Banksters Ordered to Pay $10 Million for Blocking WikiLeaks Donations

in #wikileaks5 years ago (edited)

Earlier this week some payback was levied at the bankster criminals who imposed a banking blockade on WikiLeaks in 2010. A court in Iceland has ordered the then-VISA Iceland division, now known as VALITOR, to pay $10 million in damages for the credit card ban on donations to WikiLeaks.


WikiLeaks announced it on their Twitter account on April 24, and RT has since reported on it as well. The Icelandic press reported on the case with the sum as 1.2 billion ISK, the Icelandic currency. The recipients of the $10 million are DataCell, a WikiLeaks payment processor, and Sunshine Press, a WikiLeaks publisher.


The $10 million fine issued by the District Court of Reykjavik is a result of years of refusing to lift the ban, as ordered by the courts in 2011. Valitor was warned at the time of the ruling in 2011, that if they didn't lift the blockade, fine would continue to pile up.

But instead of accepted the ruling that they acted unlawfully 6 years ago, they didn't stop, and they still don't accept having done anything wrong, as they are seeking to appeal the new decision to force them to pay $10 million. DataCell had a contract, which Valitor violated, and subsequently sued for imposing an "extrajudicial" ban "without democratic oversight or transparency".

The blockade to ban donations to WikiLeaks in 2010 went beyond Valitor. The Bank of America, VISA, Western Union, PayPal, and Mastercard all acted together and jointly banned donations to WikiLeaks less than two weeks after publishing the Cablegate leaks. Cablegate exposed government behavior, specifically the U.S.'

These leaks are directly related to the witch hunt on facing Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks. They came from Chelsea Manning, and are the reason Assange is being arrested and facing extradition to the U.S. It's also why Manning was imprisoned for 6 years and is now in prison again for refusing to answer a grand jury farce to try to pin anything on Assange or WikiLeaks.

Assange is being persecuted for publishing documents, while the twisted narrative is that he's a co-conspirator to unlawfully access and steal Pentagon documents. The government and media tried to link WikiLeaks and Assange in a failed Russiagate fabricated conspiracy, but they aren't done trying to punish Assange for exposing the government's dirt, or doing the job journalists are supposed to be doing and making them look bad.

What is going on in right now in the U.K., and what has been orchestrated from the U.S., is a travesty of justice. It shows the injustices of our times where war crimes are ignored, and the war criminals have the power to treat the person who exposed them as a criminal.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Posted from KURE


The other night had me thinking how fascist like the US Administration is showing themselves to be since the fall of the Soviet Union.

During a #Unity4J podcast a few weeks ago the guest, Dmitry Babich, had an interesting theory of evil that had shown itself in the nazis and bolsheviks and was now driving the military complex of the US.

My pondering was how did such an ideology move from Europe to North America while leaving Europe behind. Then Project Paperclip came to me and the thought that most high level nazis had been exported to the US and all mostly given important positions of power. Anyway, you may be interested to hear Dmitry explain it so much better.

The interviewer is rather annoying but she's a scientologist so what can we expect? 😎

Yes, as I was reading what you said I thought of PP, glad you saw that too. The 4th reich was set up in America :/ Thanks for the link.

Thanks to you my friend, for keeping people informed about the calamity of loss of free press and speech, if they get Julian and keep Chelsea behind bars.
I'm happy because, I need to keep writing my saga on liberation on Steemit, and it has been difficult not to write about it on Steemit but I've been working in other ways to help Assange and Chelsea.
I couldn't avoid to talk about the XR Extinction Rebellion and The Yellow vests and still keep in line with my posts.

" It shows the injustices of our times where war crimes are ignored, and the war criminals have the power to treat the person who exposed them as a criminal."
The problem is that they are demonized now in public opinion because I always test in the morning when I go out for my first coffee, talking to (or provoking) the "general" public intoxicated by newspapers and TV, and they happily blind and manipulated, but of course they are fed with a lot of hate against abstract enemies like a cloud that shuts off any consciousness to see the wrong-doings of their rulers and media masterminding their behaviors. In my country and I think everywhere else when you speak about the real reality when you leave they say you are a communist, crazy or worst a terrorist.

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Yes, they are fed with a load of bullshit that they puke back out. Yes, terrorist or a traitor for daring to say the government is doing bad things and shouldn't be trusted with our well being... People are so clueless in a dream illusion of life. You're welcome :)

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Someone in the backrooms must be paying off the fines for these Banksters to dig in such that the fine is considered just Chump change for a bigger payoff from real TPTB. Cost of doing business.

Great news. Thanks for sharing!

Iceland was the only country, I believe, who actually JAILED bankers after the 2008-08 Financial Crisis. Seems like their judiciary is a lot less corrupt than pretty much all the other Western nations.

Thank you for writing this post.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You're welcome!

Iceland is sounding better and better every day...

That’s centralization!

What is going on in right now in the U.K., and what has been orchestrated from the U.S., is a travesty of justice. It shows the injustices of our times where war crimes are ignored, and the war criminals have the power to treat the person who exposed them as a criminal.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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