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in #quoteoftheday7 years ago

It can't be helped that once in a while, wherever we worked, there will be hierarchies in place. Although some are deserving, having the desired skills and knowledge, others are 'not-so-deserving'. For whatever reasons, they have higher posts.

Problems occur when there are differences or perhaps clashes in personalities, managements or can be in leadership. Have anyone noticed that when a higher personnel developed a grudged against you, minor things can escalate that can even reach the higher - up and there's a time bomb in your hands?

Management of these sitiations can be stressful and can really get out of hand. A cheering up or encouragement will do. 


Yes, I've noticed, and it is horrible when it happens! :(



How did you manage it @creatr??

In the worst situation that I recall, the new manager who didn't like me ultimately let me go...

It all turned out for the best, as my next gig was far better. ;) :) :D

I am enjoying my job to leave as it's not always greener on the other side i think. If my peace of mind results from this, maybe it's time to leave. I know for a fact that i will be miserable though.

I wish you the best, my friend!

thank you :)

I've had this happen before, one thing simmers for a long time and then it's held against you later. It can really suck :(

How did it end??

This is where a tall beverage of your choice comes in handy....every place you work this can happen -)

I get nauseated before i can finish one of that tall beverages lolsss

Well....i didn't say what beverage .....either that or stress ball ....:-)

I prefer a massage or go to a spa ;)

You would forget what planet you were on ... :-)

that's the plan ;)

now that would make a blog :-)

Mobile phone not allowed ;)

And than someone of you two has to step up and say..." now let's stop with this nonsense and clear things up" :)

do you know what? this person doesn't want confrontation. i tried before and she accused me of rascism, this from a white brit.requesting a meeting a couple of times have produced no results. it can be solved locally i believe that as i refused to go via HR route.

:D yeah, I got it. Little bit different as what I had in mind

What was that? I want it resolved as she shouts at me now in public at work. Does this warrant HR intervention??

do you have a proof? do you record it with your phone while having it in your pocket? does any of your friend records that from a distance?

last year there was a witness plus a family of a patient.the last time there was none. but i have all my statements sent to previous have been happening for years.

for years? wow, you got nerves of steal

Most times it's long as there's no clashes with patient safety and my registration number. Her decisions aren't safe and she imposes her unsafe practices. She doesn't want being questioned. That's not something I wasn't willing to do hence hence the war.

Yes, and unfortunately it is a common occurrence. I have a friend who is going through a similar scenario in her workplace, and we are trying to work out a solution. The other person is relentless, almost to the point of bullying. There will be a solution, just haven't found it yet.

Since last year, i have asked our manager for the 3 of us to have a meeting. So far this haven't happened. I have a suspicion that this person doesn't want to be confronted of her actuations. I keep saying, if there is a problem with me then tell it to my face, unless it's all fabrications with her stories that she keeps bringing to our manager. And it doesn't help that being chummy-chummy together feels like it's one-sided.

Sounds very similar to what my friend is going through. The other person has bullied others before her. She is known to have done this, yet management, and even her union (teachers) wont help. I feel your angst. I really do. I feel frustrated for her, and for you, because these situations are not right, or fair.

She have bullied and harrassed others too, some staff just left as they no longer want to work for her.Most of them didnt report it and just talked among themselves.

Seems this is universal, in this world of ours. People leave, or fear confrontation. Move on to some place else. I understand why, but unfortunately the bully gets away with it. Why don't the Gods of Karma act quicker than this?

Maybe i bullied her in my previous life!! I work part-time just so i can keep my sanity and still have the job i love. Other part-time job before bored me to death so i left ;)

No matter what you do, they will consider it as wrong and blame you for everything..🤗😂

i kept my letters incase it will go to HR. i couldn't wait for her to go for her 6 months unpaid leave.

looking forward also to her sana more than 6mos unpaid leave.😂

Some staff are hoping she wont come back ;)

hahaha..also hoping for that to happen..🤗

I think she will..but when she does, better be prepared. She can do anything, say anything and some higher-up believe her and she knows it.

Yes. Especially if you're the new kid on the block. You're always wrong and they're always right. Sad reality but we just have to keep on fighting. By the way, I hope to get connected with the Filipino communities so I follow most of our kababayan. Please checkout my introductory post
on this link. I will follow everyone who leaves a comment on my posts. See you around!

Hello kababayan! Great post! Working environment could be tough ; a lot of different personalities to deal with. By the way, I hope to get connected with the Filipino communities so I follow most of our kababayan. Please checkout my introductory post
on this link. I will follow everyone who leaves a comment on my posts. See you around!

oh hello! give me time to check ur post.engage and give quality comments ang technique.u wont have a problem.check teamphilippines,pinoy and stuff.

thank you for your advice :)

anytime..give me time to read your posts ok?i am out at the moment.

Sure thing. No need to rush. :)

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