Slice Time...

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I know I am not the only one who shares the following perspective… Yes, there are 24 hours in a day and even with a relatively clear agenda and the greatest of intentions, the days seldom unfold the way we had intended and time and/energy almost always runs out before we have finished what we had wanted to.

“How did it get so late so soon?”
― Dr. Seuss

As an enormously organised individual, I often struggle with accepting the fact that I am not getting to all the things I want to on a daily basis. Over the years I have fine-tuned the ability to do a thousand things in a 24hr period, thus resulting in 41 things per hour and 0.68 things per minute hahaha!!!! – So when I fall short of this, I carry an almost guilt, which I am realising is bloody ridiculous!

I have always been the type of person that cannot sleep late because the guilt of wasting the day would literally compel me to get up and about. Granted this character trait has stood me in good stead when it comes to productivity levels, but the reality is – at the end of the day it affords little time for “me”. And the even harsher reality of that, is that there comes a point where it begins to take it’s toll because you are in a constant state of go go go.

This is part and parcel of the whole ”wanting to do it all” syndrome… something I have long since suffered. However, lately – I have begun (attempting) to slice my time according to what suits me, my family and not what suits the rest of the world or my obligatory guilt. Yes, there was an initial guilt that trailed this but I am slowly learning how to silence that little voice within and make the selection which lightens my heart and fuels me better in the long run.

“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.” ― Sarah Dessen

I am incredibly passionate about my intents, not just here...everywhere else too – but here’s the thing! When your passions start to exhaust and deplete you then you are headed in the wrong direction because it will only be a matter of time before your passions turn to dust, which you end scraping up off the floor with a skoppie and broom. You HAVE to learn how to divide and portion control what you dedicate time to so that you can retain your high levels of enthusiasm – You have to learn how to slice your time!

This is often easier said than done – but it is not at all impossible. Once you begin to realise just how fleeting time is… you begin looking for ways in which to manage it far more effectively – how you divide it and what you spend it on! I was reading @thekittygirl’s “Two-Year Steemiversary” post as well as the comment made on it by @fionasfavourites and it raised the thinking of just how often there is a lot of time, effort as well as frustration which comes hand in hand with long term goals – I know this well and is something that I have lived for most of my life – I can relate both “here AND there” if you catch my drift.

“Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ” ― Coco Chanel

This may sound like an cocky statement but it is not at all intended to be, so please just hear me out… Over the years, I have come to learn that over and above the fact that there are many, VERY different individuals walking this earth… through business hardship and the grand scheme of life itself I have also realised that there are FEW people that demonstrate relentless levels of persistence and resilience. It is a fine line of balance and shared by perhaps a handful of others around me (on steem) – to name a few: @traciyork @fionasfavourites @prettynicevideo @nickyhavey @brittandjosie @zord189 @theycallmedan @thekittygirl

What I am referring to, is a completely DIE HARD mentality. You know – the one’s who, despite everything, just keep on, keeping on! - they don’t have the time, nor the inclination at points but they ALWAYS make the time as well as the effort and striking that balance comes with relative ease, or at least seemingly so. I have no doubt that certain people are better at organising, dividing their time and pushing their intent but what I am getting at, is the fact that it is by no stretch an impossible task for others which may feel it does not come naturally.

On the Steem network - much like in my 3D world, I notice that many go full force for a while, they don’t see the results they want within that time and then they throw in the towel which is really unfortunate because I already know that persistence almost always only pays off long term and that you have to consider your time offline as much as you consider your time online. Once you take all these factors into consideration then you can start slicing your time!

This is essentially my very long-winded way of saying that it is all about sifting through priorities and not burning your candle at both ends because you will die out a lot sooner than later when you do either or both. Take time for your passions and also take time away from them - put first the things that TRULY matter and second the others. Divide your time allowing a bit of time for each (whether you get somewhere or nowhere within that time) but knowing when to cut it off and move on to the next thing.

