Our DREAM PARADISE is being washed by the RIVER. (part 1 of our experience living in El Salvador as family)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

After loving the experience of living in our beach house we build,(Our PARADISE) for 4 months, in 2010, something unexpected and terrible happened to our PARADISE in 2011, but it still feels like yesterday. (You can check my previous post about it).


Our beautiful paradise is being washed by the river

After one year of our last trip to El Salvador, we decided to actually move to El Salvador with our boys, which was August 2011. Our decision was made upon the life style we fell in love with while going back and forth to El Salvador. We went there with a plan. What was our plan?

Our plan was to finish building the beach house so that we can start renting it, like a vacation house, which was supposed to be our primary income while living in El Salvador. In October we already had some people wanting to go and rent it out for a week, so we had to start on the building project right away.
But we needed a place to live, which we ended up buying a town house in Santa Ana city, where the boys would go to school.
Before picture of our paradise.


This was our favorite place on earth. So peaceful, so alive and wind breeze was amazing.


The last picture of the whole property and house as a whole.

While we are trying to adjust to life in a city, which was again really new to us, and signing up the boys to school, we had builders working on our beach home as fast as we could to get it ready for October. But unfortunately the plans changed on us and everything started to work against us. What has happened was that the river which was like 8-10 lots away from our house, started to make a turn towards our direction and slowly started to wash all the lots, one by one and it was getting closer and closer to our home. Just to explain a little bit better. The river runs into the ocean and because it was winter time, which rains a lot in the mountains and makes the river a little bit bigger. And so when it joins the ocean it can get pretty big. The lots were made of sand and not dirt which makes it even easier to wash.

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Packing all of our things. Taking all of the doors and windows off.

All packed, nothing left. The boys and their friend from the beach Carlos.

At first, we didn't really think nothing of it because the river always been there and it was still far away and it gets big in winter time just like every year. Well, after a week or so when we went back to the beach and saw that for some reason the river really changed direction and started to wash more of the lots and getting closer and closer, we got scared and thought we had to start doing something to save our home. We spend thousands of dollars to build a rock wall from the ocean front and from the river side, because like I said before when the river joins the ocean it just makes it easier to wash all this sand from underneath the property and then the rest of the sand on top of it collapses.

So our building project had to stop and now we are investing into saving our home. The company which owns all these properties brought all the machines to the beach to try to dig so that the river would run the other direction, we had workers building the rock wall for about a week, we had like 15 truck loads of rocks bringing and dumping the rocks, till eventually, we had to stop, because everyone who was trying to help us said don't waste any more money.

All the neighbors and people who lived there would come and watch the river and they said that for 50 years they lived there, they never saw this before. Some of the people living there said the river will come just to wash this house and go back to its normal place, some people said it will stop before it washes the house.

We prayed to God, we asked God. We were so confused. I knew we came to El Salvador for a reason, I knew God gave us this house and this opportunity because there is no way we could ever have built this house with out God's blessings, I knew God brought us here for a reason. So this doesn't make any sense. But we stayed strong, and we knew what is happening and what is going to happen has its purpose and we kept trusting in Gods way and his direction, even though we have never felt so confused and devastated in our lives. We felt like our dreams and all this hard work went down the drain.

Now it was time to move all the furniture from our paradise to Santa Ana, where we lived, which is about 1.5hr away. It was time to say good bye to our wonderful memories and dreams we had. Tears coming down. We still really don't understand why, but I know one day we will. And I know God had a purpose and I trust that and one day it will all make sense.


We build this wall of rocks to protect the sand from washing underneath our property. And when you have the river water from the side of the property joining the ocean, now you have the property washing even faster from both sides.

The funny thing is (well not really funny, but it doesn't make any sense) how the river or the ocean was not really any different than any other time. But the river just decided to make a little snake like shape from just going straight just to wash our house. And it wasn't any bigger than any other year, but because our home and all the homes are built on the sand and not dirt, the river just slowly washed the sand from underneath the home, which made the home collapsed.


Last picture of our beautiful coconut trees and the three trouble makers. Boys' 1st friend and friend forever in El Salvador.

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Had to take this last beautiful shot of my coconut trees and the sun.

The river used to run far away by those trees you can see on this picture. This is the first time it decised to change direction and come to wash our paradise.


The walls and glass started cracking since there is no sand left underneath the foundation.


Digging the coconut trees before they fall into the river.

Digged all the coconut trees out. As you can see the river in the daytime is not very big or deep it actually dries out, but in the evening it fills up. During day time people cross the river (there is very little water), but if you want to cross it back you better do it before 4 pm because it fills up again.

The river is not very big or deep, but because like you can see on this picture the land is all sand, the river can barely touch the sand and it washes it, and then what happens is all the sand on top falls in. So that is what happened to our house. The river didn't even touch it, but because it did wash all the sand underneath it, the heavy concrete posts and foundation collapses.


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My husband and our real good friends (feel like family to us) from the beach. They have been the biggest support through all of this.


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My lovely husband who created this paradise with all his heart for his family and ofcourse with Gods help.


