Steemit Engagement Challenge | S4W3 | All About Steemit Blogging Communities | #club100 | #burnsteem25

in Steem4Bloggers2 years ago


Hi Steemians,

On the last day of this third week I will participate in the contest prepared by the Steem4Bloggers community as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4.

What drew me to this contest was the space it gave us to speak to my favorite community through which I achieved most of my success and reputation. I wish you a good reading.

What is your favorite community? Give a brief introduction about this community.

My favorite community I've been a part of for about two years now is the Steemit Crypto Academy, a community that has seen many changes over the several seasons I've spent as professor to give lectures and assess homework provided by steemit users on topics related to the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency with the aim of disseminating knowledge And to simplify the concepts associated with these two fields, the experience with this community is still ongoing until now, as we are still among the communities that provide the steemit engagement challenge program, as we feature a new contest every week.


What are the reasons for choosing your favorite community?

My choice to work in this community was no accident. On the contrary, I became attached to the content that was presented there from the first season. At that time I was a student and I worked hard to prepare homework for this community and every week I feel pleasure because I presented articles with good content and also got new information which benefited There are has many in the world of cryptocurrency trading.

Also, my writing level improved week after week, and I discovered in myself the ability to analyze and communicate information well, which made me apply in the season to become a teacher within the academy, that's what happened.

What type of content is acceptable in the community and for how long do you work with it?

The steemit cryptoacademy community accepts all articles written in the fields of blockchain and cryptocurrency, through contests we organize or any good content falling within these fields.

In recent seasons, work inside the academy was daily at a rate of between 5 and 8 hours, as we used to accept between 20 and 25 publications per day in the form of homework for the lesson that I presented, and I had to evaluate all of them within a maximum of 48 hours after writing it, now all the teachers control the same contest. The competition therefore reduced the working hours within the academy, which made us supervise several other tasks within the platform.

What kind of content do you want to share on the platform.

In my real life I am a pedagogue and professor of computer science, I would very much like to teach courses in many fields such as programming, algorithms and robotics in an educational and simplified way because I know the importance of this subject the student to think and analyze logically. Indeed, I set out to provide some lessons to explain how to use the esp32 card, and these links:

Learnwithsteem : Teaching robotics using the ESP32 board - First lesson

Learnwithsteem : Teaching robotics using the ESP32 board - Second lesson

Learnwithsteem : Teaching robotics using the ESP32 board - Third lesson

Learnwithsteem : Teaching robotics using the ESP32 board - Fourth lesson

Learnwithsteem : Teaching robotics using the ESP32 board - Fifth lesson

Hoping to continue working in the coming days, I still have a lot to offer to users of the platform who are interested in programming, whether beginners or professionals, so that we can mutually benefit each other regardless of our geographical locations. .

Do you think there could be an improvement in this community? (Changes you would want if you were to be an admin of this community)

I'm already a moderator within the academy and I believe that ideas grow within any community, and from my point of view we can make more improvements, although the old way of presenting courses and distributing them among different levels of users has been very successful and has brought many of them to join the community, this does not mean that we are coming back but we should continue to offer contests that encourage users to submit their own experiences in these two important areas.

What type of content are you still missing on Steemit (maybe health, medical, gaming or other content).

What I miss about steemit is a community of people from my country or even the region I belong to, which is North Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Morocco), all these countries are distinguished by their own customs and traditions and have a very rich cultural heritage.

Thanks to this community, we can organize cultural competitions specific to each country and know their characteristics, and therefore we present them indirectly, because I think that the countries of East Asia, including many of my friends on the platform, know nothing about us, not even in our countries.

In fact, this question always comes to mind because there are no members from my region, but when you know the difficulties of extracting digital currencies in our countries, you excuse them and hope that things will become better in the coming periods.

At the end of this article I invite my friends @fredquantum, @pelon53 and @steemdoctor1 to take part in this interesting topic.

 2 years ago 

It was during my time in the Challenge that I learned about crypto and tried to understand all about Crypto. Actually I'm not very familiar with crypto, I'm just self-taught for it.

I also share posts about favorite communities, if you have time please see them and I am very happy.

 2 years ago 

With pleasure I will read it and leave a comment, I also invite you to participate in our contests as part of the steemit engagement challenge.

 2 years ago 

I will try the Challenge in Week 4. Because for week 3 it is no longer possible.

 2 years ago 

There is no doubt that you will choose this community as your favorite community, you are part of this community, and this community is part of you,
I really miss steemit crypto running again, although it's not limited to that (course),
Honestly, this community is my starting point in studying crypto, I really remember how dedicated and motivated the steemit team is so that all members have a good understanding,
There is no such knowledge in my area, and you are one of my teachers,
Hopefully steemit crypto is always successful and successful for you always,

 2 years ago 

Precisely, this community was, is and will remain a bridge to the world of crypto and blockchain because of the content shared there, we have covered almost 70% of the topics related to these areas. Thank you for your visit.

 2 years ago 

You're welcome, Prof.
You're absolutely right, hopefully it will stay that way

 2 years ago 

Hola, Steemit Crypto Academy es una gran comunidad, para aprender sobre el mundo de las cryptos, que bueno que comenzaste como estudiante y poco a poco se fue superando para convertirse en el moderador de la comunidad más importante de steemit.

Yo aún tengo miedo de ir por alla, jeje seguro pronto me animaré y estaré aprendiendo sobre este mundo de las monedas virtuales.

 2 years ago 

Hi kouba01, you are right, the Steemit Crypto Academy has given you exposure. I think it is a necessary community because STEEM is a blockchain, we trade cryptocurrencies and most of us are ordinary citizens who are learning to understand this world.

That community has taught me so much, through you, the professors, who impart the content very clearly. When I see that in real life you are a pedagogue, I understand why it is so natural for you to teach.

Anyway, how nice that you have found a place that allows you to grow by teaching us.

Best regards.

 2 years ago 

I also love steemit crypto academy, I learn a lot about the crypto and blockchain space just by reading blog articles written by members 🔥

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