For me personally, adopting this ”shift” in attitude has already manifested into a state of better balance - where I am no longer posting daily to the platform. I am taking days off to simply enjoy my life, days to sit and do nothing but read and curate - and others where I simply forget the place and space altogether. This may seem like a ridiculous thing to announce but I don’t think it is – simply because I know how I have put my life on pause for Steem related responsibility/activity over the last two years and how that eventually pulled my bloody pants off! I would like to retain my enthusiasm for this space and for that reason I have acknowledged the importance of a little balance – dividing my time between ALL the things I want to do on and offline.

…Just stop trying so hard and let things be! Find time when you actually HAVE time. Write when you actually ARE inspired! When you feel you need time off from it all – TAKE IT! (I promise, not much will change whilst you do lol) - Just do things more naturally and more enjoyably – DO what SUITS you…

Slice your cake, the way you WANT IT!

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy Warhol

...Well, that's me - rambling out loud :)


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I definitely agree that finding the balance is an absolute necessity. Are we really going to be selling ourselves that much shorter if we just go from 100% on everything to 80% on the top priorities...? Probably not.

I made a similar announcement on my Double Dolphin post last week that I was slowing down. Not posting every day because it really does take a lot out and focusing on writing that decent post once or twice per week max. Already missed my midweek aim... bothered? No.

Offline life is currently a priority, my brother is getting married in November, I'm sharing the best man honours with a life long family friend - that absolutely takes precedence vs anything online. I tried to do both online posting every day and doing the stag do preparation... as you know I was one straw away from a breakdown but it made me realise what was important here.

In fact, it's quite something that I realised the signs and didn't let myself get to actually breaking down... I call that progress! So going at everything 100% is a no no and you know what, it's nice to read and curate without worrying about posting the same day when we only have 24 hours to do 0.68 things an hour :)

Steem has it's price but it's not worth the price of our mental well-being (which in turn leads to physical well-being).

Price-n-slice fools :)

Are we really going to be selling ourselves that much shorter if we just go from 100% on everything to 80% on the top priorities...? Probably not.


And yes agreed, I am really enjoying posting less - it literally improves EVERY other facet of my life lol.

Steem has it's price but it's not worth the price of our mental well-being


Haha I know how you feel! It's like a weight lifted off your shoulders not needing to posting every day hey?

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SO much of this resonates with me! It's one of the reasons I skipped the one weekly post I always do, come hell or high water (my Tarot Tuesday) a few weeks back - there have been a number of weeks over the past four years I just wasn't feeling it, but I pushed through (mostly from sheer stubborness...LOL). On that particular occasion though, I thought, "Nope. I need a break." People were understanding, the world didn't end, the sky didn't fall, and the following week I was excited to do them again.

And thank you - I am honored to be included in that amazing list of names. Totally made my life day! 😊 🤗 🥂

Me too! What a post to wake up to!

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Love you!!!!

I really loved what you said there. It's true that we should always be thinking about the long term especially when we are doing things. Thanks for sharing this and may you have a great day

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Appreciate the positive input @sgbonus and I am glad the post spoke positively to you xxx

So true. Time passes, but we determine our own altitude and attitude. Resteemed for quality.

Posted using Partiko Android

Many thanks for the resteem :)

we determine our own altitude and attitude


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Thank you :)

Been there done that , trying to fit it all in, working overtime, stressing out etc etc..............and then you become older and suddenly realize that buying bigger clothes is fine, so much more comfortable and some days just relaxing, not getting to everything, or even do NOTHING over a weekend is perfectly fine and SO MUCH fun hahaha.

hahahaha yes there is definitely a great sense of relief which accompanies caring a little less - or a lot less LOL ;)

I find myself waking up About 3:00 p.m. every single day and by the time I get my make up on And am able to sit up I have maybe 2 hours before my body starts hurting really buy and then it's Like my coach turns into a pumpkin. And then I can't sleep because they slept all day.. I do try as they as productive as I can because it's the only thing that keeps my mind off it. Thanks girl <3

Posted using Partiko Android

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