Weekly Curation Report by Team Burn- Third week January 2024

in Steem POD Team5 months ago

Image edited in Canva


Greetings dear Steemians,

As we reach the end of the third week of January, on this Sunday, January 21, 2024, a significant opportunity presents itself with the release of the Team Burn curation report. The primary goal of this initiative has been to actively support posts that follow the guidelines of the #burnsteem25 campaign, a campaign specifically designed to curb Steem token inflation, while highlighting exceptional user-generated content during the week beginning January 15, 2024.

Following a more in-depth analysis of the events of this third week, a notable stability emerges in the number of posts having received upvotes, reaching a total of 169 posts from 129 authors, thus equalizing the figures from the previous week. Encouragingly, it is notable that the number of engaging comments, also rewarded with upvotes, remained constant at 39 comments highlighting the continued quality of interactions within the community.

This is a testament to the success of the curation campaign, demonstrating not only its impact on preserving the value of Steem tokens, but also on fostering an active and participatory community. These positive results reflect the effectiveness of Team Burn's commitment to showcasing high-quality content, creating sustained momentum within the Steem platform. As we close out this week, these observations point to a promising outlook for the future of the #burnsteem25 campaign and the community as a whole.


For a more comprehensive understanding, let's embark on a detailed analysis of the outcomes from the second week of our concerted efforts. Throughout this presentation, we will delve intricately into the communities that have garnered support from our team, quantify the number of posts that have successfully secured upvotes, identify the most impactful hashtags utilized during this period, and conduct a thorough assessment of the current state of the club.

This juncture provides us with an optimal occasion to celebrate the triumphs of the users who have actively participated, and simultaneously, to reflect upon the ways in which our initiative has contributed to realizing the objectives outlined in the #burnsteem25 campaign. Your insights and reflections on this enriching experience are warmly welcomed, fostering an open forum for the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Please, don't hesitate to share your perspectives, as they contribute significantly to the collective understanding and improvement of our ongoing efforts. Together, we can continue to refine and enhance the impact of our initiative, fostering a more vibrant and engaged community in line with the overarching goals of the #burnsteem25 campaign.


Our statistics:

Community Support and Publications:

A meticulous statistical analysis has been conducted, encompassing 25 diverse communities that received support during this week. This comprehensive examination highlights the expansive range of topics and interests thriving within the Steem ecosystem. Users hailing from these communities have played pivotal roles, contributing their distinct perspectives and creations. The collaborative efforts have, in turn, fostered a rich and vibrant environment, showcasing the dynamic tapestry of content and engagement present across the Steem platform.

The commitment to supporting such a wide array of communities underscores the inclusive nature of our initiative, recognizing and valuing the multifaceted interests that make up the Steem user base. The varied themes and subjects explored within these 25 communities reflect the platform's diversity, ensuring that users from all walks of life find a space to express themselves and connect with like-minded individuals. This commitment to inclusivity aligns seamlessly with the overarching objectives of the #burnsteem25 campaign, aiming not only to curb token inflation but also to cultivate a thriving and diverse ecosystem that resonates with the global community of Steem users.


Tag Utilization:

In our analysis, despite the consistent dominance of #thediarygame as the most frequently used tag, it is paramount to underline the importance of incorporating distinct and specific tags alongside it. While #thediarygame continues to be a central and widely utilized tag, diversifying the array of tags used is instrumental in enhancing content discoverability and ensuring that each publication finds its niche audience.

Encouraging users to explore and experiment with different tags not only enriches the content landscape but also facilitates a more inclusive and engaging experience for the audience. By embracing a broader spectrum of tags, we can collectively contribute to a more dynamic and interconnected Steem ecosystem, where content creators and consumers alike can discover and appreciate the wealth of diverse content available.


Geographic Diversity:

The geographic distribution of supported publications provides a fascinating glimpse into the global reach of the Steem platform. In a remarkable display of diversity, contributions have poured in from 15 different countries, illuminating the international and inclusive nature of the Steem community. Notably, the prominence of publications from Venezuela and Indonesia stands out, underscoring the platform's ability to connect and empower individuals across borders.

As we celebrate the diversity reflected in the geographic origins of supported publications, it becomes evident that the Steem platform serves as a truly global stage for the exchange of ideas, cultures, and experiences. This rich international tapestry further cements the platform's position as a hub for a multitude of voices, united by a shared passion for creativity, expression, and engagement.


Club Status Variation:

The status of clubs reveals a dynamic scenario with noticeable variations. The predominant #club5050 stands at an impressive 69%, indicating a substantial commitment to the principles of equal distribution. Following closely is #club100, representing 19%, and #club75 at 12%. This breakdown emphasizes the diverse nature of contributions, showcasing a mix of equal reward allocation and more focused reward distributions within specific communities.


