Stories From DIOZONE:The Melchizedeck -- "Sage Soul-O-Ntrostrigodro"

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

1: "Logline, Synopsis & Prologue"


Sage Soul-O hurled a glance across the balcony of his towering cupola...
What he saw was a young woman, beautifully clad in a warrior’s tunic, helmed and airborne on a magnificent white stag with a mythical pair of wings like a Pegasus, horned like a Unicorn... His eagle-poised eyes followed
her graceful, gliding motion with reverence. If anyone were observing him, one could tell he was in love.

DIOZONE: The Melchizedeck


THE YOUNG MAN flicked his eyes open. Weakly. He was lying on a floating bed of orange-gold cloud, of which he was barely awareof in his dreamy state of drowsiness. The floating cloud-bed also enfolded him like a soothing blanket of healing essence. The serenity of the silence that stroked his senses was sensationally striking.

Am I dreaming? he thought. If so, I don’t want to wake up, he rejoined with a tranquil feeling that wanted this moment to last forever...

The room was crystally hazy, as though made of some sorts of energy source: a somewhat combination of both misty and icy elements. Through the pearl-screened window, he could see some fairy-like edifices across the fabulous distances that highly discouraged verbal descriptions.

His mind-staggering attention was momentarily distracted as he faintly overheard two set of voices discussing. He turned sluggishly and recognized the robed figure of Sage Soul-O and the angelic substantiated form of X-Sin standing by the open door.

I’m still dreaming, he silently mused.

The discussion was brief. He could not hear much of what they were saying. But he was able to capture Sage Soul-O’s parting words to X-Sin: “Godspeed, X-Sin.” To which X-Sin returned, “Blessings be,” greeting the sage in the ancient gesture of the Diozonian culture, which constituted of him swimming his arms into an X-sign with the palm straight as blade, then coming into contact at the backs, switching positions as the palms made frontal contacts and clasping to be capped by his gently nod to the sage. The sage acknowledged it with a corresponding nod.

At the wake of X-Sin’s departure, the sage stepped inside the misty, pearly room, smiling down tranquilly at the young man with an aura of goodwill.

“Greetings,” Sage Soul-O simply said.

“H-hi!” whispered the young man, his weak eyes drooping after the solidly built sage wrapped reverently within his purple-blue robe, with the robe’s huge hood dropping down his back.

“How are you feeling?”

“It’s hard to say -- like I’m weak, but I’m not feeling weak.”

The sage grinned knowingly. It was the soothing therapy-effect of the strange cloud-bed. The sage knew. But he said nothing. He placed his left palm on the young man’s forehead, like a doctor, manually checking his temperature, then smiled and said, “Well, I have to leave you now. Rest. We have a lot to talk about when you are fully recovered.”

“Like hell we do,” retorted the young man. “For example, am I dreaming?”

“Dreamworld? Mayhaps.” The sage turned toward the door, leaving. “Dreaming? Not a chance.”

“Then where the hell am I?”

The sage stopped and swung round to face the young man, a smirk striking his countenance. “You are in a Shock-Recovering Cubicle. Rest now.” He turned back and was by the door.

“Am I dead?”

The sage stopped without turning back. “No!”

“Thank God!”

“You’re welcome.”

The sage was gone.

“And what is this place?” the young man raised his voice with effort at the sage’s exit.

The sage’s thought intoned telepathically from inside his head: Welcome to Diozone!

(Source: Google Images)

LEGEND HAS IT -- but Star-Walkers know this to be true -- that a certain planetary civilization once became so powerful that its Dark Side started drowning out its Divine Side, until such a time when the Divine Side was threateningly pushed to the wall of global extinction. The only option left was for the Divine Side to flee its own planet, Trelon, and seek solace elsewhere across the galaxies.

Though very primitive then, Earth became a second home-planet for these ostracized, peace-loving Trelonians.

With the prototypes of their civilization encapsulated within their collective consciousness, they built the most magnificent city-isles on Earth, formally named City-Isles of Diometheus -- now Diozone .

Diozone was a supra-physical range of City-Isles fashioned out of the luminous fabrics of lights, wave-lengths, dreams and imagination; molded into energy blocks and slabs of pure thought-forms; located nowhere particularly on matter, nor space, but existing as a state of energy field somewhere on Earth; perceived only as a vision, dream, or mirage, by any human fortunate enough to see its splendor!

