Could childrens' fear of doctors be trying to tell us something? And "Merging Ideas" (art)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

Children tend to have a fear of doctors. Many describe this as a "fear of needles," but I was thinking last night that it might just be "fear of further damage." [I.e., from vaccines.]

I know that as an infant/child, I didn't consciously know that doctors were bad for my developing health. But I certainly felt it! And, in my case I was allergic to bee stings, so I got to have two shots in each arm every week for a few years, which got me over my fear of needles.

I wonder if there's a link here, or if perhaps I'm just imagining things.

There also exists "fear of dentists" which might stem from the same source -- rather than providing us with healthy solutions like oil pulling, they use power tools to remove large portions of our dental infrastructure, and then replace it with lifeless shaped dirt.

Not really Hippocratic, there, either.


I've been somewhat absent this past week, have been fighting a few fires: mining BTG with one video card; the KnC Titan miner came back to life, so I set it up; CrashPlan's home service will be done in a couple months so I need to restore backups of machines I no longer have or have access to, and figure out the next solution (likely will be CrashPlan's business service; more expensive, but it was so good I'd pay 2-3 times as much); forking my coins from the various BTC splits (BCH, BTG, BTX, and didn't bother with BTU, Bitcoin XT or Bitcoin Classic -- there have been many!) for an extra 22%; and finding cannabis helps my ability to work, as it reduces some of the concussions' symptoms -- although it has a temporary detrimental effect to my memory, it reduces the irritability considerably and I'm able to get more done.

If you'd like me to write about any of the above, please let me know. One highlight: all those forked coins mean one BTC held before August 1st is now worth more than ten thousand dollars!

Here's a recent Flame Painting, "Merging Ideas" -- the thought behind the title being, the "elite" royalty who tend to wear purple, like to keep the "rabble" divided amongst each other, so that they do not rise up against those keeping them in chains. Thus, the "merging" shows red and blue coalescing back into a color of the rainbow, secure in the knowledge of their sovereignty. Hey, a man can dream. :)

Merging Ideas+c.png


60 years ago we went to a dentist that may be burning in hell today. He would not let my mother in the exam room. Every visit 'according to him' I had 5 or 6 cavities no matter how often I brushed my teeth. His assistant would wrap my tongue with gauze and then place a tenaculum to hold my tongue out of his way and keep my mouth open. No amount of crying or begging could stop him. We would lock my mother out of the car upon arriving at his office. There were few dentists in the area so I guess that my mother did not feel she had choices. As a result my teeth are a mess today.

After I grew up, I went into medicine with the thought I would be a kind soul and truly care for my patients. Then I realized the system I was involved in was part of a larger corrupt plan and I quit.

Woohoo! Saved your own soul - nicely done! I am also a refugee from "professional health care."

And libertyteeth, so glad to hear the cannabis gives you some relief! HUGS!

Nice ending! I'm already following you but missed your introduction so thanks for the pointer. My good friend @fishyculture has a similar background story, quitting a lucrative position in "medicine" and now homesteading.

My concussions have given me more "free time" and I had the largest garden I've ever had this year. Vegetables taste so much better straight from the garden!

Sorry to hear about your dental experience. I think I was made to suck on fluoride tablets when much younger, I'm not positive. They still put it in the water here, though, so the poisoners are winning -- for now! :)

Thanks for the links -- I enjoyed, and align with, them both!

Somewhat rhyming with "the only constant is change", would be: "the only thing government is consistent in, is that it's inconsistent." :) I mean:

Fluoride: "it's for your health, this poison!"
Cannabis: "'it's completely harmful', while we patent its benefits..."

I went into convulsions with my smallpox vaccination. On top of that the vaccination didn't take. I'm the only one I know my age who doesn't have that little pock mark on their arm.

My early life dental experience is much like @marymg2014. I was raised on junk food that included lots of pop and candy so my baby teeth literally rotted out of my head. My mother was a tooth freak and my uncle was an osteopath. His philosophy was that kids should keep their baby teeth as long as they can and the adult teeth will come in straight. He also didn't believe it was a good idea to give kids Novocaine. He had a friend who was a dentist who agreed to drill my baby teeth without anesthetic, so they strapped me down, including my head and tongue and went for it every Tuesday week after fearful week. That's my child abuse experience.

My youngest son was always an outside kid. When he was still in diapers, I found him sitting on the lawn crying. His eyes were almost swollen shut. He was having an anaphylactic reaction. I found the original welt of the sting, though I never saw what stung him. We rushed him to the hospital. In a follow up visit to the doctor, he said we would have follow the same injection routine you went through. I said no way, that he was so young that he would grow out of it. The doctor said that was unlikely but I was adamant. We settled for an epinephrine injection kit to be used in case he was stung again. The first time it happened we injected him immediately. The second time it happened I waited and there was no reaction. He is now almost 40 and has been stung dozens of times by almost every stinging insect there is. He does not react abnormally.

