Free Society enables greater equality vs democracy and surely dictatorship

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I have realized my recent posts, are more and more about the subject of creating a Free Society. It will probably end up being a series of posts.

My personal take on the matter is that a free society is all about taking accountability and responsibility. The rest will sort itself out, but I have my doubts, about us, as a human race and our ability to adopt this kind of society. We are just too jealous and greedy.

However, as I read more, I have learned more. I want to encourage everybody to read about this subject. I am learning new things every day. Things that I either did not realize and other that I did not even understand. In some cases I had a misconception of the actual facts. I do however want to mention that I have definitely changed my opinion on specific aspects around Free Society, and that I can have more informed conversations about the subject. I am still very far from an expert, so I am only expressing my views in these articles.

Please read more in my recent posts:

Free Society - I think I might have taken the red pill.
Free society - How strong is the case?
Free Society and a free economy


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A good friend and business partner of mine, @robertm, made a very true comment about democracy and any other forms of government recently.

Democracy, wasn't a result of one person or a group of people that made a decision. Somebody did not wake up one morning and decided, let's start a democracy. Democracy is a result of many millennia's growth, history and experiences as a human race as a whole. This includes many experiences and many things that had to happen, for us to get to the point where it is an accepted way of governing countries. We evolved into using democracy as a way to govern countries.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not believe that democracies are always the best way to manage all countries, . Let me show you an example of which is in my mind the opposite of democracy.


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Another good friend travel into Africa for business on a regular basis, and meets very interesting people during his travels. He was at a local gathering in Kenya the other day, where he met a political journalist from the United Kingdom if I am not mistaken. He had a very interesting chat to the journalist. I will not mention the exact country, but the journalist just returned from a country ,where he had an interview with a dictator which governs the country.

I think most of us has a bad connotation to dictatorships. The specific journalists, had interview with many world leaders, and also had a very specific opinion of dictators when he walked into the interview. To his surprise he whole mind-set to Dictatorship was influenced during this interview, as the dictator explained the history of the country's tribes to him. The physically hate each other. If you are from the one tribe, it is not a bad thing to kill somebody from the other tribe, that is just the way that it is. He showed him proof of how through history, there have been thousands of murders where whole families were slaughtered between the true tribes.

According to the journalist, the dictator, is a peace loving person, who sets rules around, which both tribes are happy to follow… And guess what, it is working. No more family or tribe killings. For me this is an example of how dictatorship is required in specific cases. Their country evolved into a dictatorship, and everybody in the country is happy with the arrangement, because the dictator, is managing the country to add value not to himself, but to the whole nation and both tribes. A win-win scenario for all parties.

I am sure that there are examples of various other governments, where it evolved into the way of living in that specific country.

Free Society and greater equality

According to various books that I have read recently, the poor will be rewarded the most in Free Society led economy as the society will not try to enforce materialistic equality. It also realises and recognise that it is not possible to equalise income or even wealth for that matter. Free society means to recognise people at a moral equality level. Everybody is equal before the law (Rules) independent of race, gender, political opinion or any characteristic for that matter. Everybody is equal and you can trade the values of your talents, with the value of other people's talents. This is 100% in contradiction with the famous saying of All Animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

In Conclusion

I have just answered my own question about if a Free Society will work in specific country. The answer is that yes it is very possible to work, but it can only work when a Free Society government structure evolves in a specific country it will be accepted by all the participants, as it is part of evolution of the system, it was not forced onto anybody, as people tend to push back when something is forced onto them. Take the dictatorship example, people are living comfortably in their country as a result of having a real leader, which is not doing the job to line his pockets or be the dictator. He is doing the job to serve the community. The problem I see is that some people are greedy by nature. Just as Nelson Mandela, ruled South Africa into an open democracy without any fighting and corruption. The leaders that ruled after him, did not have the same arguments and sentiment about the country. The current leaders are openly corrupt, to the extent that it is so ridiculous, that people cannot believe it. The poorest of the poor are still supporting their new leader, as result not having the opportunity to get a different view. They are manipulated into believing that they are being led by good leadership.

Who is worse?

: a dictator who serves the community and ensure there are no more family slaughtering and day-to-day killings as a result of the differences between tribes


:a corrupt democratic leader who takes advantage of his own people, by ensuring they do not have the means to be educated or learn better, as he is not giving them the opportunity to grow. Just in case they should learn what is really happening and his party lose the power.

Just like each of us are a result of our history and experiences, a country is also a result of the history and experiences of the country. Good governments can only emerge through evolution as this will be acceptable by the masses.

Your comments would be appreciated.

Happy Steeming



Being greedy is good because it creates an incentive for you to create more value to others.

I love your comments @kyriacos , you have the weirdest outlook in life that I have seen, but the scary part is that it makes sense :)

i think the worse is a corrupt democratic leader who takes advantage of his own people.

Fully agree !

I didn't took the time to read your previous posts, so I may not know what you really mean by 'free society'. That being said, I think the word democracy is by itself a "populist" word. Most people don't really care about democracy everyday, but they care more about efficiency.

If we can achieve an efficient social organisation where people enjoy their life and work without democracy, I think most people will raise their hands. For example, a company (somehow a small state) is by itself not a democracy. The well being of employees depends on management and leadership. It makes me think of Singapour, the city state that is run like a company.

In other words, I hope one day in the public debate we will go beyond the "democracy vs dictatorship" paradigma, as obviously we all know that our western democracies are rigged and that bringing our vision of 'freedom' and way of like in the middle east has done nothing good there.

(Thanks for bringing that subject Jacor ;-) )

Thanks @jako , I hope that it is an evolutionary processes as it will probably then stick :) .

Your thinking is really coming together. As long as you keep thinking you'll eventually arrive at the truth. Only those who stop thinking are ever truly wrong. The rest of us are just pre-right.

Thanks @mattclarke , bear with me :) a lot to take in if you come from a conservative background :)

👍 great post @jacor

@jacor: Honestly there should be no Government anywhere on Earth. It doesn't matter what kind of a Government system you have there is one truth that will always prevail in any form of Government.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely!" - John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902)

Either leader can work for you - if you have the money to buy their graces.

That's the weird thing about the dictator dude. He lives in an ordinary life, not wanting the fame and fortunate. It takes a special type of person in order to do that.

Sorry Im upvoting beacuse you have been giving some thoughts about it but the concep of free society I just dont understand what's your point.

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