The Old Dog Discovers: Man Hole Covers as Art!

in #art7 years ago

During my past few visits to Germany I have appreciated their love for all things beautiful. Whether it's creating beautiful wood piles, putting flowers just about everywhere or creating fabulous looking man hole covers, these people get it right.

Here Is My Gallery of Manhole Covers From Badenweiler. Enjoy!

What Do You Think?

  • Do you see the beauty in these usually mundane items?
  • Do you also like to see beauty added everywhere possible?
  • can you give me some examples?

Send Me Other Pictures of Beautiful Man Hole Covers!

Please post pictures here of other beautiful man hole covers and I'll reward the best one with 10 SBD!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about man hole covers as art!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will do my best to upvote it with some of my 42,000 plus Steem Power! 


How's the smell when you are standing over the ones with holes in them to take your pictures? Just wondering :-)

Lol, I think He put's his camera on slow motion and rides with his e-bike over it and takes the shots... that's a win win situation..

Yes, well, you bring up a good point. This could be fodder for a future article!

I had a few from Germany in the boarder in Kranenburg .. but I guess the prettiest I saw was in Japan in fact @runrudy posted on that - lit and colorful
no one would really fall off it

The ones in Japan are amazing!

Very good view, great question, it is not easy to see the relevant details :)

May be @kus-knee wore an anti-odor face mask and that might be the reason he showing only his leg...haha

If you go down, you first believe what you smell ;-) just by seeing :-) ,....

You will smell it when you believe it?

This morning I did smell it, and even wasn't under a man hole ;-)

Good question.

Umm, probably you don't know much about German engineering! All the sewage water flowing under these manhole covers is perfectly clean and its so much aromatic that it can beat any french perfume brand. LOL!

Oh, those Germans!

I think @kus-knee and you need to investigate for some man holes in Loutraki. I can be the driver.. Then I must bring two "Bavaria"beer because kus-knee also wanted to taste one.

I love the nature of this post: travel somewhere new, but don't get swept away by its novelty. Instead: keep your eye trained on what's common, relatable, and find beauty in it.

At first glance, it's strange to see manhole covers in the travel section, which normally features palm trees, sunsets, and scenery, but it's a nice deviation from what's "normal" here.

Thank you for sharing. :)

Thanks for noticing!

Once upon a time, I think people took more pride in making everything of high quality and beautiful...few things, beautiful to the eye and they would last, as is evidenced by your photos

You bring up a good point. I have witnessed a lot of the philosophy on this trip.

We need more keen tourists like you to make the government think about enhancing the beauty of manhole covers every where around the world.

You have got an amazing sense of beauty and even manhole covers can't escape that. Kudos to you @kus-knee! I loved this post along with the several comments scattered with so many beautifully designed and well-kept manhole covers that they can put many gardens to shame!

Thanks so much for your comment. I really enjoy looking at beauty and learning to appreciate my surroundings.

Japanese manhole(Himeji):) imagej

Great! In Wikipedia under man hole covers they show a picture of one in Japan! Awesome!

I was impressed with man holes in Japan.didn't expect such work of art in manholes:)

I know very well the German style Manhole Covers and I've observed that other regions of Europe are trying it out. In Bistrita, Romania, the city where I live, a couple of years ago, all the old and medieval streets have been re-developed and since then all the Manhole Covers are personalized. See the photo below.

Although the city of Bistrita is one of the 12 medieval cities of Romania where in the far past many German people lived and therefore the similar Covers are maybe usual as here still live a quite a lot of German people. Even the president of Romania is German at the origins.😅😅

Very nice. Thanks so much for sharing!

In big bustling cities, the pace of life is so fast that people barely look at the beautiful details of the city. People look down, but on their smartphones not manholes, it's truly mind opening that there are people like you who would appreciate manholes, such a niche hobby hahaha!


You are so right about looking down at our cell phones. There is a world out there to discover and enjoy!

hahahaha OHHHHH look you have another post on man hole covers!
I didn't catch this one but had to go back and look over your page to find the posts I have not yet seen. I like the new post you just did more as that gallery was so nice but these sure are cool too!
Nice post Dawg!

It appears you are not alone in your admiration of man hole covers:

Jeremy Corbyn (leader of UK opposition) is also a big fan!

Hey, so cool, thanks for sharing! Looks like he's willing to get down and dirty too!

Unfortunately not always so sensitive to subjects such as manhole covers. We are normal, and they periodically steal and hand over on scrap metal. So it is not the place paints the person, place and person.

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