I still hate dentists and seldom go unless it's an emergency. I'm almost 68 and I have only lost one tooth. My mistrust for doctors led me to become a holistic chiropractor. Good things sometimes come out of bad experiences.

Great story! It's good to find the silver linings. That's amazing that your child "grew out of" an allergy to bee stings! They did that test with lots of bubbles on my arm, and pronounced me cured, after a few years. I've been stung since, but didn't realize until very recently that it's just hornets and white-faced wasps that I was allergic to.

Makes me wonder whether all that effort was for nothing -- whether I'd have been "cured" by the same date, just existing, without weekly trauma...

Makes me wonder whether all that effort was for nothing -- whether I'd have been "cured" by the same date, just existing, without weekly trauma...

Hard to tell. I quit believing doctors long ago and kind of why I became one myself.

IMHO everyone who visits a doctor needs an "advocate" to tag along, someone who knows a bit about health and healing. Most folk just do what the doctor tells them, trusting that the doctor knows best. But just like every other "industry" out there, agenda, corruption and purposeful misinformation abound. People need to hear the alternative view.

My younger sister had a minor stroke on thanksgiving about 3 years ago. She had been to the dentist the day before. I think the dental work created a clot that migrated to her brain, but that's not my point here. She has incomparable health insurance, one that pays for any procedure. As a result, not only did she get every test imaginable as well as much needed physical therapy, she's had a gazillion follow up visits, each with a new (read still under patent) prescription. (As you may not be aware, phase 5 pharmaceutical testing is done on the general public).

After her stroke was under control, another test revealed lung cancer. After a bout of chemo and radiation, they found another small nodule in her other lung. After another round of radiation, they discovered she had uterine cancer so she scheduled to have that removed as well.

She sees at least one type of specialist a week. Since all of them are employees of a larger medical organization, she doesn't develop a rapport with any of them. If she hadn't been in such good health when she had the stroke, I'm sure they would have killed her by now.

The other day she told me that she's through with these scheduled visits. "They don't care about me," she said. It can be argued that they saved her life by testing and then treating these things before they became incurable so my argument lacks teeth. However, she's much weaker now than she was before all this intervention. She is no quitter and she's very determined to regain her health. I think that not visiting to doctor too often is probably the best way for her to do that at this point. When it comes to doctors, often less exposure is better. At some point quality of life trumps quantity.

Hello @libertyteeth,

Yah i notice your absences. How are you doing?

I think children subconscious fear doctors maybe because they have felt pain from doctor through injections before and as you know they don't like to feel pain. So this is why when a child goes to see the doctor they automatically resist them because they have felt pain from them before.

Yeah, I realized while reading your comment that I had missed putting the important part of my thought in my post -- that it wasn't "fear of needles", it was "fear of vaccines". Just added it.

Right, I agree with the association between doctor and pain -- I was trying to take it to another level, that it's not only the pain of the needle, but the continuing pain from what was in that needle, and what it does to the developing child's body.

Ok. I understand you. @libertyteeth.

Oh, and to answer your question -- I've been busy, and I've had reduced irritability. Especially after the neuro feedback sessions, so it seems we've dialed it in just right, which is good -- it was annoying to have heightened irritability a day or two after the session. So, I'm doing pretty good! Just need to finish fighting off this skin condition; silver gel is what I'm using now and it seems to work, if I apply it often.

Skin condition again, when did it start?.

Months ago, unfortunately... Might have picked a fungus up from the garden, as it has spread from then, which was four months ago. Perhaps more than one colony living on me. Weird to think that. :)

Ok. It should go with treatment.

haha nice post my friend, well when i was a kid i also really fear from doctor's because the pain of the needle's and at that time i usually start screaming whenever some one ask me that you have to go to doctor for checkup but once i grew up that fear slowly disappears and now you reminds me my old days and it brings big smile on my face and i really like your flame painting as well it looks like two bulbs one emitting red and other blue light and it looks beautiful, Stay awesome my friend and thanks for sharing

Thank you! I really enjoyed your childhood stories, I'll have to do another story post! :)

I wonder if my great-grandparents ever felt the same fear of doctors? I mean, in the days before vaccines were given to children? (My post was supposed to mention vaccines, which I added, but after you had commented.)

so perplexing I see it. But if we ask ourselves why children fear doctors the answer could be straight that 'because doctors cause pain when they use some tools to inject medicine in the body'. However, the question could be 'why children fear some people?' It could be doctors or even some parents. The causal factor here is pain or mistreatment but we can go further to ask how those feelings of pain or mistreatment build up to create fear in them. This require more scientific procedures and sophisticated methodologies to come to a conclusion.
The topic is provocative and good

hahaha great story i was scared of a doctor when I was a kid

children first fear is about doctors examination and shouting when injection comes, I also passed away and my sixteem months old son recognize doctor cry out everytime when he met them.

Both of my parents worked in the medical field growing up so I can't really remember having any sort of fear towards doctors/needles. I feel differently about that now of course and NO one likes the sound of a dentist's drill!!!!!

the fear persist in the mind of them they fear the pain

Great history. Thanks for sharing us.

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