
Thank you very much, JJ :)
I haven't viewed the other photos yet, which I took to the north, where the lake is. Hopefully they came out as good, because it was very windy and cold up there that day.

I am sure they will be great and looking forward to seeing them I have been out shooting so much an busy with other things I am so far behind in editing started last night in some shots from two weeks ago

In a few monts you will have plenty of time, and then you will never be behind editing again, I'm sure ;)

For sure plus I am building up shots I can build up some shots in reserve if I have a dry spell of shooting next winter

Good morning JJ 😉

That's a good idea. I have also quite a lot of photos in my archives, which I haven't edited yet, but I don't edit until I need an image. That's the lazy part of me ;)

I kind of do the same I have a few I edit and have ready for posts Incase I am running short of time and need shots quickly
I generally do the review and selection of which ones I will consider editing as soon as I import them but haven’t even dine that fir the photos taken over the last week or so

Good morning JJ, I assume you are on the train ;)

After every shooting I download the photos and make a backup. Then I import the photos into lightroom and look through them. The bad and blurred ones are deleted at once.

If I need photos the same day, then I edit them and the other photos have to wait until a day, when I cannot photograph and need some photos, or until I have some spare time to look through them again, and delete the bad photos ;)

That’s pretty much what I usually do as well each time after being out taking photos and pretty much the same delete the bad ones and color mark the HDR images different from single shots
This weekend I will try and catch up

Just about to get off the train now

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