Facebook is starting to dangle in the hardware space - Will they take this over as well?

in #technology7 years ago

Facebook will go into a testing phase of their new hardware video chat device soon. As usual they are spot-on with their services, as it will surely be a part of IOT or the internet of Things.

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This will be the first hardware device that they are developing as a company. Sure they distribute the oculus Virtual Reality set, but they acquired that company.

You can read the full news article about what they are aiming for here

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If we think of IOT, which is one of the areas where big business are globally spending a a lot on research and development. As usual, central organisations, which sits on huge amounts of money, have the ability to do these kind of developments. They are using their position of authority to make more money and therefor control larger parts of our lives. I have written a post a while ago about how much Facebook actually knows of our daily lives and it is really scary if you think about it.

Don't get me wrong, I do not have a problem with people using my data and information, if they use it to bring value to my life.

Let me explain what I mean.

If I am on Facebook, and I change my profile status from *In a relationship to Engaged and I all of a sudden see more adverts for Wedding rings, or Wedding Suites etc. I believe that I get value from the system. In order to do this, the companies need to build a profile around our lives in order to provide us with value.

Another example is when I get in my vehicle, to drop of the kids at school in the morning, Google will automatically pick up that I am leaving to drop of the kids. Again this is value, as it also tells me to take a different road should there be an accident or some interference on the road, which I usually use. For me this is value, as it might save me time to do something that I would not be able to do as a result of being stuck in traffic for hours.

My problem is with the centralized entities that take advantage of the situation, to control more and more of our lives. I just love to apply the concept of decentralization in combination with distributed business models and believe that it will bring great value to each and every one of our lives in the future.

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I am busy with a series of "In Laymen's Terms Articles", where I hope to help the non-technical people to understand a bit more about the technical world. Please let me know what topic you would like explained and I will see if I can assist.

Some of my other in Laymen's Terms Post.

Some of these posts have been written more than 10 Months ago :)

What is quantum computing in laymen's terms
Artificial Intelligence in Laymen's terms
Blockchain and Digital Signatures - In Laymen's Terms
Trustless - What does it mean in laymen's terms?
Cyber Attacks explained in laymen's terms
Machine Learning - In laymen's terms
Internet of things and what it is in laymen's terms
Big data - What is it really about - In laymen’s terms

Happy Steeming!


This is the controversial device with an AI embeded on it. AI can able to communicate with other device using a there own language. Its main goal is to help user to decide what to do. Its concept is outstanding. However, its govern by a single and private organization a downside of centralized application.

Thanks for a great comment @exx007. I just love these technologies and agree with your statement :
"However, its govern by a single and private organization a downside of centralized application."

Facebook sux. Steemit is going to take over Facebook :D

Wow, very interesting post, I really share your opinion about the collection of personal information, but I think the big companies should be at least a little more transparent with what they collect and especially, what I am interrested in is what the use it for.

About the IOT, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but without the acceptance of IPv6, we will soon have a rather large problem with each device gaining a own IP-Adress.

Hey @mep500, Thank you for the great comment. I totally agree with you on the transparency. It is unbelievable how much data is actually kept. It is more a dossier of our lives than just keeping some data.

I am sure that there will be a solution to the IP address problem. I also believe that Blockchain technology and also smart contracting will play a massive role in IoT :)

Excellent article - and a good series which I shall read.

I am, too, in favor of decentralization.
Facebook - i hate them with a passion, substituting the a and the e, that's my view of these people. Whoever is using it, submits to their surveillance, control and potential prosecution of something they do... even if it is 'legal' today - it may not be so tomorrow.

This is also akin to volunteering information to alphabet soup agencies and government at all levels. Why would anyone would want to do that? Out of ignorance, false trust, indoctrination perhaps. But does everything in one's being, despite any brain washing, not revolt against that very notion?

Who's gonna pay me that I'm using it???
My info is not free , bat this what they want.

Look steemit... I get something back too.

There is something to learn from you. I will keep following you always. May God bless you amen on this platform.


I agree with @mep25, that more transparency would be great.

I agree that if value for you is added it is fairer.

"We get some of your data, you get some cashback, better advertising or better routes"

I understand it is a trade but I am not exactly sure if I like it. Since sometimes I find it shocking how much they seem to know about me and how quickly the advertising I recieve is adjusting.

Nice article ! No matter what facebook will bring new, Steemit is the best.

Thanks for the comment and chat on Steemit Chat @nicolaepavelean

I'm always curious as to how much some companies actually know. Thanks for providing insights into some of these technologies.

Very glad that I stumbled across this post. I will follow you because sometimes we all need certain things explained in "laymans terms" haha - ok, well, maybe not all of us.... but me anyway :)

Also - a great illustration depicting the difference between "centralized, decentralized" etc.

Great post! Keep them coming! :)

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