SIZ Contest | "How Technology has made Impacts on Your Life" | Entry by @hidayat96

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

Good evening respected members of the Steem Infinity Zone community. Meet me again @hidayat96 and on this occasion I am here to take part in a contest organized by @siz-official with the theme:"How Technology has made Impacts on Your Life".

Before continuing with the discussion of my post, I would like to thank @siz-official for making a very interesting contest theme for me to discuss. In this contest I also invite my 3 best friends, namely @lingkar-photo @maulidar and @sayaalan so they can take the opportunity to take part in the contest in the Steem Infinity Zone community.

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All right, dear SIZ friends, below I will discuss "How Technology Impacts Your Life". Please friends, see my explanation below.

1. How Does Technology Impact Your Life?

With the development of technology in the digital era as I feel it is growing faster from day to day, month to month, to year after year. Indirectly, the use of this technology is increasing sharply. Technology is a means or system that serves to provide comfort and convenience for every human being. Therefore, in my opinion, technology is very important in today's era, especially with digital technology that is growing rapidly every day.

What is Technology and Examples?

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In my opinion, Technology is a facility and infrastructure that provides an item or component needed for the survival and comfort of human life. Usually the use of technology by humans begins with a change in natural resources into various kinds of tools. Along with its development, technology has expanded its meaning to become an intangible object such as software, learning methods, business methods, and others.

The internet network also helps me and everyone, it seems that in every aspect the internet has had an impact and its impact is felt for all of us. Even the internet has become a basic need of every individual today. Even though in the past when the internet didn't exist, we could still live, but just imagining a day without the internet feels like something is missing and it's hard for me to describe. Because the internet has become one of the pillars of life. Sometimes we also forget that the internet is only a tool, not a place. Often we forget the time in using the internet, like a double-edged knife the internet has become a frightening specter. With the development of internet technology that is increasingly sophisticated today, we must be wise in using it. Remember, it's not a place we should live in, because it's just a tool.

Examples of real technology in my opinion in this era are very many, ranging from technology that we often use such as computers, laptops, cellphones, machines, cars, and so on. With the development of increasingly advanced technology, of course, more technologies will emerge such as flying cars, Autonomous Cars or self-driving cars, to teleportation devices.

2. Tell us Which technology has changed your life?

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Talking about food supplies, it will definitely be concerned with the benefits of technology in agriculture which plays an important role in producing high agricultural productivity and can meet all the needs of all levels of society. In our lives so far, I think food products are a basic need that must always be met, because food is one of the supporting factors for everyone to survive.

I choose Technology in Agriculture.

If we discuss the definition of technology in agriculture, it cannot be separated from the origin of the word itself, namely Technology and Agriculture. As we all know, technology is actually created by humans to help and ease the work of every human who uses it. Because technology is the application and development of a machine tool science. Where these tools are made and designed in such a way that they can help humans in managing or solving existing life problems.

Meanwhile, I describe agriculture as a human endeavor to produce food, livestock, or land products that utilize natural resources, both from plants and animals that are already available. If I look at the two translations of these terms, agricultural technology is the application of applied sciences and techniques in all agricultural activities. So what are the benefits of technology in agriculture?

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Basically, with the availability of more sophisticated and modern technology, all agricultural activities will be much more developed and also more advanced. The resulting productivity will also increase, resulting in various large profits. Friends must be curious, how can technology used in agriculture have a very good impact?

3. What benefits do you get by using the technology?

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By utilizing a technology, I can be sure that the level of productivity produced will be much higher when compared to traditional agriculture. It is also very much related to time and also results.

With the benefits of technology in agriculture, the process of planting crops in large areas will be completed in a short time. The treatment pattern applied is also effective and efficient. Of course, such treatment will provide abundant harvests. With the application of agricultural technology, in addition to abundant harvests, the products produced also have very good quality. In my opinion, current agricultural technology can reduce the use of water, fertilizers, and even pesticides.

Agricultural crops that use too much water, fertilizers, and pesticides will result in a decrease in the quality of the products produced. With the benefits of technology in agriculture, the possibility of this happening can be avoided easily. But not only that, good quality agricultural products will provide high selling power as well. And the profits will be even greater, the welfare of the farmers will be guaranteed.

We also don't necessarily just look at the advantages in utilizing existing agricultural technology. But we also have to be wise by using appropriate technology. In other words, the technology we use must not damage the ecosystem or the surrounding environment causing losses. For example, the technology applied does not produce waste that can pollute the environment.

In my opinion, the benefits of technology in agriculture are very large that we can feel together. We also have to pay attention to choosing environmentally friendly technology, so that our agricultural activities can continue and be sustainable.


Okay friends, maybe this is all I can say on this occasion. Hopefully my post will be useful for all of us and for those who read it. Wait for my presence in the next post.


Special my regards to : 🙏

About me


 3 years ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest and trusting in SIZ Community. We are giving you 40% upvote from our official community account @siz-official.

You can delegate your SP to @siz-official and take benefit of our Delegation Rewards Offer of receiving up to 200% Curation Rewards

You can check our Steem Investment Plan and Receive 5% Profit Monthly

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much dear friend for take part in this contest. Best of luck bro for this contest my best wishes for you.

Regards, Faran Nabeel

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