Two Examples of How Steemit Leads to Greater Knowledge and Collaboration

in #learning7 years ago

I have been blown away lately by the creativity and collaboration on Steemit… Here are two examples.

Steemit & The Spread of Knowledge via Books

I’m not alone in being a big fan of @kevinwong and his blog posts here on Steem. Recently I purchased two books that he had recommended over the months: Working Out Loud (by John Stepper) and “The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age,” by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg.

Both books have blown my mind. In particular, The Sovereign Individual is a mind-expanding book, all about how the internet is leading us into “the information age,” taking power away from nation-states and empowering individuals to live free of the tyranny of location and law.

The wisdom began to spread when I saw Kevin's post and bought the book. Then, after my own post about the book, I was delighted to see that @happymoneyman continued the chain of events - he bought it too!

This is a perfect example of how Steem spreads knowledge. The incentivized network keeps conversation at the maximum level of quality - and then, rather than shitpost about memes, we end up creating new wisdom within ourselves.

In the very same thread, I picked up yet another book on the recommendation of @aldentan

and the wheel keeps on spinning.

Steemit & the Creation of Music

One more example… I’ve been a fan of @oliverwaterman and his classical guitar music posts. He’s done a bunch of Bach pieces now and I’m excited to see him branch out into some other composers in the future.

I wrote a song after being inspired by Oliver’s videos, recording & posting it for Open Mic 51:

It was a fun song, I didn’t think too much about it after posting it. Until… this popped up in my news feed!

Fellow Steemian @buckydurddle downloaded the sheet music for my song, recorded it on two violins, and posted it as a new splitscreen video! Amazing!!

Bucky’s interpretation

This is the definition of increased collaboration. I “open-sourced” my song by including the sheet music files (as Guitar Pro compatible files and PDFs) and then Bucky “forked” the song by creating his own version. He made a few modifications, adjusting the notes in one part to fit the violin’s range… and there it is.

Isn’t that crazy? It blows my mind. Steemit is responsible for artworks that otherwise would not exist. We live in a brave new world, my friends.

Long live the blockchain, and long live Steemit!

Do you have any stories of how Steemit has increased your knowledge and/or creativity?


Your song softforked!

Update: After I wrote that first line, I decided it would be fun to do a "hardfork". So I remixed your song!

I call it 'painting with fins and beetles'

Thanks for the inspiration.

Lol i just realized I changed your title from "relaxing" to "waiting". Sorry about that @heymattsokol !

Cool man! Nice remix, that's awesome, lots of bitcrusher up in there. The chain of creativity continues :-D

Nations are getting more powerful no doubt.
Individuals are getting more powerful too.
The evidence is all around us...the average middle class has a higher standard of living that kings did a few hundred years ago.
What's not widely known is that individuals are getting more powerful at a faster RATE than governments are.
The blockchain is an example.

Collaboration and creativity here is magnitudes stronger than other social media sites... it's amazing how quickly people can have resonating ideas. I'm sure this will only get stronger as it matures and as communities develop!

Seeing this post might put some fire under me to get back into STEEMTOWN. Take a look -

Thanks @heymattsokol :)

Oh man, this is a great idea! I can see how it might be a lot of work to keep up with... but if you have the time to start it back up, I will definitely contribute some ideas for the digital town :-)

Open-sourcing content and growing IP together! This is, imho, one of the biggest potentials of the blockchain-backed social-media economy: growing a body of talent/knowledge/content without internally competing factors.

That's the beauty, it seems that collaboration is incentivized rather than competition... even just in this thread, another user @maneki-neko "hard-forked" my composition into yet another remix. so rad!

Thanks for the book mentions... will check them out! Great post!

You are welcome @cyncarlton thanks for reading :-)

You guys should tune up your instruments more often ! :D

collaboration is a awesome way to utilize social networking - connections on a deeper level - rock on

No doubt about it, steemit is great, but so where alot of social media and video by demand sites when they began. Just wait till the twitch cancer kids and 4chan retards get here. lol :P

That is a very negative view... I disagree entirely. I think Steemit will still be awesome as it gets bigger.

Just trying to be funny, chill.

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