However, the chances of spotting these fabulous City-Isles were extremely slim, thereby giving birth to Diozone’s existence being viewed as a myth, made reference to only in folklores and mythical tales, seen through the eyes of the different cultures and civilizations of the world, and subsequently relegated to the background of scientific research as figments of travellers’ imaginations.

Diozone, therefore, was a dream-like but real ranges of City-Isles region on Earth, with a Trelon-based technology engineered by the renowned legendary architectural super-genius Diometheus -- and constructed by a highly advanced intelligent race -- from Trelon, after being forcibly ejected by their fellow planetarians who were psychically influenced by the ruthless destructive force of the Dark Lord Shallan-Tra-Laya!

The Dark Lord Shallan, presently referred to as the KnightMAYA amongst other names across the endless Ocean of Time and Space, was the third most wanted criminal of the Cosmic Realms. The first two being the notorious, once glorious, Dark Lord Lucifer and the enchanting but sinister Queen of Illusion: MAYA.

Shallan was a Time Lord, a Dream Killer, and a Planet Eater. As a Time Lord, created even before Time was born, he had lived for eons of near-eternity, manipulating his cunning ways through the Corridors of Time with a single purpose aptly set in mind: to usurp the Kingdoms of Heaven!

As a Dream Killer, he could easily destroy anyone that dared him through the person’s dream state. But to do that, the victim would have to have a kind of emotional affinity, or at least connected one way or another to Shallan’s consciousness; otherwise the victim may never be harmed. This principle was based on the Old Magic Law that “No sorcery can ever harm you unless you allow it.” In other words, what you are not aware of, or deny within your consciousness, may not necessary harm you.

As a Planet Eater, a couple of planets and other heavenly bodies had paid the horrible price of his cosmic meals, each planet-meal adding more energy to his growing evilness, making him yet stronger in his dark arts.

Over myriad millennia, Shallan had been striving to colonize and feed on Earth, in cosmic terms, for the single reason that Earth had an almost unlimited essence of energy-source -- enough to catalyze his dark quest of taking over the Kingdoms of Heaven!

He could have achieved that: only if he could have Earth, but as long as Diozone was on Earth, not as in space, but as in energy field, Earth could not be easily eaten. The closest Shallan had ever come to feasting on the blue orb of gargantuan energy were physically manifested in the destruction of Lemuria, Atlantis, the Mayans and the World Wars.

The presence of Diozone on Earth was like a Kryptonite to Shallan’s galactic quest, charming off every plan he had ever hatched to have Earth. To destroy Earth would be to first destroy Diozone. And the secrecy of the pearly City-Isles has been heavily guarded for a 100,000 years!

(Source: Google Images)

Sage Soul-O hurled a glance across the balcony of his towering residence, sandwiched in-between the multi-domed, fairy-like pearly castle-clusters of a city-isle. He was standing still, eyes shot contemplatively, while his right fingers were counting his praying beads, when a very familiar flight-sound caught his attention. What he saw was a young woman, beautifully clad in a warrior’s tunic, helmed and airborne on a magnificent white stag with a mythical pair of wings like a Pegasus, horned like a Unicorn.

She waved at him en passing. He waved back, flashing at her a worshiping smile: a worshiping smile so obvious that if Sage Soul-O ever had an idol, Vzolla Splendor would be such a one. For that was her name: otherwise known as Captain Splendor. That name did not just jump out of the blues. There was an aura of magnificence attached to it. To Sage Soul-O, Vzolla was a perfect sample of pure feminine rarity. Dignity. And grace.

Her stag’s name was Splendio (named after an ancient legendary member of the Rock Riders ). His eagle-poised eyes followed her graceful, gliding motion with reverence. If anyone were observing him, one could tell he was in love; had been for a long, long time. But his priestly position as a monk, plus his pious and principled dedication to his profession as the Observatory Chief Guard of Diozone was making it almost impossible for him to get emotionally involved with her. So, he was deeply, but secretly in love with her. It was such a near-unbearable burden to him. But he would never let her know...

She was the chief security guard of the Inner Region of Diozone, embarking on her regular scouting checks of the Inner Region.

