Seek First Understanding


When your first aim is to fully understand any business you're into, you'll find that life gets easier with time. When you prioritize learning and understanding over everything else at the beginning, soon enough you'll become a master in that line of business and reap good fruits for it.

Many people always seek for money first, and this is a very wrong way to go about things. When you seek for money first, even when you have the money, the tendency is that you'll end up making all sorts of mistakes with that money, because you do not have the fundamental understanding.

Do not put the cart before the horse. Do things in the right order. You have to learn to discipline yourself to put learning, studying and hard work above all else. When you go through the pain of learning and finally you understand what makes everything ticks, you have enormous power.

You can now become innovative in your way of doing things. Because you understand your business and every aspect of it, you can make accurate decisions whenever problems or friction arises here and there. You can see a clear mental picture of how everything should be.

This is the state of mind that most masters in different walks of life have come to possess. They did not attain such profound understanding by playing around or goofing around. They came to such in depth understanding by working harder than everyone else. Putting in more hours of work when others are lazing away.


@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

It is wise for us to understand what we are going into, before putting our energy and strength into it.

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 last year 

Hello @kmichealson

Thank you for posting within our project.hope community on STEEMit.

Please spare few minutes and read how project.hope is organized and learn about our economy. You can find link here:

That would help you understand more our goals and how are we trying to achieve them. Hopefully you will join our community and become strong part of it :)

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@project.hope team,

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