CPS Takes 2-Year-Old From Parents Because Father Self-Treated PTSD with Cannabis

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Protecting our children is an important responsibility as a parent. We want to make sure they are safe and can prosper. But the state also intervenes as a supplementary parent that supersedes our own natural authority to raise our children. They justify themselves under claims that we as parents are failing to keep our children safe, when we aren't. Then they take our children from us, as if this is all morally lawful.

A recent case from Idaho shows how much the state oversteps on it's authority to allegedly "help" children. The reality is that they often tear families apart and ruin lives in the process, even further endangering the lives of children and bring more suffering into their lives.


Zoey Thomas, aged 2-year old, was recently taken from her parents as they were arrested. What crime had they committed to justify this kidnapping? Edward Thomas, the father, dared to break the "legal" rules imposed by the centralize authoritarian rulers and choose to self-treat his PTSD with medical cannabis instead of more dangerous psychiatric drugs. They also had just moved into a home to renovate, and it was deemed "unsafe" for the child.

Cannabis has helped him with several issues:

It helps with my nightmares and insomnia caused by my time overseas. I used to wake up in a panic from dreams that I was killed in an explosion or seeing my family killed in one. It helped me stop taking several pills for depression and anxiety, and even helps with my chronic pain.

Can you blame for for choosing safer cannabis to an anti-anxiety like Hydroxyzine, which includes side effects like involuntary motor activity and tremors, severe headaches, and hallucinations? Big pharma prescription drugs are often very hazardous to health and can lead to death, while cannabis doesn't result in any deaths.


CPS to the "Rescue"

CPS showed up at the Thomas residence after receiving an anonymous call. They saw a bong when the door was opened, and convinced Ashley Thomas, the mother, that they had to be let in because of drug
paraphernalia being present, which wasn't true. She had a 4th amendment right to say no and require a warrant.

Ed and Ashley Thomas were in a recently purchased urn-down trailer home that they planned to renovate, with boxes everywhere in the process of being unpacked, making a lot of clutter. There were unwashed dishes as well. Ashley suffers from Bipolar disorder, chronic depression, heart issues and scoliosis.

Police Brought In

CPS then called the police. Officers entered the home without a warrant and forced a locked door open without permission. Inside were some medicinal cannabis plants being grown with bat guano fertilizer giving a bad smell that these police and CPS "authorities" associated with an unfit and unsanitary home instead of recognizing it was fertilizer. Police looked around more ti find additional drug paraphernalia (scale, bongs and pipes) as well as a .45 handgun that was legally purchased and secured.

The police report mentioned stains in the carpet, but that was from previous ownership since the Thomas' had only been there 2 weeks. POsitives were noted but turned into negatives to diminish the good conditions of living for the child:

"The fridge was well stocked... but had several stains inside."
"The child was appropriately dressed... but had greasy hands."

Greasy hands from being in the process of eating chips. What a crime.

Parents Arrested

Police arrested the parents and confiscated everything that was problematic to them, even the legally obtained firearm that was securely locked away and purchased by a well trained military veteran. The gun was now "evidence" of some kind. This is despite Idaho being mostly conservative and supporting the citizen right to bear arms. Idaho also has a majority if people support medical cannabis with a 74% approval in a 2011 Boise State University survey. Regardless, law remains unchanged.

The official charges brought against the parents are:

  • Manufacturing a Controlled Substance (growing cannabis for self-treatment)
  • Manufacturing a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver where a Child is Present (because a scale was present)
  • Injury to a Child (greasy hands... what a crime)

No Contact Order

They have also been served a "No Contact Order" which prevents them from seeing their daughter at all. Zoey was luckily placed with her maternal grandmother and not in some random stranger's home.

CPS is still holding all the cards, as the parents need to meet several demands by the authoritarians in order to get their daughter back in this legal quackery. Each has already paid $20,000 bond to get out of jail on bail, but they need to pay for renovating their home immediately, rather than over time as they had originally planned.

Repair After Repair

The requested repairs were made, but then CPS had more hoops for th Thomas' to jump through, as Edwards says:

"No matter what repairs were made they seemed to constantly have something to add on... They just keep asking to do walk-throughs of the house; in my mind they are just looking for more reasons why it is unfit."

After repairing one thing after others, such as a cracked tile and the gap between the fridge and counter, the CPS was so angelic as to "reward" the parents with the "right" to finally see their daughter through supervised visits. As more repairs were done, unsupervised visits were granted. Edward also had to start taking the more dangerous psychiatric drugs instead.


CPS keeps changing social workers on them, and has been stalling to go forward with the adjudicatory hearing. They still have to deal with the 3 felony charges placed against them. They were offered a deal for 5 years probation if they plead guilty to the charges. They want to fight back this grave injustice that society has mounted on them. Ashley Thomas said:

"I feel destroyed that they took our daughter over a healing plant. I feel like our government and justice system are corrupt and unjust. And I want justice."

The parents are expecting another daughter at the end of June, and the fear losing that child as well. They live in constant emotional distress with chaos and confusion from the fear imposed by the state.