The article : Link
The author:@pathanapsana
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@kouba01


Author @pathanapsana's post on celebrating kite festival is captivating. It offers a detailed and vivid perspective on Makarsankranti celebrations in India. The author succeeds in creating a vivid picture of the festivities, detailing the activities, emotions and experiences throughout the day. The inclusion of photographs strengthens the narrative and provides readers with a first-hand visualization of events, adding an extra dimension to the reading experience.

The post also shares interesting cultural details about the festival, explaining its inclusive nature, duration, and associated traditions. This enriches the reader’s understanding of cultural diversity in India. Additionally, the author adds an emotional touch by sharing personal moments, such as choosing a different color of thread this year.

However, it could benefit from better structuring by using separate paragraphs for each section, such as preparation, morning celebrations, afternoon at the pond, etc. Additionally, editing to correct possible spelling or grammatical errors would improve the overall quality of the content.

Overall, the post is very interesting and manages to capture the essence of the kite festival in a vivid and personal way.


The article : Link
The author:@hoesniy
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@irawandedy


I nominate this post with The Diary Game Theme as Top Post because in his writing the author describes his story on a thrilling adventure across the island with his boss. Even though the waves were quite big, he and his other colleagues arrived safely to take part in social activities in the form of mutual cooperation. From the experience he wrote, I saw that apart from the social life that was highlighted, the author was able to provide an interesting narrative about daily life full of adventure in a military environment.

The article : Link
The author:@johnmitchel
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@ripon0630


The author shares about his beautiful events of 2023, which include the best moments he achieved throughout the year. Where the cultural day is celebrated in a colorful way, hanging out with some steemian's, celebrating Christmas with children in his workspace, organizing the birthday of his mother who is his closest person, and participating in the rich culture of his state. It's full of positivity and joy, sharing five amazing events from the author's year. Each event shared by the author will give readers some laughs and joy that will hold their interest till the end of the post.

The article : Link
The author:@casv
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@inspiracion


In this post by @casv, we can dive into the analysis he makes about the influence that the Bitcoin Halving has on the crypto market in general.
He explains to us in a simple way what the Bitcoin Halving means, as well as its historical behavior and its influence on the price of cryptocurrencies, including Steem.
In conclusion, he explains that we can have positive expectations in 2024 as a result of this historic event that occurs every four years.

The article : Link
The author:@fantvwiki
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@kouba01


This post provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the author's daily activities, especially on January 18 2024. The author begins by telling about his experience at school, where taking students for a walk outside the school is an interesting moment. The included images add visual nuance to the story.

Next, the post includes a wedding reception invitation and the presence of the author and teachers at MIN 4 Lhokseumawe City. In this section, the author shares his experience of having lunch at a wedding reception and taking photos with the bride and groom. This adds a personal touch and togetherness to the story.

The middle and end of the day are also explained well, including the journey home, buying cake to break the fast, activities with family, and posting time on Steemit. The closing post which focuses on rest and prayer shows the author's gratitude and simplicity.

Overall, this post provides a good look into the author's daily life and engages the reader with an honest and heartfelt story. The author's enthusiasm to continue sharing positive experiences and his hopes for reader support are also felt.

The article : Link
The author:@yoelmo26
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@irawandedy


Choosing ingredients that are nutritious and highly nutritious with a limited budget is one of the reasons I nominated this post as a Top Post for January 20 2024. Then in the published content the author shows his activities in processing these vegetables to completion, he is creative and deserves adequate support.

The article : Link
The author:@zhanavic69
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@ripon0630


The author has showed the event of sharing colleague teachers day in this post. The participants of the program shared the perfect moments of the event by enjoying the cupcakes made and decorated by the author's and sharing meals with everyone, making the day truly special. The author highlights the specialties of the day in her diary, and it was filled with details and joyful memories, which reminds the readers who are planning to celebrate Teachers Day globally this year.

This is our third report for this month of Junuary 2024, Team Burn would like to thank the Steemit moderators for their support over the past period.

We are at your disposal for any question or comment.

To learn more about our work, please click here

Thank you so much.

Best regards,


@inspiracion [Venezuela]
@irawandedy [Indonesia]
@kouba01 [Tunisia]
@ripon0630 [Bangladesh]

 5 months ago 

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Muchas gracias por incluirme en el este podio, es todo un honor y me anima a mejorar cada día mas.

¡Feliz y venturoso día!

Hola buenas noches amigos
Gracias por el apoyo y considerar mi publicación para este reporte.

Muchas gracias de verdad

 5 months ago 

Thanks to Team Burn and also Mr. Kouba01 for choosing my post.

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