As Splendor and Splendio disappeared into the fabulous, mountainous distance, Sage Soul-O closed his eyes back into his meditative mood, finger-counting his pearly beads.

The colossal City-Isles were an awesome sight. Nine crystal-like structures stood fortressed on the rugged, towering, mountain ranges of the Himalayas. While the rest seven -- and one uncompleted City-Isle -- floated within some near-invisible force field of air bubbles configured to the strength of diamond molecule. The air-bubble force field, though fragile-looking, was very solid-elastically deflation-proof!

This amazing technology of suspending City-Isles in space was one of the fabulous wonders of the civilization of Diozone. The knowledge behind this technology was known only to few Architects of Electromagnetic Fields in the whole of Diozone. The principle was named the Diamond Molecule Air Bubble, or popularly shortened to the Diamond Bubble, a highly sophisticated technology introduced by the Supreme Splendio Vollov, the Chief Councilor of the entirety of Diozone, who learned the technology from Overlord Melchizedeck himself, a very long, long, timeless time ago.

Traveling citizens or permitted visitors often shuttled from one City-Isle to another aboard some transporter cloud-particles configured electronically to the bond of the molecules of diamond. Some took to floating lodestones teleguided entirely through the skillfully use of electromagnetic energy, while others opted for the diamond-molecule-configured air bubbles.

Inter- and Intra-City Guards regularly patrolled the cities, intra-cities and the inter-locking Tubeway terrains of the Zone, while the Frontier Guards took care of the security system of the Frontier Barrier. The Guards were all well-organized as they patrolled the cities, terrains and the Frontiers via some out-of-this-world air-borne mechanisms, or soaring animals, or their own abilities to fly, or make use of some other energy-source of motion-power.

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(Source: Google Images)

Phenomenon was one such entity that made effective use of energy-source of motion-power. He was a Frontier Guard / Technician so named due to his uncanny abilities of transmuting from one energy-form to another at will: each phenomenal transmutation giving birth to yet another of his other forms of identities. Identities such as Aurora Borealis, Rainbow, Chameleon, Ray-Storm, Spectrum, and Tiny Titan 3 (or “Triple T”, as she was popularly known by her team members and those who knew him / her well, whenever he switched into that identity of the feminine warrior.)

The secrecy and re-locational safety of the City-Isles were under the jurisdiction of Phenomenon. His singular range of powers and his team of workers had kept the City-Isle safe from detection and harm from the physical and unpermitted worlds: unpermitted worlds like Trelon. His unit, the Department of Trans-location and Concealment, was responsible for trans-locating the City-Isles from one energy field of existence to another, from extremely isolated regions to other regions, as well as concealing them from the visible views of the physical and unpermitted worlds.

Such cloaking technology required great skills in the knowledge of the handling of Electromagnetic Energy. For they were what kept the City-Isles from being recognized for what they were, even from those who could see. Plus, Diozone was equipped with a Trelon-Tech stealthy tendencies to confuse -- by creating optical illusions to -- a wandering observer’s eyes should in case he happened to perceive Diozone at all, either by commission, or by omission; causing his perception of Diozone to be clouded and confused by the very presence of the fabulous scenario (that is, if he got a shot at seeing), enchanting him to see the City-Isles as a mirage: or a figment of his own imagination.

Over the years, Diozone’s location had been randomly Trans-Relocated from one extreme location to another, as necessity demanded. As a result, extra-ordinary cases of fabulous City sightings had been reported, but were never proven. For example, a group of mountaineers once spotted what they had thought was a range of pearly cities on the tops of Mount Kilimanjaro. To make matters even more bizarre, they had also wondered if they were seeing some faded, floating cities amid the other City-Isles? Some among them had concluded that they were seeing things, probably under the influence of sheer exhaustion. Others had decided to confirm their curiosity, only to discover there were no such cities on closer observation.


Then, there was a case of two pilots, three months later, who had lost their bearings somewhere in the North Pole and had stumbled upon some city-ranges from the sky, that fitted the same descriptions as those seen by the mountaineers. But when they had landed on the spot they supposedly saw the city-ranges, there was nothing to be seen!