As a family, we still trying to figure out the purpose of this terrible thing we had to go through as a family, especially since this was supposed to be our dream, and this was supposed to be our primary income and now it was all gone. We felt lost and confused. This is why we came to El Salvador in first place for the beach and build a rental vacation home. Do we go back to Canada after we got rid of everything we owned? Where do we go from here? Our primary income is gone, how do we continue?

This is where we as a family went through the hardest times in our lives. We were and are first and most always grateful for our health and our family, but we took a big hit, but we survived and we did learn a lot, and we did get back up. We as a family cherished the most wonderful memories living here in our paradise that will last a life time and nothing can take that away and for that, we are forever grateful and would not change have changed a thing.

So this was our Part 1 of our experience living in El Salvador as a family. Keep following me if you would like to see more posts about our life in El Salvador.

**THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY POST. If you found it interesting or helpful, don't forget to upvote and if you have any suggestions how I can improve, they are very welcomed. Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU!


OH NO! This is so heart breaking, I am so sorry for your loss... I wanted to move into the beach house I was staying at in ES as well but I have always been super afraid of coastal properties with the environment in the state its in at the moment. Oh my goodness, prayers go out to you and your family. I always say everything happens for a reason. I got run out of my home in Belize and thought it was the end of the world but it brought me to where I am now and so now, in hindsight I am grateful for all. God has a plan <3

Thank you so much for visiting my post and for your kind comment. Belize, wow, that's amazing that you got to live there and yes we should always be grateful because everything does happen for a reason and God has a great plan for each of us. Thank you again.

No need to thank me, I'm sorry to hear of your loss but excited to hear what your future holds in store <3 Best to you!

Really sad experience

Yes it was very sad and heart breaking, but we choose to remember the best times of our lives spent there as a family and that we will have forever.

This is so horrible...so sorry for your house. It really was very cozy and lovely.

Thank you so much @leyla5. We miss it a lot.

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Wow! What a sad experience. I could feel some of your pain by reading this and looking at the pictures. That was a beautiful home.

I lived in El Salvador myself for 9 months. My ex-husband had come to Canada as a 15-yr-old and we moved to Ahuachapan to start a clutch-rebuilding business after the civil war ended.
Santa Ana was the closest large city, so I have been there a few times.

Thank you so much @canadian-coconut for your kind words. And yes we miss our beach house a lot.
Wow. That is amazing. I got really excited when you said you lived in El Salvador in Ahuachapan for 9 months. We have family in Ahuachapan, so we spend a lot of time there too. That is so cool. How did you like living in El Salvador?

My surname was Ortiz. If Canaco Clutch is still there, that was mine.
I came back to Canada in 1997.
My ex moved back to Canada a couple of years ago with his new family too, but perhaps your family has met David.

There were so many things that I loved about living in El Salvador. The people were very friendly. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law and most of their family treated me wonderfully. It was very eye-opening to live in such a different place. I did miss many things about my time there. But sadly the situation with my husband turned terrible when he decided to take on a mistress and broke my heart as well as taking all my investment.

Anyways, that is in the past and I have a great life now.
I'm still great friends with his family members that still live near me in Canada. (He was the youngest of 8.)
His family never turned against me that whole time, and I really wish that I could see his sister Zoily again who treated me with such kindness.

I'm actually back in Canada since 2014, we had to come back to finish some things, but we want to go back to El Salvador real soon, but not sure how soon. But maybe my family did know David, I'll have to ask them and when I go back I will look if your Canaco Clutch company is still there.
I totally agree with you that the El Salvadorian people are very, very friendly. My mother-in-law and sisters-in-law are amazing too, they all live in Canada, (Vancouver) but my mother-in-law also wants to go back to El Salvador.
Really sorry for the terrible time you had to go through with your ex-husband and your company. I can't imagine how you must have felt, that would totally destroy me and yes, unfortunately, you see too much of this kind of behavior with El Salvadorian men and their young mistresses. It's terrible and I'm sorry you had to go through that.
But like you said that is in the past and you have a wonderful life now and that's all that counts. Really cool that you still keep in contact with his family. We have to keep in touch so that when I go back to Ahuachapan I can find your company and take a picture for you.

Yes, great!
Let me know if your family knows my ex in-laws. Or maybe they even remember the Canadian "Gringa" who lived there for a while. I only knew of one other white person living there (an American man who ran a school and church.) I saw some white mormon missionaries occasionally, but strangely they wouldn't even make eye contact with me or give me a smile when we passed each other on the streets. Pretty odd since we were all foreigners and I would have thought they would have said hi to me.

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

omg so river bed moved .. why

That is a good question, that we have no answer for it, because people that lived there for long, long time, they haven't seen that before. But like I said I believe that everything happens for a reason, and one day we will find out what that was. But no regrets, we are moving on, working hard, learning and we will keep on dreaming and believing because I know God controls it all and he knows and wants what is best for us.

Oh no... I feel so sorry for this... but everything happens with a reason and I am sure everything will be okay! You lived in so many countries!!! hugs @joalvarez

Thank you @alexandraioana26 for your lovely comment and for checking this post out, it really means a lot to me. And yes you are so right, everything does happen for a reason and these are just lessons in life that only prepare us for the beautiful future.

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