
Just like that one who showed up a year ago to quickly score over 10k (yes 10 thousand) in only 3 posts.
All male whale jumped on it drooling and upvoting her to oblivion.
After 3 posts, she collected easy loot and never came back.
Not much has change since then. Just the rewards are lower.

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