Sweden Wants Assange Extradited Again, and Ecuador's Government Prosecutes Programmer for Supporting Assange/WikiLeaks

in #assange5 years ago (edited)

The Swedes want their piece of Assange too. In a press conference today in Stockholm, Sweden’s deputy director of public prosecution, Eva-Marie Persson, says Sweden is going to seek Assange's extradition to face the 9 year old sexual assault charges.


Persson said the evidence is what led to the decision. She says it's enough to suspect Assange of rape. There are two cases involved, and the Swedes previously dropped both cases. The first dropping of the investigation was back in August 2010 just weeks after the inital allegations were made.

At the time, the Swedish chief prosecutor was Eva Finne, who concluded differently than the current Eva-Marie Persson. Finne said:

"I don’t think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape."

Assange was in Sweden at the time. He left Sweden with the government's permission and headed to Britain. Upon arrival, an international arrest warrant was issued on Assange on November 18, 2010.

Assange didn't flee. He turned himself in to authorities in December 7, 2010, and was subsequently released on bail soon after. He was fighting extradition back to Sweden, as the suspicion was that Sweden would then extradite him to the U.S. for the then attempts at conveying a secret grand jury to make Assange pay for his "crimes" of exposing the U.S.'s crimes.

Assange, through his lawyers, wanted assurances that Sweden wouldn't extradite him to the U.S. but they refused. This was mentioned in Assange's letter seeking asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012. After appeals were lost, he sought refuge and asylum at the embassy.

Seven years later, the asylum status was revoked, and Assange was taken into British custody where he awaits to be likely extradited to the U.S. The Brits have him locked up in a maximum security prison, simply for skipping bail in 2012.

Assange's extradition is in the hands of the Brits who will decide if he goes to Sweden, or the U.K. first, said Persson.

Speaking of Ecuador and Sweden, President Lenin Moreno accused Assange of being a spy, just after the Ecuadorian embassy was busted having spied on Assange. Moreno has finally gotten rid of Assange, but still feels anger and under threat of having his corruption exposed.

Last month when Assange was arrested, a Swedish programmer named Ola Bini was arrested on the same day. He's a programmer and internet activist for privacy rights. He has also shown support for Assange, having met him.

Bini has been charged with being a "Russian hacker" and collaborating with Assange in illegal computer hacking. At his hearing, no charges where presented, but they are keeping him locked up for 90 days in a pre-trial detention.

The only evidence they have is a friendship with Assange, visits to the embassy in London, and support for WikiLeaks and their exposure of warcrimes and government corruption worldwide. Plus, he has books. Yes, books on privacy rights and hacktivism. That's the evidence they have to hold him in jail for 90 days and try to concoct a crime to sentence him for.

Bini is being prosecuted and persecuted for his political leanings. His lawyers and other prominent political figures suggest this is a ploy by Moreno to criminalize Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to further distract from his own corruption.

While Moreno tries to use Bini as a smokescreen for his corrupt actions, Bini wishes to remain in Ecuador, his home where he "has his life here and, if he was allowed to, he would continue to live it there". For the time being, his letter reveals his life in jail is a "maddening mixture of long stretches of isolation and boredom interspersed with random threats and acts of violence".


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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