SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩"

in Healthy Steem4 months ago
Assalamoalaikum Ramadan Mubarak

Assalamoalaikum dear healthy steem community I hope everyone is good l,I'm good too by the grace of Allah .As it is the last week of season 16 challenge I'm very excited to take part in this amazing contest by sharing my entry.



What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

Aging is the process of becoming older.Aging is a time related process in which physical, psychological, physiological and emotional changes occurs in living bodies specially human with time.Aging is a biological process influenced by many factors such as genetic factors, diet ,stress and environmental factors.The medical process behind aging involves number of reasons, with the passages of time production of some hormones decreases in human body for example growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone that affect physiological processes and cause aging related changes.Too much exposure to radiations and toxins cause damage to DNA which triggers aging process.Medical studies has also shown evidences that changes in chromosomes during cell division leads to apoptosis( cell death) which cause tissues aging.

Aging actually start at mid of twenties.If I talk about number typically aging start at age of 25 and onward.After that age body slows down the production of collagen fiber and elasticity of skin decreases,and one can notice fine lines on skin and face But the signs of aging becomes more prominent after 35 or 40.

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older

Honestly speaking I'm not afraid of becoming old because aging is a natural process every living body has to pass through these changes.we can't stop aging but we can delay the process of aging by eating fresh food using collagen supplements, yoga, exercise and taking proper care of skin and body.

Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?

As I have mentioned above that we can't stop aging but we can delay the process of aging by taking care of body.There are some nutritional items that can prevent early aging.

Antioxidant rich food:
antioxidants help to fight against stress and we know that when person is stress free his body functions properly. foods that are rich in antioxidants like green leafy vegetables,spinach, berries, nuts & oranges can prevent aging.

Omega-3 fatty acid:
omega-3 fatty acid is very helpful for proper functionings of heart, skin and 3 fatty acid rich foods are fish, flaxseed & chia seeds.

collagan in our skins can prevent aging.our nails ,skin ,hairs are made up of proteins. protein rich foods boost collagen production in our body. Meat, eggs, milk and beans are very rich in protein.

Here I have covered all important nutritional items under three main headings that can prevent aging and improve the health of our body.

Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?


Exercise improves the well being of human life.Exercise play vital role in improving health and living a happy and prosperous life.Here are some exercises that can hep to look young even in older age:

  • yoga

  • tai chi : it is a China originated exercise include smooth flowing movements with deep breathing. It removes stress and relax our body.

  • Facial exercise

I'll invite my friends:

I hope everyone like it
 4 months ago 

Upvoted and good luck in the contest.

 4 months ago 

Thank u for supporting

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your analysis is really excellent. You have really explained very well about aging and the actions of hormones that occur during aging in relation to the changes in the environment and the metabolic actions of the body. Our bodies tend to become weaker as we age. But I think the best treatment for it is to eat healthy food full of nutrients.

Hormones like estrogen and testosterone consider the growth of our bodies in accordance with the environment. I really appreciate your quality comments. Best wishes my friend💐❤

 4 months ago 

Thank u so much dear for reading my article and this valuable comment

My plessure ❤💐

Thanks for sharing! It's true that aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, influenced by various factors such as genetics, diet, stress, and the environment as you mentioned, we cannot stop the aging process but we can delay it by incorporating excellent nutritional items. However, I'm curious to know what you do.

 4 months ago 

Aging is a process of getting older with the passage of time agree with your statement as well as I can understand that you are not feeling afraid of becoming older because it is inevitable and everyone have to past through this stage that's why it's okay to get older according to you and you have discussed some of the nutritional foods for aging delay.

Wish you much success.

 4 months ago 

Thank u

 4 months ago 

You have a good content here. Reading through your post have realized that you're not afraid of getting old, not like me that I'm already shivering. I know you are ready to embrace the upcoming stage and with the exercises you've highlighted, you'll maintain a youthful appearance even when in your aging stage. I wish you best of luck and as well win.

 4 months ago 

Wa Alaikum Assalam! Ramadan Mubarak to you too! It's wonderful to see your enthusiasm for the Season 16 challenge and your dedication to sharing valuable insights. Your explanation of the medical process behind aging is thorough and insightful. It's great that you're not afraid of aging and are focused on taking proactive steps to delay its effects through nutrition and exercise. Your suggestions for nutritional items and exercises are practical and beneficial. Keep up the fantastic work..

 4 months ago 

Thank u so much comments like these will help me to consistent and hardworking

 4 months ago 

First of all congrats to you for sharing a very good post with us and very well written how to prevent aging first of all let me tell you that No one can stop what Allah Almighty has ordained in our fate to be the way it is, but yes, we can spend old age in a good way, just like a bad person can make himself young. By using or injecting himself, an old man can become young, but he will have the infirmities of old age. Hope so many people's understand this. Best of luck dear. 😍

 4 months ago 

Yes exactly u are right thank u for reading my article....hope to see your article soon

 4 months ago 

Saludos amiga, no podemos detener el tiempo, a medida que va pasando el tiempo nos va preparando para recibirlo y dar la bienvenida, mantener los cuidados que amerita para gozar de una vejez saludable, es un privilegio que tenemos algunas personas de poder llegar a una edad avanzada, llena de experiencias para ser compartida con nuestro generaciones, algo les debe quedar de nuestros ejemplos. Suerte en el concurso, bendiciones

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