Tips for Eating Fast Food While Maintaining Your Diet

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


When I dine out, I like it to be a unique experience, thus I don't do it frequently. Would you say you have to go to high restaurants costs for stripped plates of mixed greens and plain steamed vegetables? If not, how would you deal with the issue of consuming so many calories when eating out?


Photo by mafe estudio on Unsplash

Here are seven ways to get a little more calories from restaurant dinners while still enjoying your favorite foods.


  1. Avoid the super-measuring. The size you've requested is currently too large. Stop overestimating and you'll be able to save money. Even better, order one dinner and an extra plate. This is something that many cafés will do for a dollar or two, and it is well worth it. Then, with your friend, share the meal and divide the bill evenly. Another option is to order from the ostensibly "hors d'oeuvres" menu. Two people could put together three meals, one pastry, and divide the bill; it's still a lot of food!

  2. Stay away from the toast and cakes. Many family restaurants include a bread box with your meal. Simply avoid it unless it's a freshly heated chunk or very outstanding bread. When you're spending reasonable money for a meal, you don't have to finish it off with ordinary bread. If you can't resist it, just request that it be deleted; nevertheless, you're an adult, and you have the right to object if you so choose. You can choose not to have bread on your plate. Try it once and see if you don't leave the restaurant feeling strangely fantastic.

  1. Stop ordering beverages. For restaurants, sodas are a huge gold mine. They offer you a burst of sugar and fizzy water for pennies and act as though they're helping you out by charging you only $1.29 for a colossal 64-ounce drink. Start putting money aside now. Skip the drink, especially if you're ordering "to go." If you're eating it there, ask for water or consider switching to lighter drinks. "Fat pop" should never be drunk.

  2. Reverse the dial You're eating too quickly! What's the big deal? Take as much time as you need, enjoy the experience, and sample the tastes. Learning to recognize the subtle signs of desire is an important part of tuning in to your hunger signals and finding out how to eat what will genuinely satisfy you. If you gobble everything down quickly, you won't notice when you're getting close to being satisfied. Take a mouthful and then keep track of how many times you bite before you have to swallow. Is it once or twice? Make an effort to bite your meal, and your stomach will be much happier.

  3. Trim Excess Surface I know, you definitely adore the covering; it tastes fantastic, as it should because it's pure fat. Do you want to lose weight or do you want to consume fat? You make the decision. I never eat chicken skin, and I never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, regardless matter how good it tastes. You must decide which is more important: a little moment of pleasure from a delectable flavor, or a lengthy period of lugging about an extra 40 pounds? I understand this goes against the low-carb movement's belief that fat is good and carbohydrates are bad, but I've maintained an 80-pound weight loss for a long time without restricting my food consumption and I don't take much fat or skin.

  4. Request a Brown Paper bag shortly after the start of the meal. As soon as the dish is served, cut off a portion to take home and eat later. In the United States, most restaurants provide an excessive amount of food. There's no rule that says you have to consume everything. Do this frequently, and you'll soon discover that you're getting an extra lunch out of that meal.

  5. Get a copy of Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley's Restaurant Secrets and start counting the calories you're consuming. If you dine out on a regular basis and gain weight, this is most likely the problem. This short book will help you understand why you appear to eat nothing yet can't lose weight despite the fact that you appear to eat a lot. Hardees has introduced a new burger that has just under 1200 calories without the use of any other ingredients! That's rather terrifying.


Photo by Shaafi Ali on Unsplash


If you genuinely want to understand your weight problem, start by looking at where you eat, then what you eat, and finally how much you eat. What, where, and how much is all you need to know. Try these tips one at a time to see how successful they are in removing calories from restaurant food.

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Greetings @lennyblogs, thanks for sharing these tips I really want to start decreasing my calorie intake to lose weight.

Greetings, I'm sure you can, just keep going!

You shared this nice post about healthy diet but I believe we should always avoid fast food and go for the healthy options as much as possible. I find the tips that you have shared quite useful and will give it a try whenever there is an opportunity for the same. Nice post

Greetings friend, yes that's right but that's in the case for some situations that need you to eat fast food, but I agree with you the most reliable decision is to completely avoid fast food.
Thanks for your feedback.

These are really excellent tips you put here.

Reverse the dial You're eating too quickly

I have noticed this. Eating slowly will make you to get full with a much less food. But when you eat quickly, you will tend to eat more and more before getting satisfied.

Excellent read buddy, thanks for sharing

That's right buddy, eating slowly is way enjoyable than eating fast.
Thanks for your comment.

 3 years ago 

That kind of presentation of the food that is in the photograph provokes any mortal to eat, and I'll be honest no matter how many calories they may offer. I think I would still eat them and if you say they are somehow healthier then enjoy this kind of fast food in a healthy way.

Greetings, friend; it's true that I picked images that made me hungry after writing this post.😂

Hello friend, in my opinion, whoever is in a process of weight loss should avoid such meals at least until you establish an ideal or prudent weight, since it is understood that at least 1 time a week you can get out of the diet and then continue with our plan, that will not make much difference if you keep your focus follow your routines. Greetings

Hello friend, these are very good tips, for many people it is a problem to go out to eat because of the lack of healthy options, but using some tips like these you can enjoy a dinner in a restaurant without so much conscience remorse haha.

Hello buddy, absolutely that's the reason why I posted these tips.
Sometimes we would like to change our food and maintaining our diet system at the same time.
Thanks for your feedback.

Hello friend @lennyblogs, are very good tips that you share with us, particularly it is very difficult for me to cut the excess surface, I consider that is where the seasoning is, here in Zulia Venezuela meals are loaded with good fat, it must be why our body condition is obese in most cases. As for the soda is a large amount of sugar many people suffer from diabetes because of this type of drinks.

See you later my friend, I will take into account some aspects, have a great weekend.

Hello friend, I agree with what you said it's the most delicious part of fast food, but sometimes we need to control our diet to have the fit body we want.
Thanks for your feedback.

Hello friend, I will really start to follow your advice, because I am a burger lover, I really love them, but I know that they have a lot of calories and could bring me problems to my health.

Hello friend, me too I love burgers but actually after following these tips I eat what I want respecting my diet, so control your calories and everything will be ok.
Have a nice day!

First of all very nice article on fast food , I agree with you it's very difficult to get rid of the fast food habits.

But excess eating of fast food equally affects the heart and health. Nice tips you have given I will definitely learn some from this post.

Indeed you are true, fast food could cause some serious problems in the future.
Thanks for reading through.

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