Free Society - A summary of my learning over the past few weeks

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This past week or so was a massive learning curve for me… I am definitely still very far from an expert on the subject of Free Society, but I now have a much better understanding. I am however now a believer that a Free Society can be implemented, but not through a big bang approach, it will happen as a result of an evolution. This will be the last of the series of posts about a Free Society, I will revisit the subject in a few months, to see how I have progressed as a person and how my views changed on this subject. Thank you to all, who have up-voted my posts as well as the general discussions in the comments section. I have learnt a lot from you all. This specific post is much shorter than usual, but I would like to refer those that have not followed my last few posts to read the articles below:

Free Society - I think I might have taken the red pill.
Free society - How strong is the case?
Free Society and a free economy
Free Society -Enables Greater Equality vs Democracy
Free Society and the rule of law

A Summary of the argument for a free society


It is a proven fact that Freedom creates prosperity and free society will create prosperity for everyone in such a state. A free society will find and expose new talent, and definitely promote innovation as a result of the way everything is implemented.

To quote the book - The foundations of a Free Society

People in a free society do not become rich by exploiting others,
as the elites of less-free countries do. They cannot become rich by
making others poorer. They become rich only by providing others
with what they want and making other people’s lives better.

In order for a free society to work well, everything will be done on trust and corporation between individuals which is in contradiction with democracy, where we have massive corruption and coercion. Democracy is a top down management style, where a Free Society will be managed by each and every one as a result of the structures, rules and regulations implemented. The rules and regulation will be accepted voluntarily, not by force or power driven. The government in the free society have the consent of the people in the society, and most importantly, the government are governed by the same rules.

Implementing a Free economy

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Just like everybody will have free choices in everything they do in a Free Society, they will also be able to make their own economic choices. Everybody will add value to the economy by value exchange. I have spoken about the Free Economy in the post Free society and implementing a free economy . I used very specific examples of how this might work.

Greater Equality

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My post about greater equality was very well received, so I will not repeat everything. For those who have not read this post please do. Free Society enables greater equality vs democracy and surely dictatorship

Rules and a law system

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Justice will not be dictated by legislators as the rules will be dictated by the society. My view on this section can be read in my post Free Society and the rule of the law

A free society is a spontaneous society

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The free society will be built on the actions of the citizens which will by default follow the rules. It will not have to be forced down by powerful and corrupt governments as the citizens and the government in this case is their due to voluntarism. Although people will disagree on certain aspects, all that needs to be negotiated for a business transaction is the price :) It's all about tolerating other people's ideas and freedom of thought. Truth needs to be found through discussion and exchanging ideas.

The world of Freedom

Governments from around the world are struggling to hide away their actions from everybody. It will be very difficult to create this type of society where freedom does not exist, we are a few steps away from there. We can however put the building blocks in place, and from there evolution will need to do the rest. The whole population needs to be involved in the process of change.

A free society allows individuals or governments to interfere with others only to prevent actual harm being done. Limiting people’s freedom because we find their behaviour disagreeable or offensive removes any barrier against everyone’s freedom being curtailed by those who think themselves morally superior

The best quote that I have seen from Darwin … EVER … is the one below:

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One of the key things that I have learnt about a Free Society was highlighted by @kyriacos

Freedom = Voluntarism

Your comments would be appreciated.

Happy Steeming



the trick word is "spontaneous order" . When you start understanding this concept the religious inquiries will come forward as well :)

Change is good. Keep on steeming!💙

It will be very interesting to watch how you fare over the next few months. I imagine you'll start seeing the issue much more distinctly now, in every day life.

Already started man... :) Would love to chat more in future posts. If there is one book you would suggest I read... What will it be?

More chats are sure to come :) I think an important book to read would be The Market For Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehill.

It's considered a classic

Done, ordered :) Chat soon

I think it would be possible to simulate a virtual free society with the help of the blockchain. Let's call it Freecoin... or am I wrong?
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

Yes I think it is very possible and already happening here . Rules are introduced by the citizens of Steemit using human nature as a basis... Not the payout rules etc. stuff like No Plagiarism, etc. For me there are currently two types of people on Steemit. Those who want to give and those who want to take. Giving is to help people move up the ranks and reputation levels. Those who want to take, is enforcing rules to stop plagiarism by not having people move up the ranks and push other peoples reputation down. Both is good for the eco-system. We must just watch out for jealousy and greed in both cases.

At the local level, jury nullification might be a useful vehicle for keeping the government in check and embracing several of the "freedoms" we are currently forbidden from enjoying.

A free society will find and expose new talent, and definitely promote innovation as a result of the way everything is implemented.

I love when there is competition, as I believe it drives a better product or service. That's one of the reasons I so dislike ticketmaster. There is currently no real rival.

Without a rival company the monopoly will get complacent and deliver an average product instead of being pushed to create a great experience or product.

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