
Fantastic! Glad to see you taking my idea and running with it. I like the second shot. That looks like the same dilapidated shopping centers we have here, relics of the bubble economy of the 80s.

True relics, indeed. After viewing your blogroll I realized just how much potential such mini posts could have. Lot's to show especially places where no tourists go. I'm sure some can appreciate such delicate slices of cultural showcase! We now have two Random parts of Asia presented in the best format possible for the quick info digesting crowd of steemit!

For Random Japan follow @dbooster folks!

Totally. There are so many places off the beaten path where no one but the locals ever see, the locals and the crazy expats who have managed to stick around long enough to discover them. I'll start promoting your series alongside mine. I love the idea. Random Asia!

Look forward to following you (thanks to #dbooster's recommendation). Spent a few months watching Korean (art house) movies back in the day, and I must say: it can be a weird (and very violent!/male oriented) country. But I love my archery-equipment representative student of English from S.Korea; and their cuisine fascinates me (all those dishes!); and their architecture is right up my alley - if one may generalise for now and exclude the facade of that mall you put up! Hope to see all the good, the bad and the ulgly and more!

Well observed points from the Korean Art House movies...but in those types of movies things do get exaggerated a bit :D The food is great, no argument. The mall has it's charms lol What's your involvement with archery? Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I appreciate the exchange of thoughts. See you around!

Great backyard! Korea looks like a pretty amazing place to visit!

Believe it or not, some people try and fish in this backyard puddle lol Korea has its charms, but like anything, not without problems :D

That's crazy that they would fish in something that small! It must be interesting to watch.

Amazing stills bro! ☺️I have heard that South Korea has a lot of amazing landmarks and quite friendly people.

Thanks man! It is very friendly and travel is a one of a kind experience especially if you go outside the major cities!

Cool! 😊. Looking forward to the upcoming updates in your daily series :D

you are looking cool and your backyard is natural bro . love southkorea since you are oxygen for crypto :)

Oxygen for crypto lol well, said man, well, said. However, people seem to be waiting on the sidelines and are afraid to invest first during this bearish market.

these random shots that are not from the big cities are always more interesting. looking forward to seeing more of it!

Beautiful backyard, i like

very cool, seems like a side of SK I have never seen before

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