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RE: The crypto market and its barriers to entry - A regular girl´s experience

in #theeverydayproject7 years ago (edited)

Well, at least I am impressed with your braveness. Since you mentioned the word "A regular girl´s experience," I would say that none of my female friends did even try to use cryptocurrencies They all got overwhelmed by just hearing about it. When it comes to a digital wallet and some exchange experience as a beginner, I would recommend "Exodus" wallet. You can find as below
I feel like this is a good start for storing and exchanging some coins. It is limited a little bit but it is most user-friendly wallet I have ever used and it is very easy to backup when computer crashes. If you watch a few minutes of tutorial videos, you will figure out very fast. Also, tech support representatives are ultra friendly. After you gain some confidence, you may go for next challenge. Don't give up on cryptocurrency. It is fun and it is worth it. I am not a computer savvy but I learned a lot a little by little over time. I don't know where you live so I don't know where you can buy bitcoins and I don't know where you can buy even if I know where you live. Sorry about this part. I only know about the U.S. part of exchange experience. But I believe crytpocurrency experience can be fun once you get used to it. I promise ;). I also believe that over time, using cryptocurrency will be more and more user-friendly. Some developers are working on it. It will get better.


Well, at least I am impressed with your braveness. Since you mentioned the word "A regular girl´s experience," I would say that none of my female friends did even try to use cryptocurrencies.

Thank you! :) The knowledge provided on steemit is overwhelming, we all learn very quickly. When I started in July 2016 I didn´t even know what a blockchain was. That´s one of the huge advantages of steemit - you get smoothly in contact with the crypto world. To me that is a great plus, besides the writing and chatting and socializing.
Back to the story: thank you very much for the recommendation. So Exodus will be on my list of networks to try, too. A friendly support sounds very good and important to me. That´s actually what I missed most on the other platforms.

I also believe that over time, using cryptocurrency will be more and more user-friendly. Some developers are working on it. It will get better.

Yeah "some" are working on it :)) Well said.
Thanks for your great support it´s much appreciated!
Following you now :)

You're welcome. If you need help, just let me know. I'll do my best to help you out. Cheers!!

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