Not to mention other distant sightings of some crystal castles in the Sahara, Hindu-Kush Mountains, Gobi Desert, and so on, which evidentially were not there when the sight-ers had gotten closer to confirm the Crystals’ solidity.


(Source: Google Images)

Such was one of the mysteries of Diozone, the capital city of which was named Diopolis -- the dwelling place (or more correctly, the dwelling state) of Sage Soul-O.

Sage Soul-O was a bald-headed monk standing a little over six feet. Clad in a purple-blue robe, its hood drooping down his back, he wore on his countenance a youthful look that made him appear much younger than his true age.

Though his name originally was Ntrostrigodro, the coinage of his nick-name attachment, Sol-O into Soul-O, was D.R.’s idea. Sol-O was a prefix which the sage himself attached to his native name, Ntrostrigodro. Whereas Sol-O meant Sun’s (Sol) Energy (O), Soul-O meant Soul’s Energy: either way, it was believed that he abundantly made good use of both solar and soul energy to teleport. But the real secret of his disappearing acts were best known to him. While Ntrostrigodro was the Trelonian phrase that meant The Speed of Awareness. In all, Soul-O-Ntrostrigodro could be said to mean Soul’s Energy -- the Speed of Awareness!

Lost in his Zen thing, still counting the beads, a mystic, misty, tiny whirlpool of sensation started stirring somewhere inside his thought, held still. The tingling sensation began to swirl centrifugally, becoming larger and larger in diameter, until it twisted into a vortex of disjointed imageries of activities swirling inside his mind. Then, the imageries started adjusting, becoming orderly, transforming into a pattern of meaningful visions and voices -- known to Mystics and Soul Trekkers as Sight and Sound.

At the Observatory, through his Mind’s Eye, he could see Lord Gordini and D.R. going over the relay of the earlier rescue scene, set in slow motion on the enlarged screen, their faces poised with fascination as though seeing the action for the first time themselves. His Soul-powered vision caught the part where X-Sin had occupied the young man’s body, which resultantly turned and dodged the first bullet, with D.R. humorously edging in with “That’s what I’m talking about!”

Simultaneously, the sage’s extra-sensitive perceptive awareness picked up another pattern of activity from some faint, distant tingling taps in-between his eye-brows: some Mystic must be trying to impress some clairvoyant message on my Mind’s Eye, he thought.

(Source: Google Images)

Then, the meaning of the silent taps started becoming clear like a parting fog revealing a lost isle at the wake of its dispersing. It was a telepathic telegram from the Office of the Supreme Splendios, the Ruling Council of Diozone, summoning him to appear at X-Sin’s briefing to the Council.

Now? the sage beamed back.

Yes, your Reverendship, impressed the telegrammer’s thought.

“Very well.”

Simultaneously, the sage’s thought was hovering over the rescued young man presently sleeping, who suddenly opened his eyes, starring straight at the direction from which Sage Soul-O’s thought-form was observing from. Their eyes met and the scene quickly faded away under the sage’s slightly startled reaction.

“A psychic kid, huh?” remarked the sage soliloquizingly.

What? inquired the Telegrammer mentally.

N-no, not you, Secretary Oburu, returned the sage likewise. I was referring to... never mind. “I’ll be right over in a blink,” he finished verbally.
OK, your Reverendship.
With his eyes still shut, the sage wrapped the beads round his wrist, tapped firmly in-between his brows with the second finger of his right hand, puffed in a burst and dissipated out of sight.

(Expect more...)


Copyright O'rie Igwe 2018. All rights reserved.


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Hey, @igwentertainment I am still reading this series, when I complete my reading I will comment again on who my favorite character is thus far, please keep writing I love it. I curated you here:

Hey, @rensoul17, I just posted the 3rd series of the Diozone Series. So sorry, I've been so busy off-grid doing stuff that I've not been paying much attention to Steemit activities. But it's all good. Here's the link:

Hope it meets your expectation.


Thanks I am checking it out. You know you Rock. Much success with all you are doing and I will be in touch. Also I have been on your blog I am seriously impressed. Not looking at the upvotes but at your skills, I want to team up with you on some projects and together we can create our own success on the platform. Ask me how?



Oh it is indeed time for us to have a conversation. You can reach me in discord. Please direct message me here. You have been invited to visit Tribe Global Love - You can reach me here -

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