My Memory Has Gone from Bad to Scary Bad.

in #life7 years ago

I didn't always have a bad memory...

Okay, I really want this lego scene on my desk though.

In fact, as a child I had a superb memory. I remember winning the black history bee at the age of eleven. I was a fact sponge and could soak up new words, concepts, and facts and retain them safely for later use.

So, what caused my bad memory? Well, there are probably a few different factors contributing to the loss of my memory. One, repeated childhood trauma leading to C-PTSD. Another, the amount of dextromethorphan I abused over the course of several years. I heavily abused this drug and only later when trying to solve the mystery of my faulty memory realized that was probably a big factor. Long term abuse of this drug indeed causes memory loss and attention problems. Yippee!

Well, although I felt stupider than ever before my memory issues had been manageable until recently. Perhaps the physical illness and 24/7 pain being thrown in has added another layer to my brain problems but now I find myself actually scared. Unable to remember names, dates, movies I love, that one guy from that one thing, everything is slipping away. I can't even think of how to google certain things. It's like my entire brain is empty. It's frustrating on top of terrifying to have a brain that is sometimes deemed useless.

Oh hey, also, I don't have bladder cancer!

The nurse called me about 5 days ago to let me know the results of my urine test showed no cancer. So, let's end this blog with some good news. Now, I just need to wait 5 weeks to get all those tests. Let's hope once my physical pain is lessened my brain can have a little more of the fuel I have to dole out to my organs. Right now, I think it is all tied up in trying to survive another day, every day. I know bodies don't quite work that way but I just mean I think all my extra energy is allocated due to pain and definitely think it could a be a factor in my extra brain problems.

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Memory loss can be really bad, it is happening to me right now as well. It sucks! :(

Glad to know you're okay though! :)

Well, definitely not okay. I just don't have cancer. Still in debilitating pain 24/7 and waiting to take tests and get treatment. :) But no terminal illness is a plus!!

Sorry you are suffering from memory issues as well.

Yeah, no terminal illness is definitely a plus. Hope you get better very soon! :)

Memory training will slow down memory loss and neurodegenerative deseases. I am writing about memory techniques every day.

The brain is very resilient. I am hoping you find a way to improve your memory.

Correct, the brain can rewire itself to incredible degrees. Even someone missing half a brain can learn to live a normal life again.

I was feeling the same way a few years back. I cut out diet soda and later artificial sweeteners altogether and my memory returned to near former levels! Good luck locating your triggers!

I don't think this is a similar situation but thank you.

I'm struggling a lot with attention and memory right now too. ADHD is sort of the core thing, but depression, anxiety, and some pretty recent PTSD are really making it hard to figure out. It can feel so impossible even know what to do from moment to moment, so I keep losing track and not getting things done.

Physical pain definitely makes it harder, as it overwhelms and demands your already limited focus. It's a complex challenge to pinpoint this stuff and treat it properly, so I wish you the best of luck.

Try memory training with memory techniques. Within one week you will be able to remember a list of 30 names or numbers or words or basically anything. After a few months you will be better than 99% of all people in the world. I am a memory coach and I know this for a fact.

My memory has just gone! This is Steemit, right???

aww sorry to hear about your memory loss. That must so frustrating you forget things. I experience that too when it comes to my keys.. UGH. Hang in there!

Yay for no bladder cancer! Keep on fighting girl! :)

Easy solution for keys: Always keep them at distinct places. Have a spot for them in your home, on your body and at work. When you go to friends and family you can also have a solution like leaving them in your handbag. When you do have to put them somewhere else, imagine how you are opening a secret locker with your keys on that position. When you concentrate on doing that, you will always know where to find your keys. It is not a memory technique but rather a logical approach.

Will have to try that. Thanks for the tip :) have you ever read the book Memonize? It talks about visualization memorization. You create a visual palace in your head to remember order and large quantity of things.

I teach that for 14 years now and I competed with these techniques at 15 memory competitions around the world. It just works GREAT! I never read the book you are referring to, though.

The book is called "moon walking with Einstein" by Joshua Foer.

That is so awesome that you do that for a living. I was fascinated by that type of memory training once I read that book. I had no idea that there were so many tricks to memorizing things. :)

What kinds of competitions do you do? The ones that involve memorizing a deck of cards and order?

Yes, I have competed against Ben Pridmore many times. He was often mentioned in the book. Cards, numbes, Names, Words, Dates, Images and so on are the disciplines there. I am the founder of - the first memory sports website in the world.

WHAT!?! How cool are you! I'm so impressed. Would love to keep in touch with ya.

I thought it was so cool Ben did it as an experiment because he was a journalist I think?! been a while since I read the book... but then he actaully won! It just gave me so much hope and inspiration that "regular" people can do it, and it is actually just a skill you can develop over time.

Back in the day, how did you first get into this?

Now you are confusing Ben Pridmore, the 3x World Memory Champion with Joshua Foer, the author of Moonwalking with Einstein and 1x US Memory Champion. ;)

I heard about it from a book from the German Memory Champion at that time.

glad to hear you are fine.
I have another scary thing with memory...
I can't seem to remember my childhood :(

I am glad I found your article because I am able to help. Check out my memory techniques articles I post about every day. I have a series about how to remember names and a new series for how to remember dates. If you need more than that I even offer personal coaching with huge discounts only for Steemians. Let me know. :)

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