Vessel 0.0.9 - Witness voting, improved delegation controls, auths, and custom_json ops

in #vessel7 years ago

If you're active on a few of the various chats or github, you may have noticed that last week I released Vessel 0.0.9 quietly. This post is to announce that release and catch anyone up that may haven't noticed. This new release introduces a couple of new features, including witness voting, which was implemented by a contribution once again from @netuoso.

Before we dive in, the obligatory "halp what's vessel?" information...

What is Vessel?

Vessel is a desktop wallet for the Steem blockchain, which you can download and use on your computer. Vessel is free to use and open source, and is designed to be a way to help secure your account on the Steem blockchain. While using Vessel, your keys/password never leave your computer, transactions are signed within the app, and then broadcast to the network much like any other downloadable cryptocurrency wallet.

Here's a few of the other most recent updates, as well as the original announcement:

Download Vessel

Vessel is still beta software and it's recommended that you treat it as such. Before committing irreversible actions on your account (such as large outgoing transfers), please test with smaller amounts to ensure it's working properly on your computer.

Download available on github for macOS, Windows and Linux.

What's new in 0.0.9

  • Witness Voting
  • Improvements to Delegation Controls
  • Account Auth Overview
  • (Developer Tool) custom_json operation creator

Witness Voting

Thanks to @netuoso for the implementation of this feature - it's a great addition and will help protect the keys of the average Steem user.

Within the Accounts section of Vessel there is now a Witness Voting section all accounts can use to cast or uncast their votes on a per account basis. The green + button on the right allows you to cast a new vote (by account name), and the orange trash button lets you remove a vote.

Improved Delegation Controls

Since the introduction of delegations in Vessel - the interface has been weird. This was in part simply because when it was built, I wasn't absolutely sure on how it functioned.

The controls in 0.0.9 have been updated to hopefully remove some of that confusion. You can now edit existing delegations instead of having to add another delegation (which you can't actually do), and the interface itself lets you specify exact amounts. The corresponding values will be automatically populated as you change the fields.

Account Auths

With the rise in usage of Account Auths through services like busy/utopian and SteemConnect, I felt we needed something to show what these applications are doing to your account.

The account auths section now outlines the keys and auths that control each account within Vessel. This release doesn't allow for modification of these values - but that will be added at a later date.

custom_json operations

This is more a developer tool than anything - but I'm hoping some other developers and services find it useful. You can create any form of custom_json operation and broadcast it with any imported account.

I won't dive too much into detail on the uses for this, but the next release of chainBB will illustrate it in action.


There are already a few features slated for 0.10.0, including a more advanced version of the custom_json operation creator. I'd expect this next version still yet in 2017.

Thanks yet again for the contribution @netuoso, and I'd encourage anyone else interested to join in and contribute. You're welcome to join us in the steemdev discord community chat or on the /f/steemdev forums on I'll continue to share the rewards of these posts via beneficiaries with those who contribute :)


Thank you @jesta this is an amazing product you make and I am so thanful for a way to acess my Steem and even have a way to power up or down and withdrawl during any situation even if and are down! I love teh combination of @chainbb and Vesel and I wonder if we can expect a standalone desktop CHainBB program? Maybe combine ChainBB inside of vessel?

Would it be possible to allow a browser to be inside of vessel so that the posting key can be used to login to chainBB and maybe have one standalone wallet like vessel that also has ChainBB and advertise it as a mobile app and make ChainBB a sort of forum tool that is advertised as just a FORUM for helping people solve problems and getting paid!

It's definitely possible to see some cross over between them. chainBB itself is designed in a way that it would work as a desktop app itself, I'm just not sure if it fits inside of Vessel, especially while trying to keep Vessel as a secure way to store your active keys.

I wouldn't rule it out - though it's not something I'm personally working on at this very moment!

Awesome piece of software jesta. I must say that i had previously not heard of this. But will consider using it in the future. Good luck with future development!

I am in the same boat. I previously haven’t heard of this either, but it is worth the time check out further. Hopefully more great things are to come and i cant wait to hear about the next

Vessel is shaping up nicely. One feature I'd really like to see is posting from Vessel so I wouldn't need to hassle between personal, project and testing accounts. It would be huge help.

I must say witness voting is really welcomed tool as well.

Thanks to netuoso for great work.

An all-in-one dashboard would be sick! Perfect to monitor chainbb forum posts. Bad ass as is though.

Well acct history.... But I can't complain, as is..

Yes, account history before posts I'd say. Posting is nice, but if I'm not incorrect this is supposed to be a "wallet" after all.

It'd be interesting for it to be a standalone posting tool, that's for sure, and make it a lot easier to post from different accounts.

I think chainBB will likely see features like that before Vessel does (unless someone else implements a posting interface). My only fear is that adding too many features to Vessel itself may make it harder to use. It's all a matter of just nailing it and doing it right :D

Steem really needs a decentralized application from which to post, comment , vote etc.
Even if text only that would be extremely useful.
Websites are centralized entities and can't be relied on. is planning to introduce facebook/youtube style censorhip.
A truly decentralized social media can't come soon enough. Vessel could be it!

But chainBB doesn't currently have support for multiple accounts, are you planning on adding that?

I did read Netuoso mention about adding posting to Vessel, not sure if he's still planning to do so and how soon. Now that I am looking at Vessel, posting could be added as symbol after send on the menu bar. The view itself would have the basic posting stuff and all imported accounts to choose from. I don't think it would add complexity too much personally. I'm sure there's many people with the same issue and I don't know of any tool personally that could help with it currently.

E: What language is used for Vessel? Hell, I might even try to do it myself after I'm done with few tasks with my own stuff.

It doesn't currently, but is something I've been wanting to get added. I just opened an issue to keep it on my radar.

Yeah I suppose you're right about the UI - the send tab could be sending posts or value. It's an interesting idea :)

Vessel is all written in JS, uses reactjs + electron. If you want to contribute, we'd welcome the help!

Do you have Vessel as a project on Utopian? That way people could delegate SP that could be used to reward anyone contributing and you could put up tasks. It's a new feature.

Yes, putting them both under send would make more sense. Less clutter, less scary :)

I hope Netuoso does it, I'm still learning so he would be done while I would be scratching my head on how to get development setup.

It is on utopian, I was just talking with elear and his crew about accessing it (since it existed before I joined) and gained access to the Vessel project today.

I'm going to give utopian a shot to write "task requests" and write some posts of the features I'd like to see added to Vessel, and then encourage others to help build it. I figure I can only build things so fast, so if instead I take time to describe what needs to be built, maybe more will get involved and help the project move along faster :)

if you enable the new utopian delegation system you can now accept sponsors directly
I'd be glad to delegate all I can to this project

Forgot about that feature - just went ahead and activated it :)

Nice upgrade! You need to review the address of the exchanges that are listed in the wallet. The one for open ledger should be openledger-dex not openledger.

Hrm, when did that change?

I can definitely get that added though. It used to be openledger at one point, I did some testing back in July and that was the account it was using.

It was sometime after that but I don't remember when exactly.

Jesta how do you do this? It' s amazing

I'm starting to use Vessel!

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Like the features...

Brilliant work! I wasn't even aware of its existence yet, though I had been praying to the "friends" up there for one of those to come out soon. The prayers were answered a hundred folds! Thanks lot for your dedication and hard work among us, much appreciated, as always.

Namaste :)

Great Job! Thanks

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