If you want to help the Thomas family, they have a Facebook page with info, and a Change.org petition. The Idaho Governor can also be contacted.

CPS seems like a serious control-freak organization, with controlling dominators who just want to punish you for not doing what their "rules" say, at best. There may be some well intentioned people within, but they get swept up in the dominance hierarchy of the organization to steal parents for breaking minor rules that the CPS or centralized authoritarian government sets. Some may even enjoy the control they exercise over others and placing children in worse homes. It's madness to take kids from their parents for minor issues, or calling the cops to get them arrested and stealing the child just because there is a bong present and some boxes everywhere.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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I get why it’s important to note that he was “treating PTSD” with his drug use, but that isn’t even a relevant factor at all. Why he’s using certain substances is nobody’s business. Too many people don’t understand the fundamental difference between right and wrong, no less the moral imperative of boycott.

If you find out Martha Stewart is enslaving Italians to work in her factories, you don’t try to fix Martha Stewart’s company. The first thing you do is stop buying her stuff immediately, then decide whether you need to go over there and do something about it.

When your government is kidnapping children (no less the adults they kidnap every day, and the millions of other moral crimes) you don’t try to fix the system by voting in another sleezebag 2 years from now - you withdraw your support wholly and immediately. If you think you’re going to effect change by begging, and blogging, and pulling levers, while you’re still paying the bill for this insanity - it ain’t gonna happen!

Exactly- time for the III% - good people- to intervene

stop buying her stuff immediately

Yup, withdraw support is the first step. That's why i withdraw support from many people who support what shoudn't be supported ;) Apophatic power of negation ;)

That’s excellent. We have to stop acting like this is OK; like it’s an “agree to disagree” affair. It is not. One perspective is provably valid and moral, and the other is not. It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of acknowledging reality, or living in abject denial of it.

CPS pisses me off. They intervene when it's not necessary and tend to overlook cases that should/need to be investigated. I live in a state where fairly recently many calls were placed to CPS regarding 1 little girl. No house visit was made, no interview of the parents, and as a result this little girl was raped by the mother's boyfriend and then cut into pieces and burned in a bathtub. That was a case for CPS, not this poor man who was treating his PTSD with cannabis. Fricking ridiculous.

Yeah, they suck so much at their job :/ That story is horrible :(

This is so absolutely unacceptable. These vultures come in and ruin a family while acting like they are doing a good deed. It wouldn't be so bad if social services wasn't a complete joke. Children suffer much worst fates in the hands of the government than they do when left in the care of unfit parents (on average).

On average, I agree. It should only happen in wort cases where it's absolutely necessary as things are truly bad.

How awful, I feel so bad for these people. We know someone who got their kid stolen it’s unbelievable the ridiculous justifications.

Why do we allow this? We allow our children to be stolen by those we entrust to 'serve' us? Time to make this all right -III%

Yeah, it's really sad we keep this system afloat :/

Jesus fucking Christ that's horrible. Going to drop by the FB page - so sad. I hope things balance out and they find peace. Thank you for spreading awareness. All the best to you. E.

Yes, it's bad. You're welcome.

State came into the existence in disguise of a welfare state. Now, it controlled everything which we as a human (rather animal) beings had received from mother nature. It has enslaved us. It is encroaching in every aspect of our life and not allowing us to live naturally.
For water, electricity (power, fuel), food, roads, jobs and everything we are dependent on the state or state controlled private companies. We can't live without these things because everything comes after buying from money and money is controlled by the state. This is very very bad for us. A human being is deprived of his natural right in the name of laws.

Indeed. Crypto can help free us from the clutches of national statist currency :)

I think cryptos has potential but how long will this new thing survive if governments decide to ban them for once and all.

Blackmarket crypto can survive I guess, can't take down nodes because no identity on who owns them ;)

I agree. There are many options and ways to tackle this problem.

Maybe be the tables should be turned and allow this parent to walk through the CPS employees house, now that would be interesting.
This is just such a blatant attack on parents. Parents struggling to make it financially or to better their way of life through the use of a less harmful substance as CBD.
I remember hearing a news clip when a lady stated, “The sooner that parents realized the kids aren’t theirs the better things will be.”
That has to one one of the craziest things I have ever heard.
Let me see if I can find it. Who knows, YouTube probably deleted it 😉

Of course they deleted it, they delete everything controversial that doesn’t have rainbows and unicorns.

The sooner that parents realized the kids aren’t theirs the better things will be.”

That is some seriously fucked up demented retarded person to think that trash!

I have tried to look for the exact video but no luck. Basically stating the kids belong to the state. What a bunch of phychos!!

Many CPS agencies are controlled by child trafficking Luciferians who need live children for their vile sacrifice ritual practices of their 'religion'- all coming to a head and will be revealed sooner than later. Time to face the ugly music.

Yup, likely a channel for sick shit like that :(

You should check cases from Norway. They are way more bizarre then the cases in US.

Pharmaceutical is a huge industry and they have lot of lobby power. They can make whatever illegal.

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