Panorama to the South / Panorama nach Süden

in #photography5 years ago

After I showed you yesterday the Viewing Tower on Pyramidenkogel, today there is the first panorama photo of the view from the tower.

Nachdem ich euch gestern den Aussichtsturm am Pyramidenkogel gezeigt habe, gibt es heute das erste Panoramafoto der Aussicht vom Turm.

Panorama to the South / Panorama nach Süden

This panorama shows the view to the south to the Karawanks mountain range. Unfortunately, the rain clouds have not yet completely warped, which is why not all mountains are clearly visible.

Dieses Panorama zeigt den Ausblick nach Süden zu den Karawanken. Leider haben sich die Regenwolken noch nicht ganz verzogen gehabt, weshalb nicht alle Berge klar erkennbar sind.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/9 • 1/200 sec • @24 mm
4 landscape images pano

Of the 4 lakes in the picture you can see the Keutschacher See best. Right of it is the Hafnersee. The two smaller lakes to the left of Lake Keutschacher See best if you click on the photo to open it in full screen mode.

If you are interested: I was able to determine a few of the mountains.

Von den 4 Seen, die auf dem Foto sind, kann man den Keutschacher See am besten erkennen. Rechts davon ist der Hafnersee. Die beiden kleineren Seen links vom Keutschacher See seht ihr am besten, wenn ihr auf das Foto klickt und dieses im Vollbildmodus öffnet.

Wen es interessiert: Ein paar der Berge habe ich bestimmen können.


❖ click for fullsize view ❖


Location / Standort: Viewing Tower on Pyramidenkogel
Viewing Tower on Pyramidenkogel
Aussichtsturm am Pyramidenkogel

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
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Thank you so much for resteeming my post, @pixresteemer 😊

Tolle Panoramaaufnahme! Das ist wirklich ein außergewöhnlich schöner Teil von Kärnten. Am Keutschachersee hab ich mal einen kurzen Campingurlaub verbracht! 😄👍🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Danke dir vielmals, @weitblicker.
Unser Land ist überall schön - es gibt so viele wunderschöne Landschaften zwischen dem Neusiedler See und dem Bodensee :)

This is not just a great, panoramic photo, it is a real guide for backpackers. You can not buy a card, and use the photograph of my friend @Johannpiber.

You have done a wonderful job. It is really beautiful!

This valley, with a lake in the middle, looks like a crater of a volcano.

Thank you so much, my friend @barski 😊
I think, if you rely on my overview, then you might never find back home ;)
As much as I know, the area has been shaped in the ice age.
Wish you a good night and a great day tomorrow :)

Wow, was für eine krasse Auflösung!
Hat die EOS R eine Panoramafunktion, oder hast du da einzelne Bilder nachträglich zusammengefügt?

Die Qualität ist der Hammer!

Danke dir 😊

Das ist die EOS R mit dem Standard Kit Objektiv 24-105mm. Ich bin auch noch immer beeindruckt, wenn ich reinzoome.

Nein, keine Panoramafunktion - nachdem es so kalt und windig auf dem Turm war, habe ich mich einfach an das Geländer gestellt und die Fotos aus der Hand geschossen. Bei diesen 4 Fotos war das dann mit Lightroom kein Problem, sie zusammenzusetzen.
Ich habe danach ein Panorama auf der anderen Seite gemacht. Das muss ich aber noch bearbeiten, weil den See hat es doch ein bisschen verzerrt (ist untertrieben ;) - zumindest ein Stativ sollte man doch verwenden ;)

Wow dafür, dass du es aus der Hand geschossen hast alle Achtung! :)
Bin gespannt ob das Bild von der anderen Seite noch was wird... Ich drück dir die Daumen!

Bei 24mm und einer Verschlusszeit von 1/200 sollte es eigentlich kein Problem sein - eigentlich, aber ich hatte auch schon bei solchen Voraussetzungen Verwackler ;)

Mal sehen, was mit dem Seepanorama wird, bin selbst gespannt :)

That’s an impressive panorama! I would need a really big screen to enjoy this vista!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @kaminchan :)
... and I would like to be able to upload such panorama photos in full size, and don't need to scale them down :)

Thank you so much, @gidlark, and I thank you also very much for resteeming my post 😊

WOW worth going up the tower to get this spectacular view, such amazing scenery captured perfectly

Thank you very much, JJ :)
I haven't viewed the other photos yet, which I took to the north, where the lake is. Hopefully they came out as good, because it was very windy and cold up there that day.

I am sure they will be great and looking forward to seeing them I have been out shooting so much an busy with other things I am so far behind in editing started last night in some shots from two weeks ago

In a few monts you will have plenty of time, and then you will never be behind editing again, I'm sure ;)

For sure plus I am building up shots I can build up some shots in reserve if I have a dry spell of shooting next winter

Good morning JJ 😉

That's a good idea. I have also quite a lot of photos in my archives, which I haven't edited yet, but I don't edit until I need an image. That's the lazy part of me ;)

I kind of do the same I have a few I edit and have ready for posts Incase I am running short of time and need shots quickly
I generally do the review and selection of which ones I will consider editing as soon as I import them but haven’t even dine that fir the photos taken over the last week or so

Good morning JJ, I assume you are on the train ;)

After every shooting I download the photos and make a backup. Then I import the photos into lightroom and look through them. The bad and blurred ones are deleted at once.

If I need photos the same day, then I edit them and the other photos have to wait until a day, when I cannot photograph and need some photos, or until I have some spare time to look through them again, and delete the bad photos ;)

Beautiful panorama @johannpiber! I like the naming you did in the second image. May have to give that a try sometime. :)

Thank you very much, @oldmans 😊
This naming thing is a lot of work in Photoshop - different layers for each name and its background (maybe there's an easier way, but I haven't found it yet ;). So, I am somehow glad, that I forgot to photograph an overview board, and couldn't find out some of the mountains names ;)

Thank you so much, Ross 😊
We are so lucky to live somewhere, where other people pay money to spend their holidays.

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Thank you very much, @treeplanter 😊

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